Let's tell a snapshot of the favorite HOD act. we did today

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Post by Sharon » Thu Feb 07, 2008 8:16 pm

Wow, what a blessing and and encouragement this thread has been!

Today dd missed 3 spelling words and she was suppose to write them in sand or finger paint them. I used rice instead and she has spent hours writing and playing in the rice. She was also very impressed with her Science experiment showing how white paper reflected the light and black paper absorbed the light. She felt quite important having something too "teach" big sister as she demonstrated the experiment in the bathroom.

And big sister literally gasped and OOOO'd (sp?) as I read the directions to science today. She made a "beach" for her science experiment to demonstrate the different kinds of bird beaks! She enjoyed herself completely today!

We had a wonderful day..."Thanks Carrie"!

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Post by my3sons » Thu Feb 07, 2008 8:25 pm

water2wine: Your daughter handled herself better than most adults would in that situation. Nothing is a higher compliment than being able to look at someone and say, "I just saw Jesus in you!" Well, if I could talk to your daughter today, that's what I would say... "Right there, hon', I just saw Jesus in you! The way you handled that - it was amazing!"
And you know "mom", that comes from you, and the faith you have passed on already to her too - a legacy to continue!
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie

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Post by my3sons » Thu Feb 07, 2008 8:28 pm

Sharon - Nothing seems better to a younger child than being able to impress the older child! I bet the oooooh's will stick in her memory! And, only HOD can make spelling that fun too, hmmmm? Glad you had a great day! :D
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie



Post by netpea » Thu Feb 07, 2008 10:26 pm

What an encouraging thread. Water2Wine, I am moved by your daughter's ability to relate the scriptures to what happened. That is what we seek for our kids too, to be able to learn and apply God's wisdom to life's situations. The Lord truly blessed your daughter today.

As for our day, we played hookie. My dd has a cold, and we were snowed in. I let them watch movies all day :shock: ... A rare thing here as I'm sure it is rare in most homeschooling families. I spent the day cleaning out cabinets in the laundry room in an attempt to make a space for my hubby to have a work area inside, his own personal space. I hope the space meets his needs.

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Post by Carrie » Thu Feb 07, 2008 11:38 pm

Hey ladies,

What a fun thread! My 5 year old loved throwing bean bags at Goliath to hit him with one of his "5 smooth stones". It was a realization to him to see how tall Goliath actually was. I can never get over it either. David's faith in the Lord had to be profound.

My 8 year old really enjoyed comparing the wing spans of different owls and comparing his own "wingspan" to the owls. It's surprising how wide their wingspan really is. He also just finished up the project for DITHR and was so excited to share it with the family. He collected 5 objects that went along with his book "A Mouse Called Wolf". He took great care explaining each item and why he chose it.

Our latest favorite is having the 8 year old narrate the One Small Square: Woods to the 5 year old. Both are enthralled.

Hope your days tomorrow are good ones! :)



Post by paliz » Fri Feb 08, 2008 6:29 am

Well I'm a day late but yesterday my son enjoying playing the pilgrim and indian games. He was so funny "drilling like a solider" and carrying his pretend gun. Then when he was suppose to jump from a line and try to keep seeing if he could beat his last jump. He doesn't like when he has to do sit up with his memory verse though, :D

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Post by water2wine » Fri Feb 08, 2008 8:52 am

Carrie- I can't imagine how much fun it is for your kids to use the curriculum that you wrote. I can't imagine how special they must feel that not only did you homeschool them, you wrote an entire curriculum that so many other families used. Later in life they are going to run into other kids that were homeschooled and used their mom's stuff. My kids would love that! And I love that you do with your family the same things we do with ours because we all use HOD. I'm excited to have kids grow up virtually with yours knowing that we are teaching the same biblical principles and the same scriptures are being memorized, the same lessons learned and yet we all add ourselves into it too. 8)

my3sons- I let my daughter read what you wrote. She said "What a nice lady. I like her!" She was touched. Thank you. Honestly I really think she translated it because of the way Carrie takes the Proverbs and translates it to History. That leads us to apply it to other things in our discussion. We had always done the linking the Bible to other things but never the "character" to historical figures like Carrie does and that really made something connect for her. :wink:
All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13
~Six lovies from God~4 by blessing of adoption
-MTMM (HS), Rev to Rev, CTC, DITHR
We LOVED LHFHG/Beyond/Bigger/Preparing/CTC/RTR/Rev to Rev (HS)

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Post by Carrie » Fri Feb 08, 2008 2:40 pm


Thanks for your kind words. I'm tired over the new book and the new catalog today and really appreciated the encouragement. It was just the pick-me-up I needed! :D I'm also very glad it's Friday and that we have made it to the weekend. :wink:

It was wonderful to read about everyone's day yesterday. I loved the snapshot into each of your lives.


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Post by MamaBear23Cubs » Fri Feb 08, 2008 8:00 pm

We haven't done much school this past week due to a move that is coming up. Our last HOD was about Moses in LHTH. My oldest read the story about Moses. Everyone sang and danced to the song about Moses. Then my younger two pasted a brown basket (oval construction paper) onto blue paper (river) and then pasted green grass (half piece of green contruction paper with cuts for grass) on top to hide the basket. My son kept saying he was the baby in the basket. They both loved showing daddy thier picture and my oldest told him how she got to help with their lesson.
MY SON (4)

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Post by my2guys » Fri Feb 08, 2008 9:01 pm

We didn't do "school" yesterday b/c Thursday is swimming day, but today we did the craft from LHTH where Joseph is under a post-it note covered with "sand" - showing how Joseph's brothers did not recognize him at first. DS4 just loves doing the crafts. As a matter of fact, the first question out of his mouth every morning when we sit down to do Little Hands is "are we doing a craft today?" (Even when there isn't a craft, I usually have to come up with something crafty to go along with the story. :wink: )
DS2's favorite thing every day is the finger play. Doing those with him is the MOST precious thing to see.
Ben (14yo) 8th with MTMM
Sam (12yo) 6th with RTR
Have already used and enjoyed: LHTH, LHFHG, BLHFHG, Bigger, Preparing, CTC, RTR & Rev to Rev

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Post by Tansy » Fri Feb 08, 2008 9:04 pm

Today we made a mold fossil. My dd really enjoyed making play mobile foot prints in the "mud". And we had shells so we used those to make and impression in the "clay" We have been to the Dinosaur valley park a few times so I could relate this to what we saw there.

then the icing on the cake is her girl scout troop leader when hearing my dd's babblings about making a fossil pulled out the badge book and marked that task off rock rock badge! I think I may take a day next week and go to zoo with dd they have a great geology section and finish this badge with her!
Dyslexics of the world Untie!
Adoptive Mom to 2 girls

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