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Can this work? HOD - MOH - WTMish, jumping ship on MFW....

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 10:11 pm
by Tabitha
I just posted this on the WTM boards since I didn't have access to this boards, so it's a x post if you are on the WTM forums....

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Who has used all of these and can mull some things over with me?

Here's my deal. I jumped over to MFW about 2 years ago after dd#3 was born. We were following the WTM, but I needed that tm MFW offered. I do all the homeschooling, and needed that break from juggling a new babe and doing all the lesson plans. And, I wanted more Biblical studies for everything.

We're now into MFW ECC with gr. 3. I'm only doing 1/2 the geography since it's too many worksheets to fit in. I feel like I'm only using it for the tm. Not sure how much dd is retaining. I do not like the CtG book picks, and would only be using them for history (well, following their list of studies but using a different spine).

So, I bought MOH (Mystery of History) to look over...and have ordered LCC (Memoria Press's Latin Centered Curriculum) just to read it for myself....

Then I found out about HOD. With an upcoming 4th grader, 1st grader and soon to be 3 seems like HOD would help me get it all in.

I know you can sub. from those who have used HOD, I need to know if all this would work together. Here is what I have, was planning:

Perhaps buying Preparing from HOD...and then also using these

For 4th:
Math - just starting Saxon 5/4 so that would carry into 4th
Grammar - going with FLL 4 (First Language Lessons)
Writing - going with WWE (Writing With Ease)
Science...I have some MWS I'd like to use...can use it as a supplement
Prima Latina - I have had this for 2 years and wanna use it.....
MOH 1 BUT only as a supplement or extra since I have it here...more than likely I'd get the audio cd's to play while doing games, craft time, or other quiet times.

Question is should I splurge on the Preparing + all the extras with it...or just do what I have listed above and use MOH as the history spine? I don't have that much in the way of books for this era. And, we aren't doing a reading program. I would add that on as well if I did HOD. If I waited, I'd prolly look into HOD for the following year.

Then I have a K'er, now...planning for 1st. I have MFW 1st, but I'm not convinced 100% to stay with it. This dd is very hands-on, very active, and I have a short window of teaching time with her. I was thinking the HOD Little Hearts would be best for her....

Then there is the upcoming 3 yo to keep busy so I can teach the other 2.

I like WTM, and I like the aspects of Classical learning...but I also want to do more notebooking (esp. since that is what my middle dd needs).

Is it possible to combine all I have with HOD? Looking at the site (which I have read all the threads at the on MFW jumpers)...there seems no issues subbing the math, grammar, etc. I just didn't know about when to add in the Latin that I want to do.

I feel odd leaving MFW...I swore I'd stick with it, but I think it's time for a change for a year. I wanna do more classical...but realistically, with my girls, I don't have time to plan it out nor the energy to get that intense. My oldest would LOVE it, but the other 2 are not of that mind set.

I'm interested in hearing from those who are using HOD now, that have done or are doing some classical alongside HOD...and those who moved over to HOD from MFW.

MFW to me seems a little choppy, but workable. HOD seems to give a bit more on the Biblical side for all their studies. Maybe not...maybe it's just the tm layout that makes it seem that way. HOD seems a bit more smooth.

Thanks for mulling it over. I need to buy things soon...and keep stalling because new things keep popping up!


may I be honest?

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 9:58 am
by Ruth in FL
I am exhausted just reading your post!
You seem very excited about homeschooling and want your child/children to be taught the best! I commend you for your efforts!
However, I see some serious burn out ahead for you. Trying to do all three or four programs at once will burn you out!

In my humble homeschooling mother opinion, I think you should pick one curriculum to be your base. IF you buy all that other stuff to "supplement" your current curriculum choice, you will miss out on the benefit of it all being planned out for you! You are going to be planning on top of the plans! Am I making sense?

IF you like the classical style of LA and Math, then use it by all means for those subjects. Keep a booklist handy so you can add some reading to the reader or read aloud plan. I dont think you should try to make four very different curriculums work together.....I just see burn out and frustration.

Your children are still young, there is plenty of time to teach it all before homeschooling is over...enjoy a slower pace!


Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 11:03 am
by water2wine
Welcome. I am having a hard time following it all but I think you might be asking could MOH be combined with Preparing. And looking at the samples and all the books I think it could be as long as you had the idea that you will not hit every lesson in MOH. HOD has a flow to it. It is not really pick and choose except possibly by the subject. But it all connects. It is however, very easy to add other things to on the side of HOD. So I could see combining MOH as a supplement to HOD if you really wanted to do them both but just picking and choosing which lessons in MOH you would do. I would chose either to pick the lessons that support Preparing OR the ones that fill in something that is not covered in preparing.

I agree with the burn out concept but I also know that some people see curriculum more as tools to combine and if you think that way lots of times it really does work for you. :D

Hope that helps. I am not even sure if I am answering what you are asking for sure. :roll:

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 2:44 pm
by lovetobehome
Hi Stranger!
I read your post before I saw your name, and thought, "This person sounds just like me! I need to talk to her!" Maybe we should talk on the phone and help each other!

I have used MOH, MFW and am considering HOD too...I know I cant do all 3! I don't even know if I could do 2. But, I think you could do MOH along with HOD easily.
Let's talk!

