I'm new to HOD and have a daughter that will be starting Kindergarten in the fall. What attracts me most to Heart of Dakota is how Christ Centered it is. I want our homeschool to Glorify God and what my children to be saturated in God's word and always being aware of who He is and that our world is truly HIS STORY! I'm so grateful there are other wonderfully talented mom's out there that can put together such wonderful curriculum for me! lol. I'm not a planner and this will be a blessing!
I was originally debating on using Little Hearts for His Glory for Kindergarten but after much debate and prayer I've decided to leave it for 1st grade and was going to only focus on the 3 R's along with some Bible time. I didn't do anything formal for preschool just casual learning of the letters and their sounds so my daughter is still learning them. However, a thought came to me that I could possibly use Little Hands to Heaven for K (age range is for 5 year olds as well) in addition to reading, writing and math. Do you think that's doable? My daughter seems rare and doesn't like to be read to very much or for long periods of time (she'll sit through one small book and that's it) but is VERY wiggly and loves anything with alot of movement and anything silly that would make her laugh so what other's might think is babyish or light will probably be super fun for her!

Any thoughts on that? Would Little Hands to Heaven be doable for Kindergarten?
Thanks so much in advance!