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Re: How do you get ready?

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 1:14 pm
by water2wine
I like the open wire basket type for books we are reading in the program and closed plastic ones for supplies. I got them all at Walmart. If I posted pictures it would look like my house. My dining room has R&S Bible timeline on it but the rest of it looks like real furniture. I have only one open book shelf that I am about to finish to match the rest of my furniture. That was our dining room. But now it just looks sort of like a study. It takes people a second to realize it is our school room. I do not have it all school room looking. But we do have craft room now and I am loving that! But that is my room and theirs. I don't know how to post pictures. But you get the idea anyway. I'm a bad mommy. :roll: I like my house to look nice :lol: In my last house I had a room that really looked like a school room. It was separate from the house. I like having it this way because while they work I can cook or do whatever I need to and still be there for them if they need help.

Re: How do you get ready?

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 1:34 pm
by Samuel'sMommy
I have just started my homeschool journey, but DH and I decided that we didn't want our house to look like a school room all the time. I want people to come over and not be overwhelmed with school stuff. I'm hoping if I start out organized, it will continue. I love the idea of using the baskets for current books. We have a pretty basket in our living room that holds all our library books. DS loves it because he can flip through them and pick out the one he wants. I like it because I can actually find the library books when it's time to return them. :D
I also got this cabinet from Walmart ... id=9606721 to store our books and supplies. It holds quite a bit and blends in with the rest of the decor in our living room/dining room area. I'm actually thinking about getting 1 more so I will have room to expand.