Long intro and Questions

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Post by MommyMc » Fri May 23, 2008 2:10 pm

My DH doesn't care at ALL which math we use. We HAVE discussed this many times. He DOES care that DD has the opportunity to be on the math team. He likes the structure, the training, the prep. for higher level math, the quality of the character of the kids from our group that are involved, etc. It's not the social thing at all. He thinks it is SILLY that they require Saxon. He also thinks it's silly that my kids want to keep doing Singapore if we are doing Saxon. My DH is extremely laid-back. He wants the kids able to do well if they want to go to college. He wants them to be able to test well if they need to. Mostly, he wants them to be godly and disciplined.

He thinks I'm a NUT-CASE (in a loving way ;) ) as far as history and books go. But, he supports my habit and is putting built-in shelving in our office this weekend. :oops: :roll:

This is probably a Carrie question, but what will she recommend AFTER Singapore 6B? I have looked at the upper level Singapore books and don't really care for them. I know that if we go down to only Singapore, my kids are going to move ahead pretty quickly. When I give them 30 minutes to do it, they usually get through 2-5 exercises. That is on the days we do Singapore. Today DS did two practice exercises in his textbook, the pre-exercise stuff for one exercise (in the textbook), an exercise in the workbook and two review exercises in the workbook. That was in 40 minutes because I lost track of time for him while I was helping DD with her English.

ETA: Oh and as far as "teaching" Saxon math. It's a BREEZE so far (at least in 6/5). My DD does it ALL herself. It is just painstakingly slooooooow. The only thing I have to do is keep her on task. I can probably count on one hand the number of times she's needed my help between 5/4 and the 6/5. It's not too hard.. just takes a long time!
Wife to a hard-working hubby
Mom to five great kiddos (4/98, 2/00, 3/05, 11/06 and 3/09)

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Post by inHistiming » Fri May 23, 2008 2:28 pm

This probably isn't very helpful, and I think Julie has given very wise advice....but if your dd really wants to do the Math team, and has to finish that Saxon level before she can, maybe she could work on it in her free time, after all the other school work (including your required math) is completed.

My other thought, as Julie already mentioned, is that maybe dh could teach it. He could go over dd's lesson the night previous, showing her how to work any sample problems, then she could do that lesson the next day...and he could review it that night before going over the next day's lesson, taking time to review any she missed or did not understand. It seems like a lot, but if it means that much to both of them, maybe they could work it out together. But I would definitely make it clear that you don't think you can keep up the pace that you've had up 'til now. You don't want overload, and with two little ones to care for as well, it may be time for dh to step in with this one. This would free you up to do just Bigger...or just Preparing...as written, and only the one Math lesson per child each day.

My only other advice, is to definitely take a break this summer! Enjoy one another, play lots of games, get outside...they will be learning even if it's not from a read-aloud or a text book! Then, when you've been renewed, order the HOD pack you think best, and dig into it just as it is! I also love the independent reading shelf idea, and will probably incorporate that into our schooling as well. They retain so much from living books... :wink:

I hope this was somewhat helpful. Ask us more questions if you need to. God will lead you to make the right decision for your family. :)

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Post by my3sons » Fri May 23, 2008 2:39 pm

I think inHistiming had some great advice, and as far as what Carrie recommends after Singapore 6, I believe it's Teaching Textbooks, but I'm not entirely sure. Please post that in a week when she's back on the boards, and I know she'll get back to you. I'm so glad dh is laid back - that really is a blessing! I'm sure you'll find a way to work out the math.

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie

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Post by MommyMc » Fri May 23, 2008 3:04 pm

So, basically Carrie has written a curriculum that I'd write if I had TIME to do my ideal. :D

And the funny thing is... I've been really considering Teaching Textbooks for Algebra on up if we didn't stick with Saxon. Actually, once they're on the math team, they don't need to do Saxon. It's just so they "know where everyone is at" or some such nonsense.

And the books Carrie has picked for each of the levels are my FAVORITES. (Did I mention that I will need to buy very few books other than the guides? :roll: ) I am SO impressed.

My biggest question now seems to be: Bigger or Preparing?

