Long intro and Questions

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Long intro and Questions

Post by MommyMc » Wed May 21, 2008 8:36 pm

Hi! A friend on another message board recommended that I look into Heart of Dakota and I am really impressed! However, we have done such a hodge-podge thus far in our homeschooling career that I am not sure if I should just keep trudging along with what we are doing or switch. I e-mailed Carrie before I really looked at the message boards here and Mike pointed me this direction. Since my questions have to do with "Preparing" (which isn't out yet), I'm not sure if y'all will be able to help me or not.

Below is my original e-mail that I sent to Carrie:
I have really enjoyed perusing your website and I have some questions for you. First I will give you some background information so that you can better answer my questions.

I have four children:
A daughter who just turned 10 (April 1998)
A son who is 8 (February 2000)
A son that is 3 (March 2005)
A daughter that is 18 months (November 2006)

We have homeschooled from the beginning.

My oldest daughter started reading well at age four, mostly by me reading to her. (I did "formal" phonics as a review using AlphaPhonics when she was in kindergarten.) My son started reading at age three. He did some phonics then (after I realized how well he was reading) and finished it at age four. They both are voracious readers, especially my daughter.

I overdo school and yet, at the same time, I am not consistent. It is a real struggle in our family. When we started 1st grade for my oldest, I began working through chronological history with them beginning with creation. We used Greenleaf's Guide to Old Testament History as a starting point. At the appropriated time, we added in the Ancient Egypt guide. I also had Diana Waring's book for ancient times and used Sonlight, Veritas Press and My Father's World to find even more books. As I realized that we were going to be slogging through ancient history forever, I decided to try My Father's World. It did not work for our family. I then decided to try Sonlight but add in a lot of the extra stuff that I had already bought. However, then we ended up going back to Ancient Egypt, even though we were already past that in our studies. With the birth of two kids in the meantime and an otherwise overly busy schedule, we have FINALLY finished Sonlight Core 1 (plus my added stuff which included the Greenleaf Guides to Ancient Greece and Rome, plus the Veritas Cards, plus Story of the World, plus some of Streams of Civilization) and are working through Sonlight Core 2 (with lots of added stuff... and you are probably getting the picture that I want to do it ALL and am not good at picking and choosing only the "good stuff"). We are almost finished with Vikings (it is taking longer because we added in Beorn the Proud) and then we will move on to knights and castles and all of that good stuff. I have a lot of EXTRA stuff for the Renaissance and Reformation period (especially the Reformation). I was hoping to finish Core 2 this year and start American History sometime in the middle of the year. We are only in the middle of Core 2 at this point. I realize that the problem in NOT the curriculum. It is me.

My kids have read a lot of biographies and studied a good bit of American history on their own. So, it is not that they are completely ignorant in these areas. But, I would like to do some more formal study of these things (as you can guess, I've already been collecting books). My children also have read many of the Trailblazer books, the entire YWAM biography series, a lot of the "If you lived at the time of..." American History books and anything else I will let them read.

As far as science goes, I need to get better in this area as well. I had bought the Apologia elementary book about astronomy. We just never seemed to get to it. My son is interested in creation research and dinosaurs and we have almost all of the Answers in Genesis books for children and he reads many for adults as well, actually I should say that both of my children have. I have not been very consistent about doing science with them though. They have both read some of the Christian Liberty Press nature readers aloud to me, as reading practice. This year, a friend had given me the third grade Abeka science textbook and I assigned them readings from that until they had read through the whole things. They also read an Answers in Genesis book about weather and are currently reading one about fossils. But we haven't done any experiments or things like that. I always end up putting off crafts and projects because they seem overwhelming.

We have a good handle on math (although we "over excel" in this area as well). My second grader has finished MCP Book C (the third grade book) and is almost done with Miquon Purple Book (the 6th book of the series-- which are supposed to be 2 per year for first through third grade) and he is in Singapore 3A. My fourth grader is about 2/3 done with Saxon 6/5 and will finish Singapore 4B this week.

