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R&S Building with Diligence lesson 6

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 5:02 pm
by shera
Quick question regarding Lesson 6 in Rod and Staff:
The written practice is about writing an interesting paragraph/story. I know Carrie does not plan for the kids to do all of the writing etc in the R & S lessons. Should the kids do this? The same day they are copying 2 paragraphs in Independent History and rewriting a poem. For all of the other lessons so far I have adapted them and done most of it orally just having ds write out maybe 6 sentences or so, this one just threw me for a loop.


Re: R&S Building with Diligence lesson 6

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 11:53 pm
by Tansy
I wouldn't have followed the directions in the book tho I might have, had them dictate an interesting paragraph and I would write it on the white board...

Re: R&S Building with Diligence lesson 6

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 4:52 pm
by my3sons
This is a judgment call that each parent may make differently based on what her dc need. :D I usually have Wyatt write only the writing assignment on days like that, and we do all of the rest orally. If there are 2 paragraphs to be written, I have him dictate one to me while I write it on a markerboard, and I have him write the other one. This way, he is still writing about 7 sentences, but they are all for the written portion. HTH!

In Christ,