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Re: Roll Call - When are you all starting?

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 12:01 am
by 8arrows
We will be starting the 20th. My oldest still at home has ecclectic materials and dual enrollment classes. My middle three will be doing REV2REV. My next two down will be doing Beyond. And the three year old will entertain us! My children aretrying to get used to older brother being married and away at college. We will school 5 days a week, but Fridays are different materials and mostly on computer. It is also a shorter day. The chore charts and schedules are almost ready!

Re: Roll Call - When are you all starting?

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 12:16 am
by MomtoJGJE
We normally school year round, but a lot of different things had us take a six week break this summer :shock: We started back two weeks ago, and everyone fell into the routine. Well, Grace has decided that every single day must begin with complaining about SOME part of school, but she does fine with it ;)

We will be finishing Preparing and starting CTC, finishing Beyond and starting Bigger, finishing LHFHG, and doing LHTH restarting it in April as actual preschool (right now it's just because Evie MUST be doing school like her sisters! :lol: ) My hopes and dreams having us finishing Preparing and Beyond before the baby is born at the end of October, but quite likely we'll really get done sometime before Christmas :) We school anywhere from 3-6 days a week.

Re: Roll Call - When are you all starting?

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 12:22 am
by krazzymommy
We will be starting Unit 5 in both Bigger and Little Hearts this week. Kids are LOVING it. It's taking a bit for me to find my groove. I'm definitely the kinda gal that needs to see the big picture, so I've been playing around with some ideas on how to help me see the whole picture and still keep the curriculum easy peasy. ;)

Re: Roll Call - When are you all starting?

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 1:28 am
by bethelmommy
We school year round, but are just coming back from a two week break. We are on unit 12 of LHFHG and will probably get through unit 16 before breaking again for several weeks when baby #4 is born.

I have pencil boxes for the kids with new pencils, scissors, glue, crayons and such that they will get in another week when public school starts around here. That's all we do to celebrate the official start of the school year, but we do several mini-celebrations throughout the year. For example, ds will finish lesson 20 of TRL in the next week or two and we will all celebrate by going out for ice cream. We will do the same for dd when she finishes later this year. I am sure we will do something special when we finish LHFHG as well. Then, they will get new supplies when we get ready to start BLHFHG next year. That's all we do for now, but my kids are still little and seem pretty happy with our routine.

Re: Roll Call - When are you all starting?

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:14 am
by 4Hispraise
My oldest started Rev to Rev on August 6 and is loving it - so am I! He is actually excited about every subject except Creative Writing (he has NEVER been a writer)...but even so, he does not complain. :D

Re: Roll Call - When are you all starting?

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:34 am
by HisWay
We take summers off because the weather is so nice here in MI. We will start back after Labor Day on Sept. 4th. I can't wait to begin HOD with dd!

Re: Roll Call - When are you all starting?

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 6:18 am
by happy@home
We started August 1st!! We are finishing up Bigger before moving on to Preparing Hearts!! We've had a GREAT start!! I told the kiddos they could decide what we would do for our first day. We have always had an end of the year celebration, but nothing on the first day other than pictures with their new manual and school supplies. So this year we went out for breakfast, played at the park for several hours, and then to the library!! :D

Re: Roll Call - When are you all starting?

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 7:24 am
by psreit
We started last Monday, the 6th. Needless to say, it didn't quite turn out like I had expected. We are doing half-speed in Bigger and, wanting to complete at least two full days of HOD, ended up finishing 1&1/2. The 1st day of school I got a call that my 150 ears of corn were ready for pick-up. I ended up only doing half and selling or giving the other half away. We had other things going on, so I just could not do them all. I'm getting more this week. :shock: It's taking dd and I some time to adjust to 'school' again. This has been a very busy summer. I can't believe it will soon be gone. Going half-speed is allowing for some adjustments that I think will be good for dd-time for focusing on reading and math, necessary life skills, etc. I don't want school to be 'we have to finish these boxes'. I want to teach her that 'school' or 'learning' comes in many different forms, not just books, but that doing bookwork is necessary. So, although our first week was interrupted and somewhat futile, we carry on today. :D Should be a profitable week.

I was thinking about what some do to 'kick-off' the school year. I feel like I should do something significant to get us going, but I'm not sure what. We already went and got supplies. Maybe a trip to the wildlife preserve with friends would be good. Good incentive to get work done. Will have to wait until next week. I forgot we have a trip to an amusement park on Saturday. 8) I guess our special day is already planned. :D Still enjoying some summer! :D

Re: Roll Call - When are you all starting?

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 10:11 am
by Heart_Mom
Since we are expecting a sweet new baby girl in late Sept./early Oct., we started in June. That way I can feel comfortable taking some time off at the end of pregnancy and after she's born if I feel like we need it.

We're doing Preparing and LHFHG this year ... and really enjoying them so far! :D We generally will do lessons about 4 days per week or so.

Re: Roll Call - When are you all starting?

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 12:11 pm
by blessedmomof4
Starting up after Labor Day, September 4th, although the public schools here start August 28. Sticking with a 4-day week, because I think that will work best for us with baby due late October/early November. 12 (almost 13) YO dd will continue CTC with extensions (we stopped at unit 18), until she is finished with it, and then we will see where we go from there.

Re: Roll Call - When are you all starting?

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 12:22 pm
by John'smom
Today was our first day!!! We all enjoyed ourselves.

Our special day was planned as follows:
1. Going to Panera for breakfast.
2. Taking photos with these back to school signs.
3. Talk about why we love homeschooling.
4. Do a first day of school booklet. Probably take us more than one day for sure.
5. Do a Treasure Hunt. I just ordered a game (Rory's Story Cubes, movie (Johnny Tremain), and an animal toob from Amazon. Plus I'll put some kind of sweet treat in there as it's a rarity here.
6. I wrote them a special note in their new Common Place books.

I also plan on using these special notes throughout the year in their workboxes.

Re: Roll Call - When are you all starting?

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 1:09 pm
by 3sweeties
John'smom wrote:Today was our first day!!! We all enjoyed ourselves.

Our special day was planned as follows:
1. Going to Panera for breakfast.
2. Taking photos with these back to school signs.
3. Talk about why we love homeschooling.
4. Do a first day of school booklet. Probably take us more than one day for sure.
5. Do a Treasure Hunt. I just ordered a game (Rory's Story Cubes, movie (Johnny Tremain), and an animal toob from Amazon. Plus I'll put some kind of sweet treat in there as it's a rarity here.
6. I wrote them a special note in their new Common Place books.

I also plan on using these special notes throughout the year in their workboxes.
Edwena! Thanks for the link to the special notes -- what a great idea to put them in their workboxes! I am definitely going to do that this year! :D :D :D

Re: Roll Call - When are you all starting?

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 1:27 pm
by raceNzanesmom
We started Bigger Hearts today. It went really well. :D

Re: Roll Call - When are you all starting?

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 2:04 pm
by RecumbentHeart
We started Beyond the second Monday of July (whatever date that was). This is already week six for us. :D

Re: Roll Call - When are you all starting?

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 3:12 pm
by Teena6
We will start Aug. 20th. We will be doing MTMM for Lysa. I will print out the week pdf and then wait for my guide to come in! YAY :lol:

my boys will do BHFHG.