I have done well with my daughter in Grammar. She started on the 3rd grade book of Rod and Staff this year and is now working her way through the 4th grade book. We started this after she had done the first half plus a little of First Language Lessons for the Well-Trained Mind and was finding myself not being consistent with it. She occasionally will do a cursive handwriting lesson from a Reason for Handwriting, but already has nice penmanship.

My son is somewhere in the 70s of the lessons for First Language Lessons and he is finishing up second grade. I have not been disciplined to do it with him and we really struggle with the narrations. I really like Rod and Staff's more straightforward approach, but he is not ready for all of the writing that is involved. He is still struggling with neat printing and we have not attempted cursive at all. I think there is just too much writing in Rod and Staff for him to handle it successfully, even though he would do fine with the actual information.

We use Spelling Power for spelling, but don't do it all of the time. Both kids are many lists ahead of "grade level" and rarely get words wrong. I work on spelling more when I have them write something than anything. However, I am not really very consistent about having them do any sort of writing. This is yet another reason I like Rod and Staff: the writing is incorporated. I never imagined myself to be a "textbook schooler" but I seem to be heading more and more that direction, just to "get it done."

Someone directed me to your website for your preschool things. I spent a lot time with my older two just reading and playing and talking together when they were young. Things that came naturally with them, don't always get done with the younger two so close together and the older two busy with school and activities. As I looked at your preschool things (for my older son), I noticed the Preparing Hearts for His Glory that is coming out. Then someone else mentioned they really liked your products. So, I took a closer look. It looks about the right level for my older two children and we have MOST of the books and the ones we don't look really good! (Can you see my weaknesses coming out again?) I was wondering if this would be a good way for us to "get up to speed" in our history and science studies. The only thing I am worried about is having to go ALL THE WAY back to creation and ancient Egypt AGAIN before we move forward. I think that might send both my kids and I over the edge (especially since we've done all of the books that you use for that time period). Is it possible to start in the middle of this book? I had actually thought of doing that and then going BACK to your earlier books to go through American History in a fun, enjoyable way while continuing math and language arts at the levels of each child. Plus, they could read the YWAM Heroes of History biographies and the Genevieve Foster books and the D'Aulaire books that we have if we needed to "beef it up." We also have the Living Principles of American History CD set from Nest Family to "make it fun."

Do you have any advice or suggestions? As you can probably guess, I am slightly overwhelmed with the way we have done school. My children are learning. They are progressing. They are up to speed in math and almost up to speed in language arts. They are good readers. They can converse intelligently about ancient history and quite a bit of American History. I just want to be sure that I am doing the best job that I can be. I also like how your Scripture memory ties in with the lessons. Scripture memory is important in our family. We are currently memorizing 1 John. Even the 3 year old has memorized a good bit of the first chapter.

I am sorry this is so long. I wasn't sure how to explain my situation and ask my questions without giving you a lot of background information. If you don't think that the Preparing Hearts for Glory will work well for us, I will probably still purchase the preschool materials.
I'm not sure I want to do American History without finishing our "tour" of World History. So, if Preparing won't work for us, I might wait and come back to the American History books once we finish (instead of doing Sonlight Cores 3 and 4).

I really do like the Christ-centered focus. I also like that it is NOT a complete unit study (like Learning Adventures). Rod and Staff English is working for my daughter. I think it WILL work for my son once we get his handwriting up to snuff. I need to convince my kids to cut out Saxon math and only do Singapore to save some time. (My original intent was to cut out Singapore once they finished MCP Book B, but my daughter begged to keep doing Singapore because she liked it. I just wasn't convinced that it was "complete" enough. Now that she will finish 4B tomorrow, I am. After MCP Book C, my daughter did Saxon 5/4 and somewhere in the 80s as far as lessons for Saxon 6/5. My intent was to let her do through Singapore 6B and then do ONLY Saxon or Teaching Textbooks for pre-Algebra and up.) My son has been chomping at the bit to start Saxon, but I have held off while he is finishing up Miquon and is doing Singapore 3A.

