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Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 6:42 am
by MamaMary
Wow Martha,

How encouraging! I go Wednesday at 10am for my first WW meeting.

Thanks momto2girls, I hope you find the tabs w/ no problem! :D

Jen, I'm glad you saw the reply. I don't think there's a way to list all the blogs. But during the school year the Week In Review thread most of the moms list their blog links with their weekly check in's :D Hope that helps :)

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 9:15 am
by water2wine
Mary you make sure to update us on your doctor visit!!!!

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 10:13 am
by Tiffini
Thanks, W2W, for your reply about cooking. Do you use a certain system for your bulk cooking - like a book? I have read some, but it really intimidates me. I'm not sure that I could go that route, but I'm always ready to check things out.

Mary, I totally agree with your advice to do it in advance and to know what you are making that morning. That is the only way I succeed - I just don't do it very often even though I know that's the only way. :oops: I will keep on praying and working on it.

FWIW, I had quite serious heart palpitations over a year long period. I had all the medical work-ups with no diagnosis. I see a naturopath who has helped me tremendously with other health issues. She was able to tell that it was a magnesium deficit. After being on magnesium for a short time, the palpitations were gone. Just to encourage you that it need not be a serious issue and I pray that it isn't. Keep us updated!

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 10:54 am
by holyhart
What I generally do with cooking is first to make a menu. Generally for a week, but sometimes for two. That makes my grocery shopping easier and I don't stare into the fridge or freezer waiting for a dinner idea to jump out at me. I also tend to plan my menu around what is on sale in that weeks circular.

When I get home from the grocery store after putting away everything that needs to be put away, I prep my food. I buy most of my meats in large family size packages.

Chicken, I will take some and cut it into cubes, season it with salt, pepper, garlic and onion powder, maybe some basil or parsley (depends on what I might want to make with it). I put a few breasts in with some marinade. Some I leave plain. But I prep them according to the menu. Then I put them into the freezer (unless I need to keep one out for a meal within the next day or so).

Ground beef, I seperate into what I guestimate to be 1 lb. packages (unless I know I will need one larger). Some I cook up with seasonings and make spaghetti sauce, then freeze that. Some I might cook up with taco seasonings and then freeze that. I might mix all my ingredients for a meatloaf and freeze that. Some I will leave plain. I also pre-make my hamburgers.

That should give a general outline of what I do with my meat. I do the same with pork, etc. That way half my meal is done (prep work takes the longest).

So I don't really cook in bulk, but I do find that I save a lot of time and energy (read frustrations) by doing it this way. I also like to over cook, so that we can have enough left over for lunch the next day for the kids and myself.

Don't know if that helps anyone or not.

A great website is Not only does it have the recipes with reviews but you can also find a recipe by an ingredient search. Say you have chicken, broccoli and some noodles. You enter that in (and any ingredients that you may wish to NOT have) and it will match your ingredients up to the recipes that contain those. Plus you can search by type of cuisine, etc. Lots of good stuff and ideas.

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 11:09 am
by holyhart
Mary I'll pray about your dr. appt.

Your weekend looked lovely. I wish I had some girlfriends who homeschooled to do that with. But you really got me thinking about setting a goal. Remindes me of when it talks about in Proverbs that His people perish for lack of vision.

And I definately need to get some sort of schedule. But being the first time I've really done this, I'm not so sure what to expect so not sure how to plan. I might just do it for a week or two and see how things need to be adjusted. Plus some prayer.

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 2:56 pm
by jsusgrl
Hi Mary:-)
I love your blog!!! Thank you for sharing your goals with all of us. You truly are inspiring! I'm also keeping you in prayer for your health scare, but I'm so glad you had a wonderful time on the Riverboat!! I wish I could do that. How wonderful to be able to fellowship with friends and just plan, plan, plan!!:-)
Also, I love your little tabs you put in your book, so i copied your idea!!:-) i already had some on hand that i had used with my Tapestry of Grace notebooks, so it was perfect!!
God bless and keep you!
In His Love,

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 4:27 pm
by we6rblessed
I need to jump in here too.
The tabs are a great idea, and yes, you are the bomb!
I kinda wish we HODDIES had a weight support group...

