I'm such a proud mama! Please allow me to share my joy!
Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 1:59 pm
My son (5) is finished with phonics and is reading the Early Readers Bible, which he is doing very well! Today he asked if he could bring his bible to church. He brought the Bible and showed to his teacher and she asked if he would read a story for the class, so she put a little chair in front of the class and all the little kids gathered around to hear it. The teacher said he wasn't shy or anything. He read the whole David and Goliath story and even asked the questions at the end! Everybody was amazed! The kids listened very attentively and even raised their little hands to answer the questions! His new nickname among the teachers is " Little preacher". I'm so proud of him! Of course all of us want to raise our kids to serve the Lord, and I'm so thankful HOD is helping me achieve this goal!