End of second week of HOD and we're loving it.

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End of second week of HOD and we're loving it.

Post by wonderfilled » Fri Aug 12, 2011 8:48 am

I just wanted to say how happy we are with our choice to go with HOD this year. We are loving it so much. My ds 10 told me yesterday that this year his birthday is going to be extra special because he can do HOD school on the day of his birthday. :) He also told me that he likes The History of the Ancient World so much that he can hardly stop reading it when he's supposed to. He was so disappointed when we came to Friday last week because there was nothing scheduled for day 5 that we decided to ignore the days and just keep right on with the next unit.

Yesterday night, I was listing some things I had to do the next day and my ds 3 pipes up, "And school, too." And then he started dancing around the living room while clapping his hands over his head. He loves LHTH and I'm so glad that I ended up getting it for him because in the last two weeks we've had so much fun together. :D
Enjoying Heart of Dakota for our fifth year using:
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Re: End of second week of HOD and we're loving it.

Post by wonderfilled » Fri Aug 12, 2011 9:04 am

I just wanted to add that it hasn't all been easy. Ds 8 has struggled with his oral narrations. He would just freeze up and not be able to think of a thing to say and I'd get frustrated because to my mind this should have been easy. He hates to be wrong and I think this plays a part in it. He never wrote much when he was younger, even though he was a good speller, because he didn't want to put a word on a piece of paper he wasn't sure was spelled write. On the other hand, his older brother filled notebook after notebook of almost undecipherable stories as soon as he figured out how to put letters together to make words.

But I'm digressing a bit. With the narrations, I'm trying to learn to be patient and expect less. And I think I've noticed a difference even in two weeks. With a few prompts and encouragement, he give me a good narration of what we had read yesterday in the Golden Bull.
Enjoying Heart of Dakota for our fifth year using:
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Re: End of second week of HOD and we're loving it.

Post by netpea » Fri Aug 12, 2011 9:31 am

That's great! It sounds like they are well placed and that should make for a good year. I'm happy for your family!
Lee Ann
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Re: End of second week of HOD and we're loving it.

Post by wonderfilled » Fri Aug 12, 2011 10:51 am

netpea wrote:That's great! It sounds like they are well placed and that should make for a good year. I'm happy for your family!
Well, I have to admit in the last two weeks I've wondered if ds8 is placed properly. He reads well, spells well, and seems to understand what he is reading this year, but I feel bad that he is not completely enthusiastic about school like his brothers. I'm not sure how much of this is attitude and personality and how much is placement. There is no possibility of switching to a different level, though, so we'll have to make the best of it. :)
Enjoying Heart of Dakota for our fifth year using:
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Re: End of second week of HOD and we're loving it.

Post by LynnH » Fri Aug 12, 2011 12:09 pm

I will have to say that 8 is very young for CTC. My ds did it at 11 and it was challenging. Since there isn't any way you can do a different program with him could you slow it down for him to half pace. CTC only gets more challenging as it goes on and I would hate for him to get really frustrated. How does he do with the written narrations? Is that any better than the oral?
Mom to:
dd 22 college graduate and employed as an Intervention Specialist
ds 18 US2, Loved Preparing, CTC , RTR , Rev to Rev, MTMM ,WG, WH and US1


Re: End of second week of HOD and we're loving it.

Post by momtofive » Fri Aug 12, 2011 12:32 pm

I have to agree with Lynn, 8 or even 9 (I think) is a little on the young side for CTC. In CTC, children are met with a lot of heavier meaty issues and certain skills are required in that guide. Last year, we started out with HOD placing my oldest in CTC. He wasn't ready skill-wise for CTC. We had come from a textbook/workbook type curriculum before finding the blessings of HOD. He needed to back up to Preparing Hearts for a year, to really get a firm foundation in some of the skills needed to really do well within CTC. Each guide builds up to the skill level needed in the next guide. He did so much better, being perfectly placed, and really soared through the year. He remarked so many times how he just loved school now. This year he has started CTC and is completely ready for what it requires. He is enjoying it so much more now, and keeps telling me how much he's enjoying everything.

Of course, you'll know better than any of us will, but what about having him join the younger child in Beyond? I'm not aware of where your son is skill wise, and maybe this is too much of a jump down, but maybe you could beef it up a little so it meets him where he's at. Then, at least, you wouldn't have to purchase another guide. (Last year my dd6 and ds8 went through Beyond together. I required more of my older child and he just loved his year!) Again, just a thought as I was reading through this thread. You're the best one to know what your child can handle and what they are ready for! :D

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Re: End of second week of HOD and we're loving it.

Post by holyhart » Fri Aug 12, 2011 1:03 pm

So glad your first two weeks have gone so well! HOD is such a great program! :D

I have to agree with previous posters that perhaps Beyond would be a better fit for your ds8. Adding appropriate math, LA and dictation for the left side and add some extra related history/science readers would probably be a great fit for him. Of course you will know your ds the best and know his best fit. :D
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Re: End of second week of HOD and we're loving it.

