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Re: How many of you are back to school this week?

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:16 am
by my3sons
We schooled last week right up until Christmas Eve day! :D Then, we had my sister here from TX after Christmas. We had a wonderful time catching up with her, her hubby, and their 7 dc! They just left yesterday, and today we are regrouping. We'll start back on Monday. :D

In Christ,

Re: How many of you are back to school this week?

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:55 am
by mskogen
We schooled up until last Thursday. We are on break for 2 more weeks. However we will read and work on math facts during our break.

Re: How many of you are back to school this week?

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 2:47 pm
by moedertje
We did school 2 days this week. Finished unit 23 for Bigger and did first 2 days in unit 6 for LHFHG. We were going to do 3 days this week and start back up next week, but the kids are not feeling well so we are taking today and tomorrow off. :(
With all that said. I only did school 2 days the week of Christmas, due to the kids doing a Christmas Program for different people, their old Pediatrician, Outreach at a low in come housing community, a group of elderly people we go to every year! :D

Re: How many of you are back to school this week?

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:08 pm
by Carrie
We schooled up through last Thursday and will start back up this coming Monday. We had extended family staying here until yesterday and are recovering! We've had a touch of sickness too, and so we are enjoying a bit of much needed rest today. :D

Re: How many of you are back to school this week?

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 1:39 pm
by jjcmehl
We did lessons up to Christmas Eve and started back up the Mon. following Christmas. We just completed Unit 14 in Bigger. With a little one due in 2-3 months, we are trying to complete as many units as possible.

Re: How many of you are back to school this week?

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 10:05 pm
by Malenksha
We took two weeks off for the first time ever! We usually school all through Christmas week but DH actually had time off this year... a first for us. So we've been enjoying lots of time together! We've finished 18 weeks of lessons so it actually was a nice "semester" break for us.

We start back up on Monday (the 3rd). :)

Re: How many of you are back to school this week?

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 10:57 pm
by Tree House Academy
After 2 weeks off, I am glad to say that we will be starting back to school on Monday the 3rd of Jan! I am more than ready. The kids say they don't want to stop having break, but getting back into our routine will do us all some good. :)

Happy New Year everyone. :) May 2011 bring you much joy, peace, and happiness. Praise God for the coming of a New Year and that we are all here to see it come!