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Re: OT: Tornados in our area...AGAIN

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 12:28 pm
by Heather4Him
Miranda--praying for your brother, his wife, and their baby, too!

Re: OT: Tornados in our area...AGAIN

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 12:44 pm
by Mom2Monkeys
Heather4Him wrote:Miranda--praying for your brother, his wife, and their baby, too!
I will be as well!

Re: OT: Tornados in our area...AGAIN

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 4:57 pm
by Mercy
I have been praying for all of you over there. Please pop in and keep us updated if you can. It has been so sad to hear all of the reports. It is comforting to trust that the Lord has His merciful hand fully involved in this terrible situation...

Re: OT: Tornados in our area...AGAIN

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 6:21 pm
by mommyof2ladies
I am praying for all of you! I hope that you and your families are all safe.

Re: OT: Tornados in our area...AGAIN

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 7:06 pm
by Mom2Monkeys
Our area is in the clear for now and it's just horrible to hear the news of the areas hit much harder than my own. :( Our tornado season is not over yet so continue lifting all these areas in prayer as God brings it to your heart. It's so frightening at times knowing it can get so bad, so quickly, and your life or that of one you love can be over in an instant.

Re: OT: Tornados in our area...AGAIN

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 7:14 pm
by mommyof2ladies
The pictures on the news are just so unbelievable! I am in Georgia. Luckily, the storms broke up a little before hitting my area. But not too far north and south of me, the story is very different. The damage tornadoes can cause is just amazing to me. I am glad that your family is safe! I am praying that we all get through this tornado season in one piece!

Re: OT: Tornados in our area...AGAIN

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 8:37 pm
by 3sweeties
I agree...prayers for the GA area and all areas affected are much appreciated!!! We are north of Atlanta and just missed the awful tornado activity in the Cartersville area (about 25 or so miles from us). Thankful that we did not get any damage here where we live and praying for those affected by these storms, but it is scary to see all the destruction and think that any of those could have been our house (no basement)! I really dread tornado weather and always have! :(

Re: OT: Tornados in our area...AGAIN

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 9:06 pm
by Homeschooln2qts
So very sorry, for not updating sooner. Thank you all SO MUCH for your prayers...My brother, his wife and baby are doing fine and had no tornado damage in the area where they live -Praise the Lord!!! They're staying with us now in southern Alabama until their power is restored. All of Huntsville is without power right now, and it's expected to be out for at least 5 days...maybe longer according to the mayor. Still, it's a miniscule price to pay, considering what so many others have been through. My heart just breaks, at the amount of devastation and loss these storms have caused. I have several friends that are still waiting to hear from unaccounted family members. They are frantic. All they're getting is busy signals when they try to call...I'm sure it's mainly because of the power outages, cell phone towers and telephone poles down, but it has to be so terrible just to not to know anything. Please continue to lift up all of those affected by these storms in your prayers.