example of learning issues, help ?

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example of learning issues, help ?

Post by Gwenny » Tue Jan 22, 2013 2:30 pm

Does anyone have an idea of what "issue" this could possibly be?
I have 2 examples:
This is my 16 yo daughter from Liberia, she has been here for 6 years.

Making pancakes: I told her to make 3 batches, 1 batch calls for 1 egg, 1 cup mix. I asked her how many for 3 batches. After many ways of describing what I meant, how to do it, etc. her answer was 2 eggs. I even drew pictures, I pretended to do 3 batches separately. I think part of it is that she panics and feels bad when she can't do something, but still....

Today we were starting the fantasy genre in DITHR. We were filling out the reading calendar. There is a table of contents with the page number for the start of the chapters. I told her we were doing 2 chapters. I told her the first couple, and then realized that I should see if she could do it. (write the page number of the start of chapter 5, then read to the page number right before the start of chapter 7). She couldn't do it! I explained it a couple of ways, demonstrated how I did it before, practically gave her the answer and she still couldn't figure it out! She would give the page number for the start of chapter 8- (I would explain that that page number is to start the next chapter and we need to stop the page before that number), or go back and give the page number from chapter 5, or just some random number. Is that a harder skill than I realize?? My 8 and 10 year olds can do it.

I'm at a loss....

Thanks for listening. :)
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Re: example of learning issues, help ?

Post by my3sons » Tue Jan 22, 2013 3:37 pm

From what you've shared, I'd say number sense would be the thing to work on, and I guess I'd see it as a mathematics thing to focus upon rather than a learning issue per say. She probably would have done fine following the recipe for making 1 batch, or writing "Ch. 1-2," "Ch. 3-4," "Ch. 5-6," etc. (which is how we do it BTW because we find it easier too :D ). I bet she may have even been able to just multiply every ingredient by 3 if you told her that is what she needed to do. What math program is she doing? I have seen very few math programs that focus on number sense and life application like Singapore does. If the math program she is using doesn't seem to teach in this manner and help her out in these areas, you may want to consider a switch, or you may want to just keep providing life application for her in your home. I'm not sure this helps, but I will say (from years of tutoring dc in math) there are many dc who can rotely figure out a math problem in a textbook step by step that have no clue how to apply it to life and figure out a problem that is slightly different yet essentially the same in life situations. I definitely do not think dd is alone in this. :wink: If it's too late in the game to make a switch and the math program dd is doing seems to be a good fit but doesn't teach number sense in this manner, you may just want to show her the rote step by step way to solve things, such as take each ingredient times 3, and this may be her best way of figuring out problems such as these - it is for many, many other people, and they seem to function just fine. Hope something here helps!

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Re: example of learning issues, help ?

Post by Gwenny » Tue Jan 22, 2013 3:48 pm

Thanks Julie. I appreciate your input. Frankly, there are so many times in the day that I want to bang my head against the wall when things like this happen. She seems to have no thinking skills. It's hard when the 8 yo or 5 yo call the answer from the other room!

I have been working with her on math....oh my, I think we may be gaining something. I think I am just so used to children who learn easily. Years ago she did Teaching Textbooks math 4 and did well, like a B! But I can't figure out how she did that! I know she didn't cheat, but if you just give her problems, like you said, she can figure it out. Give her "Sally read 5 books and Peter read 10, how many more did Peter read?" She will always say 10. "Susie had 8 apples and ate 2, how many are left?" She can't get it. But she can do 8-2. Any type of thinking outside of a "formula", forget it.

We are just finishing up doing Math Mammoth grade 1, both sets. It has been a struggle--unless it was just the number problems, like I said. I was going to do Singapore, but my 7 year old was doing it and I wanted it to be different. I thought I was doing some concrete things with her, but my dad said that I needed to be more concrete. For instance, when doing the books problem, actually get out the books. YIKES! Everything takes so much time. I thought the pictures on the paper were concrete, I guess not.

Anyway, thanks for your input. I just really need to work with her more and I keep thinking I shouldn't have to because she is so old.
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Re: example of learning issues, help ?

Post by Tansy » Tue Jan 22, 2013 3:53 pm

Here is a fantastic place to start. Karyn Purvis and Nuro development has been my Life saver as in I only bang my head once a week now instead of multiple times a day. I know how you feel and I know it can get better PM me :-)


I'd start with the Impact of Fear.
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Re: example of learning issues, help ?

Post by Tansy » Tue Jan 22, 2013 6:58 pm

Arleta changed her blog which is why I didn't post this earlier I had to dig for it. Here is another post you can read that might give you insight as to the why she could but now can't.
My daughter was diagnosed with "no math comprehension" In other words word problems and real life problems are often over her head. Just recently we have see the sun poking though and her actually solving problems on the fly. *picture me with my jaw dropped* So it can be overcome. Often concrete thinking is rooted in early "trauma" and for some children that "trauma" can be something you and I would never think of as trauma. The brain get stuck in an earlier developmental stage, the good news is it can be parented and trained away :-)

http://www.arletajames.com/articles/why ... opment.pdf
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Re: example of learning issues, help ?

Post by lmercon » Tue Jan 22, 2013 7:44 pm

There is a "condition" called, dyscalculia. It is the math version of dyslexia, and can be VERY severe. My ds has severe dyslexia, and I sympathize with you. It can be very frustrating, but it's not their fault. You can help her, but you first need to know what you are dealing with first. I'd do some research and see if she has many of the "symptoms" so to speak.
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Re: example of learning issues, help ?

Post by Gwenny » Wed Jan 23, 2013 6:46 am

Thanks so much everyone. I knew some ladies with have some wisdom for me. :) I will definitely look at those links given and look up that math dyslexia thing. I do want to help her, I can't imagine how she would function well in life without "getting it" more.

Dd29 married (w/2 sons 1/2/14, 5/24/16), ds27, dd25 married (w/dd born 8/9/16), dd25, dd22
Dd 19 HS in special ed
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