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Re: Cost

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 11:26 pm
by quiverfull
heidip2p wrote: I have always felt that God was trying to make a circle into a square when He called me to homeschool.

I chuckled when I read this…..that is exactly how I feel on so many days. I also feel that way about having a large family. I'm always saying, "What were you thinking Lord? I am the wrong person for this job."

I just want to say, I am so blessed by how encouraging you have all been. I get the sense that you really care, and that is refreshing. :)

Re: Cost

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 6:13 am
by Nealewill
I was not much of a box checker myself when I first started homeschooling but then I found that by the end of the year I was unhappy with how much we didn't get done or I was unhappy with some of the resources. So last year I decided to try out a box curriculum (different vendor). That was honestly the best year I ever had. Up until them I thought boxed curriculums had cooties. But now I can see that box curriculums are a great fit for me. I like the so much, I no longer look to supplement anything either. I found HOD this year and with HOD, it is so good I am not wishful of adding anything. Sure, there might be a book or two I want to read extra to the kids but we just do that over the summer. And I am finding that this curriculum is SO rich that they are accomplishing a ton on their own. It is truly a gem. For me, I find that I don't mind being a box checker because I love all the stuff they do and I am so glad I didn't have to come up with any of it on my own.

Re: Cost

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 8:49 am
by mom23
I just wanted to agree with what the others have been saying-if you're finding yourself just weary by all the planning and implementing, HOD will be a huge blessing to you and your family! I can see a Type A personality enjoying the detial, but I can personally relate that it works very well for the OE type. :D As far as cost I haveg to admit that we've had to rely heavily on the Library (I drive a half hour across state lines to have access to a bigger library.) I've also had to try to piece together used things from here and there to make up the packages. Of course, it is definitely ideal to be able to buy it new-both for the support of the families who put so much effort into writing/producing this wonderful resource, and for the ease of having everything here on my own shelves when I need it and piecing things together with the correct editions/page numbers lining up with the guide. HOD is so nice because it uses mostly non-consumable really helps the finances for bigger families to be able to pass things down to a younger sibling.

I'd encourage you to chat some more on here and/or call the company for placement advice. With those guides I think you may be able to combine; especially if you're concerned about your oldest and the WG reading load! There are several threads on here that talk about making MTMM high school credit worthy; and I know that the work load of using that guide, even beefed up, would be less than the WG guide. Plus, that would help a ton with your up front cost!

Re: Cost

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 6:13 pm
by 8arrows
my3sons wrote:HOD longs for moms to wake up each day with all they need to be successful homeschooling - for these years to be a blessing and not to be a burden.
Can I just say that I truly believe this! This is one of the many things that draws me to HOD. Our studies have truly been a blessing this year.

I also want to say that one of my dearest friend has used some HOD, and may I say that she is definitely NOT a type A personality. That is part of the reason we blend so well. Both of us can use HOD with success. It is not a one-type personality curriculum.

Re: Cost

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 7:55 pm
by quiverfull
8arrows wrote: Can I just say that I truly believe this! This is one of the many things that draws me to HOD. Our studies have truly been a blessing this year.

I also want to say that one of my dearest friend has used some HOD, and may I say that she is definitely NOT a type A personality. That is part of the reason we blend so well. Both of us can use HOD with success. It is not a one-type personality curriculum.
This is very encouraging! It gives me hope!

Re: Cost

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 8:50 pm
by quiverfull

I want to thank you all so much for your prayers. The Lord did provide and I just placed my order this evening. We are sooooo excited! :D :) :D :) :D :)
This is going to be an awesome year! I can't believe it is only March, and we are ready for next year. Such a huge blessing. Thank you for praying!

I know I will have a lot of questions, so I'm sure I'll be visiting these boards often!

Glory be to God!

Re: Cost

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 11:17 pm
by heidip2p
That is so awesome!!!

Re: Cost

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 7:04 am
by psreit
If you've placed your order, why wait until fall to begin? :wink: Many begin at other times of the year. Glad your prayers were answered. :)

Re: Cost

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 2:38 pm
by quiverfull

It's interesting that you said that, because it's exactly what I've been mulling around in my head! I figured we could just start slow and gradually work our way into it, then when the fall hits, there would be no "adjustment time". And I think it would be more enjoyable for everyone if we weren't under a lot of pressure in the beginning. I doubt I'll be able to wait anyway once that box arrives. I told my husband, it's better than Christmas! :)

Re: Cost

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 4:06 pm
by MelInKansas
Box day IS so wonderful and I am sure you will be excited to start your new programs once they arrive. Starting in slowly is really a good idea, plus if you have things to finish up maybe you should do it. But I am sure you will come to the right decision.

Re: Cost

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 7:05 pm
by quiverfull
MelInKansas wrote:Box day IS so wonderful and I am sure you will be excited to start your new programs once they arrive. Starting in slowly is really a good idea, plus if you have things to finish up maybe you should do it. But I am sure you will come to the right decision.
I was thinking about having them finish up their math, language, and science, but starting in on the history and bible portion of HOD. What do you think?

Re: Cost

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 7:43 pm
by Nealewill
If you still have science to finish, I would probably finish that before moving into HOD. I am not sure if your language arts has a lot of writing or not either. But if so, I would either decide to finish it or just proceed with HOD. I think that bible, history, science and writing are best kept together with HOD. But math, spelling, lit studies and grammar are more flexible. JMHO.

And I just wanted to say PRAISE GOD! He is so wonderful and I am so glad for you that you could get all you needed!

Re: Cost

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 8:28 pm
by psreit
When I had decided I was coming back to HOD, I had planned to wait until fall to begin Preparing, but even though I thought I could finish up this year with some other things, I just could not wait to order and get started. So, I lay aside most everything I had been doing so we could get back into HOD. Personally, I would have history and science going at the same time. If you begin slow, you could do half speed. That is what we are doing with Preparing to finish the year. That allows us to finish some things we had been doing prior to Preparing. I stopped most, but we wanted to finish the Little House on the Prairie series, and I was doing some extra geography with my dd, states and capitals to follow my son and his family on their deputation. Also, my dd is doing some phonics because of her dyslexia. So, we have a few extras right now. I'm hoping to go full speed in the fall if dd can handle it. So, if you begin HOD slowly and still want to finish the science you have been doing, you could fit it in along with the science in HOD if you go half speed. Or, you can just drop the science you're doing, and just go with HOD. :D

Re: Cost

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 5:06 pm
by quiverfull
Thank you all for your suggestions. I think I'm just going to start with my oldest (in HOD) and get her (and me) used to the guide. I'll have her finish her math and science since we are using our own science for her next year anyway. I know it's going to be an adjustment, so I want to ease her into it and give her a solid start. Then we'll see about the other ones. I'm so excited!

Re: Cost

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 3:20 pm
by MelInKansas
I definitely think starting them one a time will help you a lot in the adjustment to a new type of curriculum, separate guides (if this is new for you) and just how things flow and work. It will be interesting to start with the oldest one, but I have been using HOD for.... 5 years now so I am really used to how the guides work and all I need to adjust to in a new guide is the new skills needed (and making sure I am reading thoroughly so everything gets done as it should).

Blessings to you! As others said, Praise God for providing for you to be able to purchase your materials from HOD!