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Re: As we move into high school, the design of the guides...

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 1:36 pm
by TrueGRIT
Thank you is not adequate to say for all that goes into the guides. I knew it was a lot of hard work, but I never imagined you having to give up your family time and Sundays for us! I hate that it has to happen for a guide to be written. You are laying aside your 'direct' mothering/teaching for someone else. We will always be grateful for all you do.
I wish there was some way others could help, so you could reclaim a small part of your time. It truly is a sacrifice for you and your family. :| Thanks for letting us know. I could use a reminder that others who go before to pave the way have the hard work that we benefit from.
There is only so much you can do, so write how you feel best. We can all make it work.

That being said, I do like the idea of a blank check mark box. I know one Science schedule should be enough. If a child is planning a Science major and needs to go a different route, mom can plan that out. Most cases it would be okay as is. Students are all so different and headed in so many directions that it would be impossible to get a 'perfect' fit for everyone. I believe you can do a guide that is close though! I repeat "There is only so much you can do, so write how you feel best. We can all make it work".

Hope this makes sense.
God bless your work. We are praying for you and your family.


Re: As we move into high school, the design of the guides...

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 2:09 pm
by holdinon
TrueGRIT wrote:Thank you is not adequate to say for all that goes into the guides. I knew it was a lot of hard work, but I never imagined you having to give up your family time and Sundays for us! I hate that it has to happen for a guide to be written. You are laying aside your 'direct' mothering/teaching for someone else. We will always be grateful for all you do.
I wish there was some way others could help, so you could reclaim a small part of your time. It truly is a sacrifice for you and your family. :| Thanks for letting us know. I could use a reminder that others who go before to pave the way have the hard work that we benefit from.
There is only so much you can do, so write how you feel best. We can all make it work.
Agreeing with everything Mikki wrote (and bolding parts for emphasis :wink: ).

Re: As we move into high school, the design of the guides...

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 3:25 pm
by daybreaking
TrueGRIT wrote:Thank you is not adequate to say for all that goes into the guides. I knew it was a lot of hard work, but I never imagined you having to give up your family time and Sundays for us! I hate that it has to happen for a guide to be written. You are laying aside your 'direct' mothering/teaching for someone else. We will always be grateful for all you do.
I wish there was some way others could help, so you could reclaim a small part of your time. It truly is a sacrifice for you and your family. :| Thanks for letting us know. I could use a reminder that others who go before to pave the way have the hard work that we benefit from.
There is only so much you can do, so write how you feel best. We can all make it work.
I agree with the above! To be honest, Carrie, your post broke my heart. :cry: I love the work you do and it's very evident that great thought and time has gone into all you have produced. We all have greatly benefited from your sacrifice. At the same time, I feel so badly about the amount of family-time you're losing to produce such a wonderful product. I almost feel guilty using the upper levels of HOD, when I think of what it is costing you and your family. I'm sure it gets harder and harder each year, as the material gets more challenging and more encompassing. Although it would throw a loop into some people's plans (including yours with your second son), I'm wondering if it might be wise, at these upper levels, to slow down the production of your guides to one every other year, so that it is not so overwhelming and time-consuming. Even if that it not feasible, I definitely would go with one science a year. I would think it would be quite the undertaking to compile an entire high school level guide, while also evaluating and planning numerous science options. Down the road, once all the sciences are planned, you could always explore giving more options in each guide. At any rate, I will keep you and your family in prayer, that you will sense God's direction and guidance. We love you! :)

Re: As we move into high school, the design of the guides...

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 5:17 pm
by Carrie

You are so kind, and I sincerely appreciate each one of you! :D Only the Lord knows what is ahead, so we will just trust Him for provision. He has always seen fit to make a way for each guide to somehow be written in the past, and we trust that if it is His will He will continue to make a way in the future. :D

I do not wish for you to think that I am alone in this venture, as I am married to a truly wonderful man who I am blessed to walk alongside as we take this journey together. Except for our time in the summer months, our children are completely under the care of either my husband or myself. Due to our busy schedule, we do not participate in many activities outside of our own home, so we are blessed as a family to always be together. With both my husband and I working from home, we take turns with the children so the other can work as needed. In addition we have the help of our oldest son who is turning 17 this year. God has truly given him a heart and a love for his 3 younger brothers, making him a good leader and a terrific helpmeet to us. :D With our youngest being 6 years old now, we are moving away from the toddler and baby stages and into a new stage of life. So all of these things work together to make what we do possible. :D

Should you feel led to uplift our family in prayer, we would be so thankful, as it is the thing we desire most. :D It is a privilege to interact with amazing women like you who have a love for our Lord in their hearts. You encouraged me to count my blessings today!