Post by netpea » Fri Aug 12, 2011 2:30 pm

I was surprised that you have DS8 in CTC. My 8 turning 9yo is doing Bigger this year. I thought you said he was doing ok with the program.

If he's struggling, you might really want to consider finding a way to purchase Beyond for him. I have heard many women on here mention that when funds were tight, they would order all the books needed for the first 9 weeks, then later order the books for the next 9 and so on. Maybe that would help you? Storytime books can come from the library. Beyond has more selections in the Appendix for storytime than just the Boy/Girl/Classic, so surely one of each genre would be available for you from a local library.
Lee Ann
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Re: End of second week of HOD and we're loving it.

Post by cirons » Fri Aug 12, 2011 2:40 pm

Hi there,

so glad your kids are enjoying HOD....mine do too! I would agree with other posters. HOD is a meaty program and I definitely feel my dd9 has been challenged by Preparing, let alone CTC. If you already have a child doing Beyond, do you think your ds8 would be better in Beyond and just extend his math and LA??? You know your kids though. All the best!

Homeschooling 2 dc since Feb, 2008
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Re: End of second week of HOD and we're loving it.

Post by wonderfilled » Sat Aug 13, 2011 12:18 am

Thanks ladies for all the replies. My son will turn 9 in three weeks and is in 4th grade so I didn't think putting him in CTC was a stretch on the ages for which it was written. Maybe a younger guide would have been better, but I thought (and still hope) I can make it work.

His written narrations have actually not been too bad. There have only been two. The first one was on Noah and the Flood and he did a good job. I had to help him with a closing sentence because he just wanted to quit when he had the right amount of sentences, but otherwise it was good. The second one was on the Cushite war and that one ended up a bit scattered and unconnected. I'm sure it was because the subject matter was more difficult for him. As a whole, though, things are going pretty well, so I'm thinking it might be too soon to decide that he's placed above his level.

I am doing Beyond with my ds6 (soon to be 7), so it would be an option to put him in Beyond with his brother, but it does seem like it would be a big jump back. However, I realize with his own math, English, and dictation he would still have a lot of age appropriate material to work on. He is also doing CLE reading so he would have that too, but as I said, I think I'd like to continue with CTC awhile and see how it goes.

We're overseas so there is no way we can get any new books for a long time and no access to any library (unless I can get it on Kindle :) ).
Enjoying Heart of Dakota for our fifth year using:
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Re: End of second week of HOD and we're loving it.

Post by my3sons » Mon Aug 15, 2011 4:49 pm

I'm so glad that CTC is going well for your oldest and Beyond for your youngest! :D I was wondering, since you own Beyond anyway, if it wouldn't be neat just to give Beyond a try with your 8 yo? We loved Beyond. I almost don't want your 8 yo to miss out on it. I think with your CLE and higher level math, your 8 yo would be just great. :D The thing is - he maybe CAN do CTC, but that doesn't necessarily mean he SHOULD. :wink: I often think - I can read and understand college level material - but that doesn't mean I want to read college level material or do college level work all of the time. Maybe working at his most challenging level is not going to bring him the joy of learning that HOD could if he worked at the Beyond level. I think CTC is very challenging, even for a pretty savvy 9 yo. I just wouldn't want your ds to feel too pushed, and I think he might be able to enjoy his learning more in Beyond. The next year, when you move them up to Bigger, he can do the extensions. I bet you'd see your oldest just take off more too then. You will know best here, but I think it would be fun to give Beyond a try with him, since you have it on hand anyway! :D I'd be sure not to make him feel like this was a demotion, but rather that CTC is actually above his age anyway, and Beyond is written for his age, so you thought this would be good to do. :D Just a thought for you to ponder!

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
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Re: End of second week of HOD and we're loving it.

Post by wonderfilled » Tue Aug 16, 2011 1:53 am

Thanks Julie for the advice. I'll seriously consider it and pray about it. I threw out the idea a few days ago to my son and he said he'll stay in CTC, but I know the final decision is with me and depending on how I present it he could be happy with it. He has done some great work with his CTC notebook pages and I just hate to see him quit. This is a hard decision for me, and I'm praying for wisdom. Maybe I just need a few more weeks to see clearly which would be best.

I'm wondering if I cut back on his work in other areas if it would help. We're doing CQLA, too. I'm almost afraid to mention it because you'll think I'm crazy for trying to do too much, but the children enjoyed it so much last year that they really wanted to do it again. In hindsight I should have convinced them they'll enjoy HOD so much they won't even miss it. I've cut back on it but I could cut back even further, leaving just the writing portion of it. Then again, maybe that's not the answer, but it might help.
Enjoying Heart of Dakota for our fifth year using:
Ds15- World History
Ds11- RtR
Ds7- Bigger Hearts

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