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do I need to supplement singapore math

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:01 am
by carrielaurie
My daughter will be starting 3rd grade this year and using the Bigger Hearts guide, along with Singapore 2A. We recently switched to Singapore Math in the last 6 months after pulling her out of her last school. She loves Singapore Math and I am so happy about that. However, I am nervous that we have not covered all the concepts we should have in grades K-2. She seems to have gaps. I recently glanced at both Saxon and Horizon guides and noticed she does not know many of the concepts that they had already covered. I don't want her to be behind. If I supplement, what should I use? I know Singapore has supplements that go along with their program do I just use those or should I supplement with Horizons/Saxon? If so, how would I do that?

Re: do I need to supplement singapore math

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:14 am
by MomtoJGJE
What topics should she have covered that aren't in singapore math? I have no experience with another math program, so I really don't know how to help you without knowing that :) I haven't noticed anything but it being advanced.... so it would help me to know what you have noticed it's missing.

My oldest had her yearly testing right when she had finished 2A. She scored at the end of 3rd grade level on everything but how quickly she worked.

Re: do I need to supplement singapore math

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:16 am
by abrightmom
What topics are you concerned about? :D

Re: do I need to supplement singapore math

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 1:51 pm
by carrielaurie
Hi! Thank you so much for responding to my cry for help. Ha Ha :D You guys are awesome!! I'm just worried about things like roman numerals, percents, rounding, estimating, and geometry? Will Singapore eventually cover those areas or did I miss it in earlier levels. It just seems like when I look at the Table of Contents for Saxon it covers every little concept. I just feel like I may have missed a bunch of things.

So is my daughter not behind if she is beginning Level 2A in third grade? I'm just confused.