Re: As we move into high school, the design of the guides...

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 9:43 pm
by 5NMamma
Helo Ms. Carrie. We have a few years before we will be needing highschool guides but I do find myself thinking about highschool quite often so I thought I'd reply to your post. What about doing a weekly grid at the beginning of each new week that is more along the lines of a week at a glance? Some sort of simple grid or brief outline that highlights the upcoming week with maybe even a checklist for the end of the week. It could even have a place for special supplies or materials that may be needed. This could actually work for all guides really. Just a thought. I so love this curriculum and am so happy we found it. I love the daily plans/boxes. Just wonderful. I'll be praying that the Lord leads and guides you and I'm sure you will put something together that is just great. Lord bless.

Re: As we move into high school, the design of the guides...

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 10:17 pm
by acts29stl
Thank you so much Mike and Carrie for all you do! I'm so thankful you have obeyed the Lord and stepped out on this whole HOD adventure. Our family has been blessed in so many ways :D

I vote for the daily plans format as well. It makes homeschooling a large family so doable and enjoyable! I was nervous about the transition from Preparing to CTC as it looked like such a huge jump for the kiddos but because the format was the same, the transition was very smooth. The kiddos were excited to see the familiar boxes and it really helped them gain confidence with the new material and independence. I can only imagine the same will be true entering high school!

Also the key ideas are great. I began homeschooling not even knowing who CM was but over the years have come to appreciate this style of teaching. Understanding that the bottom line isn't getting a "right" answer but rather having mulled over the material has helped me see Key Ideas being a guide toward discussion rather than an actual answer. I would definitely need this for the high school years! With so many younger kiddos, I need all the help I can get to stay connected with the material and know what the kiddos should be gleaning!

As for science, having it scheduled in the guide as opposed to the appendix would be my preference. However, the need for space would definitely come first :wink: Also, if only scheduling one science option is all time allows, don't worry! It might not be your "ideal" but it wouldn't lessen the quality of the guide one bit :wink:

As far as the kiddos learning time management, what I have found is that the daily plans are perfect for that! As the guides grow in independence, my older ones have become more responsible for what their day looks like on their own. The daily responsibility is a perfect amount! I do think it's overwhelming a child to take on too much of their own planning too soon. During the high school season, there is more than just school going on. It's such a stressful time in their lives emotionally, socially and on top of that the enemy trying to derail them spiritually that I think it's important to not add more stress to the mix! This is why I think the daily format would still be great. It gives them the responsibility of planning their day and accountability with completing tasks without being too burdensome. It also keeps me on task and away from the end of the week stress of "why didn't you finish that!" because I'm checking in daily :wink:

Re: As we move into high school, the design of the guides...

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 7:56 am
by homefire
I am so far from H.S. (oldest is 7) but thought I might chime in on the student scheduling topic. I absolutely agree that H.S. is not college and having a child be completely in charge of their own schedule would be too much. What about having a few larger projects that begin in one unit, perhaps with steps laid out, but isn't due until a few units later? Again, we are only in Beyond so I don't have experience with the upper guides and how they are laid out yet, but this might be a happy medium?

Re: As we move into high school, the design of the guides...

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 10:57 am
by momtofive
Carrie, thank you so much for sharing your heart on this tremendous work! We are SO THANKFUL for all you do to allow the Lord to work in your life, as well as the hearts and minds of those who use this curriculum! :wink:

As for what you mentioned regarding the science options, please don't worry about giving many options within the guide. Please feel that if it works more smoothly to choose one science route, possibly listing other options as suggestions in the guide, we will still be able to give our children good preparation in this subject. In the end, we all need to make choices in curriculum based on our student and their desired path. It's okay if we need to find an alternate path in this one subject, if need be, especially since we have such a wonderful guide to work from in all other areas! :D

My family really appreciates the work and sacrifice that each guide entails. We pray for HOD and your family on a daily basis and will continue to do so! :wink: Thank you for all that you do, and please remember a very well quoted verse, but really applies here:

"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." -Phil. 4:13

What you do each year is a very worthy task. Many hearts and minds are directed to our Lord each day (children as well as parents), as families continue in the job of raising our children FOR HIS GLORY! :D

Thank you for all you do! May God richly bless the year to come, and your sweet family as you strive to bring Him glory! :D

Re: As we move into high school, the design of the guides...

