Do you think HOD could work for this child? Or PS is better?

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Re: Do you think HOD could work for this child? Or PS is better?

Post by spidermansmum » Tue Sep 28, 2010 9:43 am

.....I make more breaks in the story and allow him to re tell bits ofthe story with his 'props'.Sometimes even just a bit of blu-tac can be enough .DS really cant look at peoples faces and listen-so we never make him do that.If he really hasnt grasped it-we re read that part it again.and I give him a second chance at answering .We put extra pauses -like after every sentance a :D and we are using lincoln logs and little wooden people for house in the big woods .We used a lego indian for Squanto.We used a dover medieval colouring book for Sword in the Tree and a built a Lego castle.
If he gets stuck-I have to work really hard to not talk too much and give him time to process.Its better to say just the key words sometimes.
As for understanding Theory of Mind-he really isnt ever going to pick that up-So my DS wouldnt be able to answer why someone lied ,or went to bed or did x y or z.We will have to teach him some coping mechanisms but we dont ask those questions about the story.We ask for facts .Like what did Pa make ,what did they hang in the tree.[Ham ] then explained why smoking the meat preserves it.
Frequent bouncing breaks help and Using a visual timer[its just a kitchen timer] really help him to focus on the non speaking parts like math....and we have to have the house quiet- he cant block out other sounds.So its hard to tell the three year old to play quietly -and I do set up lots of workstations' for him. BUT -Final dig at PS.Bet you cant guess where DS class was located? It w as under the music practice room.He had drums and all sorts going on all day.
- Delighted to have used LHTH,LHFHG and Beyond, Bigger , Preparing and DITHOR
currently Using
LHTH slowly with my 2 year old
Starting Bigger with my 8 y/o About to add on DITHOR
Finishing Preparing with my 12year with ASD/LD

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Re: Do you think HOD could work for this child? Or PS is better?

Post by Tansy » Tue Sep 28, 2010 10:55 am

exodus007 wrote:I know he is doing pretty good except maybe the place value , I keep showing him with the abacus and base ten blocks and he doesn't get it.
I would suggest you use Prof. Demme's model of the Number street. To explain place value. Use the base 10 blocks. draw a house that will only fit 9 ones' on the right hand side then a house that will only fit 9 10s to the left of it. Then a really big house for the 100's. show him how when 10 ones try to have a sleep over /party in the ones house its too small and they have to move over to the ten's house. It worked for us! The abacus is one of those tools that a child will get and relate to or not get at all...
exodus007 wrote: Mostly I am concerned that he does not comprehend books andI don't mean Amelia Bedelia only which I know it's tricky. For ex. I read today Cain&Abel and among other questions I asked what did Cain do to Abel and he said he threw him into the pit ( a few weeks ago we read about Joseph).
This is something my DD used to do. I want you to actually see it as encouraging not discouraging. If your ds was not understanding any of it. He wouldn't be able to remember "weeks ago" story. That in its self shows he's getting it but quiet possibly he's been replaying it over and over in his mind. Then you gave him a new story to decode an think about and he's answering the questions just using the old story. I believe he is trying. The Joseph story may be the only one he has processed at this point. He comprehended the story and remembered it from weeks ago... Try more input, my therapist tells me all the time "input input input" With our math facts my dd hears sees and writes 5 math facts for one week some times 2 weeks prior to ever getting them in a "test" format. So she will hear and see the 5 math facts we are studying that week over 100 times before I ever test her on them. Maybe going really slowly read the same story over the course of 3-4 days, on those days I would model what you are looking for... actually do a narration for him. On day 3-4 ask the questions. Give him time to fully process it. Allow for visual cues or puppets to help him, and model the way its done helps so much, it will give him a frame work he may need to hear 100 times before he is able to do it himself.

The good news is he just showed you he is listening, he is processing the information and he is remembering it just not in a "conventional" way.
Dyslexics of the world Untie!
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Re: Do you think HOD could work for this child? Or PS is better?

