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Re: our 1st year of school**LHFHG or LHTH**

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 11:55 pm
by Carrie

I have to chime in on this part of the thread and just mention that when my second son went through LHTH and LHFHG there wasn't anything that he couldn't do in them either. However, I chose for him to do LHFHG because I fully enjoyed the time spent in God's word with him every day and felt that it built an excellent foundation for us to personally discuss God's word and apply it directly to his life, which was different from going to Sunday School or Awana where he was one in a class of children. :D My husband's and my goal is for our kiddos to be fully immersed in God's word often and repeatedly. So, if your goals differ you may easily feel that there is too much Bible in HOD. :D

One thing that we have moms comment on often when using our guides is how many innovative activities we have written into the daily plans. LHFHG for example has 165 different activities alone written in just the bottom left hand box of the daily plans! So, while your kiddos may have had some activities that seemed similar at church in the past, I'm guessing there had to be many that were new. :D Not even one of the over 350 activities that are within LHTH are repeated in LHFHG, which makes the two programs quite different from one another, but the Bible remains at the core of both programs. :D

I'm wondering if you got a chance to look at the placement chart, before placing your son in LHFHG last year? The placement charts are so accurate, and if your son is very advanced it could be that he needed a different placement? I always lean toward giving kiddos every chance to enjoy being young, as the demands of school get rigorous soon enough, but if you are desiring more rigor then you may want to look at the placement chart as you go to better meet your own family's goals.


Re: our 1st year of school**LHFHG or LHTH**

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 12:11 am
by Carrie

After using LHTH twice and now LHFHG twice with two different kiddos in our family, I can wholeheartedly say that we loved doing LHTH followed by LHFHG. I think your son will thoroughly enjoy LHTH and that you'll see him strengthening his readiness skills in all areas. I have only one more child left to do LHTH with this upcoming year and am truly looking forward to enjoying every minute of it with him. :D

I don't know where those childhood years go, but as I'm looking at having an 8th grader, a 5th grader, a first grader, and a 3 year old next year I can see the years going by too fast. :D I pray the Lord's blessing on your schooling this year and am excited for the year you'll have with HOD! :D


Re: our 1st year of school**LHFHG or LHTH**

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 7:33 am
by spidermansmum
trustyourinstincts wrote:thank you to everyone that added there thoughts and comments :D I like the idea of the leap frog letter factory. anything that helps me teach him is great :lol: I was really glad to see Carrie pop in and put my mind at ease. ok so here it is....

1) LHTH guide
2) a reason for handwriting K
3) my ABC Bible verses
4) the singing bible

is there anything else I could use or that I might need?
Tracy I think thats all the curriculum books you need.Other than that your just going to need the regular supplies of pencils .I think LHTH calls for a fair amount of masking tape :D Im going to get a few rolls in ready.Ive seen alot of Bean letters in the week in review threads too,so I think Im going to buy a box of those too :D .
I think LHTH is going to be alot o fun.

Re: our 1st year of school**LHFHG or LHTH**

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 7:33 am
by spidermansmum
trustyourinstincts wrote:thank you to everyone that added there thoughts and comments :D I like the idea of the leap frog letter factory. anything that helps me teach him is great :lol: I was really glad to see Carrie pop in and put my mind at ease. ok so here it is....

1) LHTH guide
2) a reason for handwriting K
3) my ABC Bible verses
4) the singing bible

is there anything else I could use or that I might need?
Tracy I think thats all the curriculum books you need.Other than that your just going to need the regular supplies of pencils .I think LHTH calls for a fair amount of masking tape :D Im going to get a few rolls in ready.Ive seen alot of Bean letters in the week in review threads too,so I think Im going to buy a box of those too :D .
I think LHTH is going to be alot o fun.

Re: our 1st year of school**LHFHG or LHTH**

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 9:23 am
by Emilylou
Thanks for all the advice girls.
My DS did enjoy LHFHG and we did all the activities. We are on Week 32 right now. We did supplement with some other stuff to just keep him busy and emerged in books, language, science, art ect. And also in God's word which I hope my husband and I are living and teaching him daily through example.
Although he enjoyed it he wasn't challenged by a lot of LHFHG. LHFHG set his attention for read alouds on fire! Which I am thankful. We have read all the Thorton Burgress books, 1/2 the Ambleside online Year 1 books, plus lots of the supplemental readings in LHFHG. We don't have a TV- we read a lot, spend lots of time outdoors year around, do lots of experiments and art projects.
I don't feel his placement was wrong I was just saying I couldn't imagine him doing any less than LHFHG at age 5. My son is not advance for his age, he is just a science buff and likes to see how things work. And LHFHG was the right placement for him.
Even though the math boxes were simple they worked for him also, because he was able to apply his skills to teach his sister her numbers, and adding. Now my DD4 knows her numbers, can count to 20 and to simple adding stories. Now he is teaching her to tell time. Which isn't going very well. :)
Both my DS and DD enjoyed all the songs and rhythms for each unit too. And they have taught them to their friends. Which I loved because I know they really are learning. We still the Continent Song from Unit 1 weekly and have taught the kids in our co-op class it.
I already have received my order for Beyond and am thrilled to get started in the fall.
The best part is I met a women in my area that uses HOD too. We were both excited to actually meet someone IRL who uses the same material. She is starting Preparing in the fall and has me drooling over it. :)
Thanks again for all the advice and encouragement.

Re: our 1st year of school**LHFHG or LHTH**

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 1:02 pm
by moedertje
If you are doing LHTH you can go to this website to print off your whole alphabet for free. They don't sell stuff. They have upper and lower case on the same sheet. You can print it off without the adds on top.
Success and have fun.