Made cornmeal patties on heated rocks!
Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 4:25 pm
We're almost finished with unit 4 and I have to admit that I'm learning a lot too. I struggled with which program to use (juggling between Bigger) and I'm glad I decided on Preparing...although my 9 yr old is a struggling reader. And the extensions have been great for my 11 yr.old. I will say that I haven't quite got a definite daily routine established yet but each week is getting easier. The only problem I'm having is keeping the boys on task so we don't end up doing school well into the afternoon. My goal is to start at 7:30 and finish by 12:30. Today we ventured out into the woods behind our house and made cornmeal patties on heated rocks from a small fire we built...we tried to simulate something like what Jabeth's mom prepared for her family! I've got some good pictures but the file is too big...don't know how to change it:(