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Holiday Units

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 8:31 am
by Dorla
Have any of you LHFHG veterans skipped ahead to a unit because of an upcoming holiday? Could you share what you did? I am thinking of jumping ahead to Unit 23 to learn about Thanksgiving and will probably do the same for Christmas (unit 11) and Easter (unit 16).
If you have done this, would you repeat them when you go back to the "normal" school year or would you omit them when they come back up?
Trying to brainstorm about this. I really do not want to go out and find another unit study just for these special learning days when what I have right here is so good.
thanks for your input,

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 12:43 pm
by joyful jean
Yes, I remember skipping up to those units so I would cover it over the holiday. I did not re-cover those subjects when we came to them again. I think I actually wrote which unit I should go back to and cover the weeks I did not cover because of holidays. It was a bit confusing for me, but the kids liked their school being about the holidays that were so close.

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 3:02 pm
by Melanie
I had not thought about this, but now I'm going hmmm...

:?: Jean, was it confusing for the kids? would you do it again or just let it go? I'm wondering if I should just stay in order since we'll cover this really in depth next year? Maybe just add an extra picture book about the holidays?

This has definately given me something to mull over.....I think I'll go for a walk and do some thinkin'.......