Then, I think we'll finish reading Beorn the Proud next week instead of any other school.

Oh, one more question, if I DO go with Preparing is there a target date for that to be out? We were planning to start school at the beginning of August this year and take off from Thanksgiving until the New Year. If that won't work, I may need to rearrange some plans (but I don't want that to be WHY I make my choice regarding Bigger or Preparing).

Thanks again all! You have been VERY patient and helpful!
Wife to a hard-working hubby
Mom to five great kiddos (4/98, 2/00, 3/05, 11/06 and 3/09)

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Post by my3sons » Sat May 24, 2008 2:11 pm

I believe the release date for Preparing... is sometime in August.

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
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Wife to Rich for 28 years
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Post by Kathleen » Sat May 24, 2008 3:43 pm


I wanted to welcome you, too! :D I have to tell you that reading your intro and all you've been doing/trying to do made me a little dizzy...and tired! I'd definitely say that you deserve a break! I can understand your thinking that if "this" is good and "this" is also good, than if we do both that would be really good, right? I've been there...but thankfully for my kids, I learned that that wasn't the case before I carried it out. :wink:

What has really helped me in deciding what direction to go with homeschooling has been to really prayerfully consider how I want to spend my time and my kids' time. I love HOD for several reasons, but one of them is that I won't have to spend time planning, I can just enjoy teaching my kids! I can see this being a real blessing for you in freeing up some of your time. About my kids' time...I guess I just kind of realized last year, that the choices I make about how much school work we do...or music practice...or whatever is like stewardship of their time as I'm in charge of it right now in their lives. We, like you, found that the content of Saxon was good for math, but I felt that the time it took us to do it was not a good choice for how my son and I spent our time. I think that it's important for me (and my kids) to spend time on academics...and much more importantly to spend time learning and growing spiritually...and to have time to explore and learn outside, to be creative, to have time for relationships in our family and with others. I would venture to guess that while you've been overloaded with academics...and your plan for academics...that you may be missing out on some very important things in your family.

I think that using one HOD program simply and enjoying it could give you a much needed breath of fresh air. (I vote for Bigger with the extension...but I haven't used it yet, just going to start it with my oldest. :wink: ) I wish you peace on your decision...and simple happy days of school!

:D Kathleen
Homeschooling mom to 6:
Grant - 19 Kansas State University
Allison - 15 World Geography
Garret - 13 Res2Ref
Asa - 8 Bigger
Quinn - 7 Bigger

Halle - 4 LHTH

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Post by Carrie » Sun May 25, 2008 7:54 pm


Wow! First of all the ladies on the board have done an amazing job of talking through your options with you! Way to go ladies. :D

This long thread is quite something to come onto late in the thread. So, if I've missed something information-wise, please forgive me. :D

Since you have already hit world history up to the Vikings quite hard already, starting with "Bigger..." would actually work pretty well, since it begins with the explorers. It would basically start where you're leaving off.

It would also fit the target age range of your kiddos and be lighter than "Preparing..." (which would allow you a greater chance of possibly adding in some things - but not TOO many :lol:).

You would use the Extension Package for "Bigger.." for your older child and need to adjust the math and the language arts for your older child as well. This would also give your younger child the chance to grow in spelling, oral narration, and writing skills before heading into "Preparing...". In my opinion this would work well, since I think it is easier to beef up a program for your older than to water one down for your younger. :wink:

Then, the following year, you could do all of "Preparing...". After a break from world history, you'd be more ready to return to it, doing a quick one-year sweep with "Preparing...".


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Post by MommyMc » Mon May 26, 2008 11:48 am

Thank you Carrie for your input! Your sister and the other ladies have done a wonderful job of answering my questions, but it IS nice to get your perspective.

And, for anyone who is wondering, I declared Friday the last day of school! :) My kids did both ask, "Can we read more history this summer?" Since we have always done a "living books" type approach to history, I probably won't tell them no, but perhaps we'll just read together instead of calling it history. But they sure do like to read LOTS of books about the same era and topics to get a good picture of what they are studying. They also both asked if they could do math this summer. I told them, "Probably not until August." (I'm a MEAN Mommy! "No you can't do math!") But, in this case, I really think it's best. I WILL be working with DS on his handwriting. He just needs more practice.

