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Re: New Math Reccomendation after Singapore 6A/6B

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 2:55 pm
by Robbi
I am looking over math options for my DD. She is using Singapore 5B currently, and halfway through RTR. (She starts a new year every January, well thats the goal). She is 12 and we consider her just starting 6th grade this fall. So my question is, should we use Singapore 6A/6B next year in RevtoRev? or switch to Principles of Mathematics? If we did that, what would we use the next year in MtMM? Principles 1 or 2? Both my kids seem to be following this sequence (DS starting Preparing and 3A/3B):

Beyond - Singapore 1A/1B
Bigger - Singapore 2A/2B
Preparing - Singapore 3A/3B
CtC - Singapore 4A/4B
RtR - Singapore 5A/5B

RevtoRev - Singapore 6A/6B or Principles 1 ??
MtMM - Principles 1 or 2 ??

High School 9th - Alegbra


Re: New Math Reccomendation after Singapore 6A/6B

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 1:57 pm
by Nealewill
I ultimately think it is up to you. My oldest dd is Singapore 5 last year and she is doing POM 1 this year. Does your dd like Singapore? Mine still was struggling with some of the concepts. I felt like moving to POM was a good fit for her. I am glad I made the switch. With my younger two, I don't know what I will do. I might just do Singapore 6 and then move into POM 2. I think you have complete freedom to go either way.

Re: New Math Reccomendation after Singapore 6A/6B

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 10:36 am
by Robbi
Thank you!! My DD does fine in Singapore but doesn't love it. I think it takes her a long time to do each day. Mostly because she needs to learn her math facts better I think. :)
With her, I am really thinking about switching also. I don't about the boys later. Again, thanks!