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Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 7:21 pm
by Melanie
Oh Kelly, are way too computer savy for this board! 8) (Check the archives for "How do I quote someone?" if you don't believe me.) Don't be surprised if you start getting a lot of questions along the lines of "how'd you do that??"

Also, I had a nurse actually make a face when we said we were naming our son Wayne. She said it was an old man name. :roll: Yes, it suited both of his grandfathers nicely, thank you and (I wanted to give her forehead the V-8 pop) he'll be an old man one day!! I love your names, too!! :D

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 7:42 pm
by holyhart
One of my best friends husbands set up a private little forum board that has the same set up as this one, for group of our friends. We all live spread across the country now, so it is easy to stay in touch that way! Over the last 2 years being on that board I've learned a bit from my girlfriends....before that I knew how to type and that was it!!!

So if there are questions I'd be glad to TRY to answer them, but I might have to ask my computer savvy friends first! :wink:

Isn't it funny how folks think it's just fine to critique the name you have just given your child??? Who asked for their imput??? The V-8 pop! :lol: Took me a minute as I don't have cable so I had to think about commercials a minute but I got it! (I can be a bit slow catching on sometimes. :roll: ). So yes, people giving their name input and strangers who suddenly feel it is ok to touch your belly just because it is now pertruding from it's original spot or the people who feel it is exceptable to tell you that you are HUGE and ask if you're having twins....they all get the V-8 pop! Image(that is as close to a V-8 pop as I could get)

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 10:26 pm
by Kathleen

I wanted to pop in here and welcome you, too! :D :D You're going to love HOD!! And the ladies here. I loved reading through what you're looking for as you're choosing your curriculum...yep pretty close to my list and why I ended up here. This is the most like-minded group of ladies that I get to be "around".

And I have to say that I thought exactly what Melanie did...
Melanie wrote:Oh Kelly, are way too computer savy for this board! 8) (Check the archives for "How do I quote someone?" if you don't believe me.)
I'm one of those in the "unsavy" group, but I can quote someone now. :wink: Obviously you're well past this as you can put in several quotes. :shock: But you may have to find that thread anyway...I was in tears I was laughing so hard...and my husband thought I had gone off the deep end. :D

I look forward to getting to know you better.
:D Kathleen

PS I just have to ask...and you don't have to answer, but is Hart you're last name? It's my sister's married name and the first thing I thought of when I saw your user name.

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 8:35 am
by peridot
Welcome! We are using Little Hearts and Bigger. We started a little over 2 wks ago and we LOVE IT! I am also expecting and due at the end of September, so that is why we are starting early as well. One other good thing about HOD is that my husband LOVES IT! He loves that I am not stressed, that the children are enjoying it and that if I need help from him, he just needs to open it up and go from there! Woo hoo!

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 9:20 am
by lovetobehome
Can I comment on the children's names? I love the names you is my pet peeve. My daughter's name is Molly, and often people will say "Oh! I love that name, that's my dog's name!" As if I am supposed to be flattered that my child shares a name with their dog? I know they just mean it is a nice name, but it really grates on my nerves!

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 11:18 am
by Jen in Va
holyhart wrote:I was thinking a week or two (providing all goes well with delivery...had some minor complications when ds was born) off for everyone to bond/acclimate ( and mom to heal!), keeping up with story time though, and then doing 2-3 days a week till we get back into the swing of things, then bumping back up to a 4-5 day schedule.

Do you all think that that will get her too far off track?
I think it sounds great!

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 1:51 pm
by Sandi_NC
Hi Kelly!

Just wanted to say welcome! We're getting ready to start Bigger next week and we're all excited!

Congratulations on your upcoming arrival!


Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 5:35 pm
by holyhart
Kathleen asked:
PS I just have to ask...and you don't have to answer, but is Hart you're last name? It's my sister's married name and the first thing I thought of when I saw your user name.
You've OUTED me!!!! :lol: Just kidding! Yep that is my last name.

I guess I'll have to look for the other thread if it was that funny!

Peridot wrote:
One other good thing about HOD is that my husband LOVES IT! He loves that I am not stressed, that the children are enjoying it and that if I need help from him, he just needs to open it up and go from there!
As my hubs was looking through it, he liked that feature too. That if I needed him to do a lesson, it will be right there and he can just pick up where I left off without all sorts of notes from me.

lovetobehome, the dog thing........definately gets a V-8 pop too! Sometimes you just listen to people and you want to Image or Image ya know? THINK PEOPLE!!!

SOOOOOOO excited to start next week!!!!Image

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 9:20 am
by holyhart
So I found the thread about quotes. It was pretty funny! I was really laughing at the "hottie" sweat pants! :lol:

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 9:31 am
by netpea
Welcome to the boards! I hope HOD is what you are looking for, it is perfect for our family.


Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 6:20 pm
by holyhart
Ok, I'm trying to get everything ready to start on Monday. Like having all the supplies together, the cards made that need to be made....stuff like that. So that for at least the first few weeks I don't need to hunt/prep for stuff right before we start (anyone else do that or am I too anal? :shock: :roll: ).

In one of the projects, you are to draw 4 cards; sun, water, soil and air. How does one draw air??? I'm not sure if it's because I'm tired and have been having braxton hicks all day or if I am just experiencing a lack of creativity. But seriously all I can come up with for "air" is to leave a blank card. That just doesn't seem very creative (whick I usually am).


And Evelyn kept coming in and wanting to watch what I was doing. She is so excited to start kindergarten next week! She kept asking "do we start tomorrow???" "tomorrow is a school day right?". She was especially exciteted to see the paper plate Egyptian collar that she will get to decorate! "Can't we just do it now?" :D

Makes me even more excited that she is excited to start!

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 6:27 pm
by Carly
Welcome, Kelly!
I've got a 3rd and 4th grader and am looking
forward to ordering Preparing in the fall.
Glad you're here.