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 3:01 pm
by Tabitha
lovetobehome wrote:Hi Stranger!
I read your post before I saw your name, and thought, "This person sounds just like me! I need to talk to her!" Maybe we should talk on the phone and help each other!

I have used MOH, MFW and am considering HOD too...I know I cant do all 3! I don't even know if I could do 2. But, I think you could do MOH along with HOD easily.
Let's talk!
Hey, you just might be "my Meg" that I have been emailing - lol. Are ya? If so, I'll blame you again for all this.

Just to clarify, I'm not using ALL the prgrams...just stating where I have been and what I have.

Basically, for math and LA I have something else. I DO have other things I can use or not use for science and history. My thoughts where just that, to use the others for filling in the with MOH. Perhaps a story here and there from that. I do like MOH, but just reading from that text alone might not be the best for my children. I did think the audios would be good just to play during craft time....

We did MFW Adventures for 2nd. My dd didn't retain a single thing as far as I can tell....and ECC has been bit boring...the worksheets just aren't thrilling.

I need to look more at the samples for each.

My 5 yo has a very short attention span. Due to that she is behind others on reading and math. MFW is so gentle in those areas for grade K and I am wondering if I need to continue into 1 with MFW, or switch. This dd is very hands on and creative...loves to draw. I think having more of a script would work for her so I don't overtalk things.

I do like the the varying aspects of WTM and CM approaches...and I just worry doing one and not the other is short changing them. I really have kids on different ends of those spectrums, so it is hard to narrow it down and find something to work for both of them together.

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 7:53 pm
by water2wine

Here is a thought that might help. You are trying to decide between a WTM and a CM approach. Maybe what you really need is a different bottom line. Look in your heart and try to determine what is it that you really want to teach your child, what do you feel like God is calling you to teach and what maybe doe not honestly fall into either category but still makes the list. When I did that for myself my path of what to use and how to do it became very clear all of a sudden. Anyway just a thought. That might help you decide what is best. There is a lot of good techniques out there but only you know what is best for your children. :D

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 9:43 pm
by Carrie

I just wanted to welcome you! The ladies are doing such a good job of helping you sort through your options. I agree that you can easily do your own language arts and math if you are happy with those.

I also think you most likely will not need Writing with Ease if you use "Preparing...", but you can be the best judge of what's right for your family.

As far as Mystery of History goes, if you choose to use that as your primary curriculum, than "Preparing Hearts..." would be too much. However, if you choose to use "Preparing Hearts..." as your primary curriculum, then I would start with that and see if you still feel the need to add in Mystery of History. I would be surprised if you felt you still needed it, once you got underway, as the Biblical content is very solid in the history area of "Preparing...". :D

As to your 5 year old, if she is an active kiddo, then I think you'd find "Little Hearts.." to be a good fit. But, I am very biased! :lol:


Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 7:10 am
by Tabitha
Carrie wrote:Tabitha,

I just wanted to welcome you! The ladies are doing such a good job of helping you sort through your options. I agree that you can easily do your own language arts and math if you are happy with those.

I also think you most likely will not need Writing with Ease if you use "Preparing...", but you can be the best judge of what's right for your family.

As far as Mystery of History goes, if you choose to use that as your primary curriculum, than "Preparing Hearts..." would be too much. However, if you choose to use "Preparing Hearts..." as your primary curriculum, then I would start with that and see if you still feel the need to add in Mystery of History. I would be surprised if you felt you still needed it, once you got underway, as the Biblical content is very solid in the history area of "Preparing...". :D

As to your 5 year old, if she is an active kiddo, then I think you'd find "Little Hearts.." to be a good fit. But, I am very biased! :lol:

Thanks Carrie!

I finally got it all sorted out ( ) and we'll be doing Bigger and Little Hearts. My 8 yo loved too many titles in Bigger to pass it up, and I can add in a little more if I find it's needed. I also want to make sure she has a good foundation in Amer. History before moving on.

I'm still unsure about using WWE. From my standpoint, I can use all the ammo I have in this area. I've struggled with her poor penmanship and writing construction for over 4 years. She refuses to write anything but from the bottom up and counterclockwise. It is really impacting the quality of her handwriting, her math drills, etc. Copywork doesn't do I'll be exhausting all resources this coming year in that area for her. It's not that she can't do it...she's lazy in that department.

I do wanna look over all the materials in the package first...then make my final decision on adding anymore things. I don't wanna cancel my pre-orders for the WWE stuff just yet....


Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 7:44 am
by netpea
My children also tend to write from the bottom up and counterclockwise no matter how much we work on it. But I know adults who do it too so I am letting it go. Now that my 7yo is learning cursive, it is getting better as the letters flow into each other so he has to do it that way. There are people out there who advocate starting with cursive as it eliminates these issues. Perhaps she's ready to try cursive?

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 8:26 am
by Tabitha
netpea wrote:My children also tend to write from the bottom up and counterclockwise no matter how much we work on it. But I know adults who do it too so I am letting it go. Now that my 7yo is learning cursive, it is getting better as the letters flow into each other so he has to do it that way. There are people out there who advocate starting with cursive as it eliminates these issues. Perhaps she's ready to try cursive?
Yes, we're starting to focus on that more. Thanks for that info, and hopefully it might help. It's making her frustrated too when it comes to math because her speed just lacks due to this. Takes much more time to write this way....

Thx again!