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 2:45 pm
by 3sweeties
Carrie wrote:Ladies,

There are some truly excellent thoughts within these posts, which I will continue to ponder, but I'll also just pause at this point to reiterate that I can truly only pull-off writing one guide each year with one manual at this point in time. :D I was just telling my husband last night how overwhelming even that task seems to me on a daily basis (while still homeschooling our own 4 boys), so I have to be reasonable in what I expect from myself. :wink: This is why as we look toward high school, my main question was whether to have this one manual have a weekly plan or a daily plan. I've laid out earlier in the thread my reasons for desiring one manual, but I'll also just add to it to say that the process to write even one manual is so huge that I can really get weighted down with the magnitude of it. :shock:

While we do our best to make the daily plans look easy-to-teach, they are by no means easy for me to write. :wink: Simply screening and choosing the resources takes me 6 months of reading. During those 6 months of reading, sifting, and sorting through ideas, I am working around 7-8 hours each day (before and after schooling my own kiddos). I work 10-12 hours each Saturday and also am reading books for possible inclusion in our guides on Sunday afternoons into the evening. I typically take three weeks off the entire calendar year.

After the books are selected, I work on the packages, the descriptions, and the catalog with our graphic designer and with my sister. I then switch to getting content to our web designer and going through all of the process for working with him to get it up on our website. We then prepare for conventions, which is a huge job that blessedly my sister does almost completely. By then, I'm already writing. :D

I write daily up until the guide goes to press, during which time I'm also working with my graphic designer on the notebooking pages. At that point my boys are done with their school year, and I start working 12 hour days every day Monday through Saturday, except Sunday which is a shorter day that is mostly reading-based for the guide and family-based with church and family dinner. I take no days off, and we have a full-time sitter who comes 9-5 from mid-May to mid-August to watch our kiddos. I often miss holidays and family gatherings to work, even on the 4th of July only showing up for the evening fireworks. I miss my birthday and anniversary, and I miss my kiddos.

I have an office in our home, so I do get to see my family, cook the evening meal for them, and help with bedtimes during my busiest writing season. During the rest of the year, I do school my kiddos, eat meals with them, and interact with them making school time key! They are continually in and out talking with me, so there is no way that I could write any more than I already do. Just as an example, every key idea I write requires me to reread books I've already read all over again, page by page, just to summarize the main points and connect the reading to the other boxes. :D I actually reread everything as I plan it, even though I've already read the books initially to select them. When we have primary source documents, I spend hours and sometimes days looking to find what I need, reading until my eyes are sore just to find the right passage.

The effortless way kiddos are able to use the guide is due to literally thousands of hours of work and research on my end. I share this to give you a better understanding into what my life is like in the day-to-day so that you can truly see why I can either write a daily plan or a weekly grid, but I cannot at this time write more than one manual. Someday, things will look different, and I may have the chance to go back and revisit the guides and add as time allows. For now, I can either be realistic and try to come out with a guide each year, or I can work on one guide for several years and come out with a guide every 3-4 years. While it is hugely tempting to slow down the pace of our lives and only come out with a guide every few years, my deep desire is to stay with my second oldest son, who will have graduated by the time I have written the final guide in the high school cycle, Lord willing. :D

My husband and I were just talking last night about the possibility that we may have to choose just one science for each guide, as the task feels too daunting to do more than one to me right now. So, we'll have to consider that possibility more. Perhaps if we did go that route, we may someday (when I finish all 4 guides) be able to offer the various sciences from the high school guides in list form for those who wish to use a science from a different guide in combination with another HOD guide they're using. So, we'll see. It is all a matter of time for me. :wink:

My kiddos have learned to live with a mother who works almost constantly, and I deeply desire for them to still have a mother in this process somehow. So, I covet your prayers! I am thankful for the suggestions, and I look forward to sharing more about the new guide as it comes to fruition. :D

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, Carrie!!! God is using you and all of your sacrifice and hard work in amazing ways to influence this next generation of children that will shine His Love in a dark, hopeless world. He sees, He knows...may He give you and your family His Grace and Strength as you put so much of your gifts, time, and abilities into each guide.

