my3sons wrote:daybreaking wrote:I love the idea of having a shorter school day and how HOD is designed to be able to be completed in a few hours. I just wish there were some way I could make that work for us. Unfortunately, we live in "regulation heavy" New York and are required to homeschool for an average of five hours a day at the 1-6 grade level and five and a half hours a day for the 7-12 grade level (i.e., 900 or 990 hours a school year). I was looking at Riley's schedule and oh, would my 8yo ds love a schedule like that! I do include my ds's violin practice and nighttime reading as part of our hours, plus we do some homeschooling over the summer, but even with that, he still seems to have quite a long day.

Perhaps I'm too careful about what I include for hours. For instance, both of my dc take an hour quiet time in the afternoon, where they listen to audiobooks of (what I consider to be) good literature, plus both enjoy an occasional educational video. I've never considered them as part of our hours. I'd love some suggestions for being able to use HOD, while also abiding with state regulations for required hours.
I would be glad to help you out with this, so here is a past thread with good tips about this very thing!
In Christ,
Thank you Julie (and psreit & christina101902, too

) for your responses. I guess I was thinking the five hours had to be the actual "academic" type of work, such as HOD, R&S English, math, etc. I was trying to get five hours of those, plus all the extra things I wanted to do. If I include the other areas (chores, recess, quiet time w/audio books, PE, extra read alouds, etc.) in our hours, we actually homeschool for over 9 hours a day!! Hmmm, maybe this is why my precious ds seems to have such a full schedule.

On a similar note, I was wondering how much playtime many of your dc have each day. (I don't mean playtime that's part of school, such as recess, HOD activities, structured playtime (such as when I have my dd scheduled to do puzzles), etc., but actual freetime, where your dc can choose anything they want to do. My ds has about 2 1/2 hours a day completely free and I was wondering how on track I am with that. He does have other playtimes, such as when we take a walk or exercise or when he helps my dd with her LHTH fingerplay type activities and he considers quiet time to be a type of playtime, but with our schedule, I haven't been able to give him more than the 2 1/2 hours unstructured time.