As far as the specific curriculum, I am excited about trying Bigger (I think), but I admit, I am a little nervous. The plus side, I have probably 90% of the books for Preparing and about 75% of the books for Bigger, so it fits in nicely with my own pre-planned ideas.

Carrie, I was also wondering if topics like Castles and Knights (Middle Ages stuff) and the Renaissance and Reformation are covered in Preparing or where those would be covered, if not. My kids are REALLY looking forward to those studies!

My DS is going to be in Singapore 3B in the fall. Will that work pretty well with Bigger? Also, he has not done much narrating and no dictation. He has never done R&S English either.

DD is going to be in Singapore 5A and is part way through Grade 4 of R&S English (Building with Diligence). But, I have no trouble just scheduling her math and English (or having her do the next lesson each day). NOT A BIG DEAL.

If we do Bigger when she is in 5th grade, will that work pretty well for getting her "ready for high school"? I know that you haven't even written those books yet. So, it's not a very fair question! :)

Thanks again for your hard work and the thought and effort you put into all of this. It is evident that you want to glorify God in this work.
Wife to a hard-working hubby
Mom to five great kiddos (4/98, 2/00, 3/05, 11/06 and 3/09)

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Post by Kathleen » Mon May 26, 2008 3:28 pm

MommyMc wrote: My DS is going to be in Singapore 3B in the fall. Will that work pretty well with Bigger? Also, he has not done much narrating and no dictation. He has never done R&S English either.
Anita - I think your kids are going to really enjoy Bigger! :D Carrie has a schedule for Singapore 3B in the appendix of Bigger that you could follow. It uses the textbook and the workbook.

There are also pages in the appendix with "Narration Tips" and help on how to do the dictation. It'll be my 1st year doing these things with my oldest, too, so I've been checking those out. :wink:

R&S English starts with English 2...but you probably know that since your daughter has already done that. It's scheduled in the Bigger guide, so you could just do that with him.

Looking forward to sharing a great "Bigger" year with you!
:D Kathleen
Homeschooling mom to 6:
Grant - 19 Kansas State University
Allison - 15 World Geography
Garret - 13 Res2Ref
Asa - 8 Bigger
Quinn - 7 Bigger

Halle - 4 LHTH

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Post by MommyMc » Mon May 26, 2008 6:14 pm

Kathleen wrote:
MommyMc wrote: My DS is going to be in Singapore 3B in the fall. Will that work pretty well with Bigger? Also, he has not done much narrating and no dictation. He has never done R&S English either.
Anita - I think your kids are going to really enjoy Bigger! :D Carrie has a schedule for Singapore 3B in the appendix of Bigger that you could follow. It uses the textbook and the workbook.
OK. I thought that there was a schedule for 3A and 3B, but I wasn't sure if there was one for 3B and 4A (or 3B/4A/4B-- which is more likely since he has done about 3 books a year while also doing 2 other curricula).

Kathleen wrote:There are also pages in the appendix with "Narration Tips" and help on how to do the dictation. It'll be my 1st year doing these things with my oldest, too, so I've been checking those out. :wink:
That's good to know. Thank you!
Kathleen wrote:R&S English starts with English 2...but you probably know that since your daughter has already done that. It's scheduled in the Bigger guide, so you could just do that with him.
I knew that they had English 2, but we actually didn't do that with my DD. She started in English 3 in fourth grade and has gotten about 1/4 of the way through English 4. So, she will start there in the fall. :)

I still am a little worried about getting through what I'd like to before high school if I put her in Bigger for fifth grade, but my friends that have a couple of homeschool graduates that have done well in college (one graduated from Liberty at age 20-- and he didn't graduate high school early) keep reminding me that nothing goes on the transcript until ninth grade, before that it's ALL preparation for high school and doesn't matter to the colleges at all. So, I guess I'll just trust that it will be ok. ;)
Wife to a hard-working hubby
Mom to five great kiddos (4/98, 2/00, 3/05, 11/06 and 3/09)

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