Post by my3sons » Tue Sep 28, 2010 12:39 pm

What a wealth of knowledge God has gathered here by bringing ladies together on this board! :D I found myself nodding my head as I read these many posts. :D From having taught in the ps setting for 7 years prior to homeschooling, I would second that the best thing for your ds would be to homeschool. Due to the sheer volume of dc in ps classrooms, dc with language difficulties (or any difficulties for that matter) often fall through the cracks. One year when I taught third grade, 11 of our 30 students were diagnosed with learning difficulties and began receiving extra help. Sadly, teachers sometimes do not want to go through the process of testing dc for services, as it requires a substantial amount of work and time. When Carrie and I job shared, over 1/3 of our 3rd graders could not read or write at (or near) grade level - hence the testing. All of them qualified - :shock: - which brings me to my second point: Even if dc are properly diagnosed, speech/language teachers are often overly burdened with too many students and not enough time to provide the services they long to provide. :cry: You will be working with your child 1:1, which is an excellent ratio that cannot be beat. :D Homeschooled dc are actually often much MORE social than dc in ps, as they grow up in an environment that better parallels the real world. Learning in an environment with a variety of ages, with both children and adults present is much more like how normal life goes, rather than learning among a classroom of dc all the same age as them (give or take a year). Many research studies support that the home is the best place to socialize dc. :D

So, I agree that half-speed LHFHG would be a good fit for ds. You can also get Beyond to use for any LA/math skills you feel he is needing something more for - like the Emerging Reader's Set for sure. The answers your ds is giving are not that different than the ones my dc gave when beginning to try to comprehend what they are reading. Imagine learning to read a foreign language - first we would just have to focus on being able to read it. Being able to truly comprehend it would be a later skill that can better be learned once basic reading skills are more solidified. The ERS is scheduled in bite-sized pieces, with comprehension questions based on Bloom's Taxonomy. The questions build upon one another, and done properly in the order they are planned, build excellent reading comprehension. Likewise, the narration type questions that are asked begin to teach introductory narration skills. I stress "introductory", as narration skills are something dc need years to learn. Just expect narration to go very, very slowly to begin with, and be sure to accept whatever he is giving you, mentioning several compliments and one thing to work upon. The section that explains oral narration skills in the back of Beyond is outstanding, and really makes the process clear. In case this is helpful, here is a link to some ideas for going half-speed:

How does half-speed look in your home?

HTH, and may the Lord help make clear what is best for your ds! :D
In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
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Re: Do you think HOD could work for this child? Or PS is better?

Post by psreit » Tue Sep 28, 2010 2:11 pm

Julie's post gives you the black and white about ps. If my dd was in ps, she would probably be diagnosed with a learning disability. I could never think of putting her in a classroom full of other LD children and expect her to learn to her potential. Fortunately, I am in a basically homeschool friendly district, so I am utilizing some testing and possibly some help from a reading specialist next week. If your son is ready for ER books, he is doing great in my books. My dd does well with comprehension when I read to her, but teaching her to read has been a struggle. We aren't near ready for ER books. I think there are visual processing issues with my dd, so reading is going to be slow. I had her in school for k last year in our Christian school, but the problems were not even recognized there. So, I just wanted to give you more encouragement to homeschool. I totally agree with Julie that the 1:1 is best, even when we get frustrated and feel like giving up. That is how I was feeling about the reading with dd. But this past week I took some steps to make some changes as well as utilizing help from outside sources if needed. I am feeling more confident in this endeavor, but it does require A LOT of patience. But I'm determined to NOT give up. I know that being with me is the best place for dd to not only get the academic help she needs, but the best place for her to get the Biblical and character training she needs as well. You will do fine. :)
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. III John 4
dh 33 yrs
ds29 church planter in MA
dd27 SAH mom
dd 12
3 dgs(5,2, & born 6/15) & 2 dgd(3 & born 2/15)

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