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Re: Middle School Math - BEFORE Foerster's Algebra

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 6:57 pm
by LovingJesus
Katrina, Like Kathy I have also found BJU to be the middle ground that teaches both conceptual and foundational math. You might be able to use its grade 7 or grade 8 book as a pre-algebra course before Foerster's Algebra. I haven't used either yet, so I am not sure on the sequence for those two grades. The elementary years introduce pre-algebra concepts, bar modeling (5th grade), triangle flashcards, geometry, and other types of conceptual math, while simultaneously maintaining and teaching foundational arithmetic skills. We also have used Singapore, MUS, and R&S. We did Singapore solo for three years, then combined it with MUS and R&S for 2 years. It was nice to find a balance that is teaching both foundational and conceptual math in the lessons. For very different reasons it has worked for each of my 3 elementary kids.