I am praying for your test results, now go and put in a load of laundry!!LOL!


Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 4:30 pm
by MamaMary
Hi Girls,

The appointment was not great. I have high blood pressure? I have no idea when that happened? My last two appointments (within this year) were 120/78 and 120/80 and today it was 140/98?

You know my favorite verse: Can anything happen without the Lord's permission?

This was not a surprise to Him! He is my strong tower!

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 4:43 pm
by water2wine
MamaMary wrote: The appointment was not great. I have high blood pressure? I have no idea when that happened?
But this is only temporary because you are loosing weight. :D This can be fixed and I know you are motivated to do it. :wink:

Is everything else OK?

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 4:44 pm
by jsusgrl
Dear Mary,
I'm sorry to hear that, but that is what I suspected:-( I was also diagnosed with HBP about 2 yrs ago, and my Doc insisted i get on medication, which I finally did, but weaned myself off of it. I haven't checked mine lately.....i know...not smart, but .....I feel good?
i'm trying to do it the natural way now, but definately need to change my eating habits :oops:
Stress can also cause Blood pressure to rise. That was at least part of what contributed in my case for sure, and I believe sometimes it's genetics. My mom had high blood pressure also.
I'll pray for you, and I'm thakful they caught it before anything more serious happened. God bless you,

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 4:46 pm
by water2wine
Tiffini wrote:Thanks, W2W, for your reply about cooking. Do you use a certain system for your bulk cooking - like a book? I have read some, but it really intimidates me. I'm not sure that I could go that route, but I'm always ready to check things out.
I started using 30 day Gourmet and finding things online. It is not hard at all. I would suggest getting a vacuum sealer. I am not an expert but please feel free to PM me if you want to know more. :D

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 5:07 pm
by jsusgrl
Just a note about high blood pressure and weight: I was only about 118 lbs when i was diagnosed and I'm 5' 5 and 1/2 ", so being thin does not neccasarily make it go away, but I'm sure eating healthier can!:-)
Love in Christ,

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 6:09 pm
by Melanie
1. Mary - loved your weekend getaway!! Thank you so much for sharing that with us. Reminded me of college dorm days and all the fun a bunch of girls can have.

2. Thank you for your inspiration to set goals not only for my kids, but myself. I will be needing that more than ever as we head into the worldly world of ps and trying to keep our precious children's souls safe in this environment. I am praying so hard for this to only be for one year....I hope God doesn't find that too selfish.

3. I am a WW lifetimer! I loved WW! I was on bedrest with my twins and gained 90#. :shock: WW helped me lose every bit of it....and then I (like the pp) got pregnant again. But, the stategies I learned in WW helped after that one as well....couldn't go to meeting with 3 babies, so I used the plan on my own. I wish you great success with your meetings and goals!!!

4. Oh sweet Mary....I am sorry to hear about the HBP. My mom also struggles with this and as Angie has more to do with her genetics than weight. I do hope though that yours goes away with your weight loss. You're far too young to struggle with that condition yet!

Loved your blog...I always do!! Can't wait to read how your first week back with HOD goes for the boys!
:D Mel

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 6:43 pm
by water2wine
jsusgrl wrote:Just a note about high blood pressure and weight: I was only about 118 lbs when i was diagnosed and I'm 5' 5 and 1/2 ", so being thin does not neccasarily make it go away, but I'm sure eating healthier can!:-)
I guess I want all health issues to disappear with weight loss since I am trying to loose weight as well and hoping there is a link. :cry: But either way Mary I pray for you that this will not be a terrible struggle for you. :D

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 8:07 pm
by Jessi
So sorry to hear about your appointment. But you are being proactive to take care of yourself. I'll pray that losing weight and eating healthier food will help eliminate your high blood pressure.

Ok my napkin technique: Take a square napkin. Have it face you with the crease at the top. Grab the bottom right corner (top portion) and fold it up to the top left corner (leaving the bottom half alone). Turn the napkin over and fold both left and right corners into the center. Turn it back over and you have created a pocket for your silverware inside the napkin. :-) Nothing too fancy but as kids we enjoyed it.