Oh, and I am totally happy with the daily plans -- I know whatever you end up doing will be wonderful!!! :D :D :D

Re: As we move into high school, the design of the guides...

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 3:04 pm
by 8arrows
One science scheduled per guide is fine for me. It might even end us being less confusing to people. Many will choose what you put in the guide. Those who have a strong preference will happily schedule their own. We want you to see your family!!!

I still prefer to have everything fully scheduled instead of some projects only partially scheduled. You may laugh, but with 7 children still at home, that is just one more thing to check up on.

I do like the idea of a little list for the teacher at the bottom of the page or wherever that would give just a quick overview of what should have been handed in for the day.

I would prefer that individual subjects did not go over an hour.

However, these are MY preferences. You are writing the guide. God will reveal to you what is best for the most patrons.

I am still feeling a little special that my opinion matters to you! Thank you for asking us.

Re: As we move into high school, the design of the guides...

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 7:31 am
by gratitude
My prayers go out to you Carrie.

Re: As we move into high school, the design of the guides...

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 4:28 pm
by 8arrows
This is probably cost prohibitive, but would it work to highlight the assignment in each box so that we could see at a glance what needed to be checked or graded? I know that space is at a premium. I could always go through and do this with a highlighter.

Re: As we move into high school, the design of the guides...

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 7:44 pm
by StillJulie
I've skimmed this thread, as it's already at seven pages the first time I saw it.

I would prefer the daily plan format. I feel strongly about this.

I have no strong feelings regarding graphics, bullets, paragraph form, etc.

I would prefer for key ideas to continue to be written for the boxes where they change each day, giving a bit of a content summary. I wouldn't miss the ones that stay the same each time. It would not bother me to lose that unity of format if you only included Key Ideas in certain boxes.

I like the code for T, S, and I. I would miss it if it wasn't there, though I'm sure we could figure it out.

I like the idea of dividing up the Language Arts into some separate boxes.

I like the idea of doing the science similarly to the way math is currently done, schedule in the appendix for each option.

Re: As we move into high school, the design of the guides...

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 12:27 am
by Kathleen
I just have to pop in here and say that we LOVE you, Austins! :D You are such a blessing to us as friends and as writers of our beloved HOD.

We love the daily plan of the guides...and I have to admit that my eyes were glazing over as I was skimming all the other "options" that were in the requests. Not that any ideas were bad here - we just love the simplicity of it as is!

We've never used a reccommendation of yours that we didn't thoroughly enjoy and find to be mentally engaging. I know that you put a lot of thought and prayer into everything you plan! I really think that planning one options for science will be adequate as well. Maybe you could share some other reccommendations here on the board for other options that may be good for students that want something more or less than what you've planned?

Carrie, I'm thankful for the way that your family has been able to serve the Lord together through this ministry of writing curriculum. I'd urge you to slow down, too...but I have to say that I like the idea of my future curriculum choices being taken care of for me. :lol: I know that you are trusting the Lord for guidance and strength as you work and make decisions. And, His strength is truly made perfect in our weakness! I'm sure that if in the future there are HOD guides still to be completed that I can't use for Grant, God can walk with ME and guide me as I plan for him just like He's doing for you now. :wink:

:D Kathleen

Re: As we move into high school, the design of the guides...

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 10:19 pm
by birchbark
I'm weighing into this thread terribly late, but I think it's an important one for Carrie!

I like the daily plans with notes right alongside the assignments. It is one of the unique draws of HoD.

However I do like the idea of training students to take ownership of organizing their assignments at some point. I think it is a valuable skill, and there will be many students who do not go on to college to learn it there. I personally feel it would be worth sacrificing a few minutes of content to put it into practice.

I also think one science choice per guide would make it easiest for everybody. Like a pp stated, people can sub in their own science if necessary.

And it would also be totally fine with me if Carrie slowed down her production to every other year. :D I have often wondered how she does it all and manages to keep up with a yearly deadline! I feel I can barely keep my head above water schooling two students and keeping the household running. The thought of the research time alone for one program is mind-boggling. Then you add writing, publishing, customer care. . . You are amazing, Carrie, and we all are grateful to you. Take whatever time you need. I'm sure whatever you come up with for high school will be fabulous.