Can you tell why I am frustrated with school? We are trying to do it ALL! It is enough to make me want to give up! It seems like after 5 years, I should be getting better at this (and I actually am), but nothing quite "fits" us.

Sorry this is so disorganized and rambly.

ETA: If my daughter is going to be in 5th grade next year, is it kind of "too late" to be starting Preparing for the way the program will keep going? It seems like I read that in another thread.
Last edited by MommyMc on Fri May 23, 2008 3:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Wife to a hard-working hubby
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Post by Melanie » Wed May 21, 2008 8:53 pm

Hi Anita!

I don't have any real advice for you....I haven't done Bigger or Preparing (as you pointed out, no one has :lol: ) and those are the 2 programs that would be where you would need to be looking. Sounds like you kiddos might be ahead of the language arts and math in Bigger. But, the American history might be a nice change of pace for you and your kiddos. Were you planning to use HOD for math and reading/english or just for history and science??

Hopefully some moms with more HOD experience will chime in here with some better advice for you! At least you know you 3 yo will be great in Little Hands! :wink:

Best of luck with your decisions for next year!
:D Mel
Using LHFHG with
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Post by MommyMc » Wed May 21, 2008 9:04 pm

Were you planning to use HOD for math and reading/english or just for history and science??
Since we are already using Singapore for math and Rod & Staff for English, the transition would probably be pretty easy to do it all. I WANT to do American history, but I want to finish Middle Ages, Renaissance and Reformation and some Explorers first. *sigh* THAT is where I am struggling with what to do. We are going on a three week (plus a little) trip in June (and will be hitting 3 weddings in different parts of the country during the trip). Otherwise we would probably continue school until I could slog through those things and then pick up with HOD in the fall. As it is, I really need to stop after next week. The following week, I have company coming and then our state convention (ICHE). Then, less than a week later we leave on our trip. When we get back, I know that I won't be ready to start for at least a week. Then, it seems that it always takes time to really get back into the "groove" of things. Plus, I want the kids to enjoy the nice weather a bit.

Often (especially the last few years with new babies coming or recently arrived), we have done SOME school in the summer, but certainly nothing intense.

I'm just not sure....
Wife to a hard-working hubby
Mom to five great kiddos (4/98, 2/00, 3/05, 11/06 and 3/09)


Post by netpea » Wed May 21, 2008 9:17 pm

Ok, my oldest is turning 8 so I am not qualified to advise you. But, please stop and just breathe for a while. I hear overload in you! My advice to you is check the placement chart and wherever it says your kids place, just jump in and do it without adding anything to the programs. Give yourselves a year to just do the program as written and still have time to do other interests, but don't add more formal lessons.

Sorry if I sound "preachy" but I feel you overloading in your post and I don't want you or your kids to crash and burn.

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Post by MommyMc » Wed May 21, 2008 9:25 pm

Using the placement chart, I am coming up with mostly Preparing, but perhaps Bigger for DS who is 8 and will be in 3rd grade. DD who is 10 and will be in 5th grade is almost completely Preparing. However, since we've had a different style of schooling, some things she is coming up the next level down. I think she could quickly get up to speed though.

My biggest concerns are oral narrations and DS's handwriting.

I also don't want them to get frustrated: "We're reading Golden Goblet AGAIN? We've already done Ancient Egypt TWICE?"

And I don't want want them to be frustrated that we don't study Knights and Castles and then the Reformation. They know that those are coming and are looking forward to them.

They love American History though.

ETA: I have almost all of the books for ALL of the programs (plus a TON) and would basically only need the guides. :oops: How embarrassing is THAT? :roll:
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Post by Motherjoy » Thu May 22, 2008 7:02 am

Sometimes, I think the history cycle really freaks parents out a bit, I know it did for me. We aren't done with Amer HIstory, and I'm not going to try to finish it before "Preparing".

Basically, we can't be perfect. Jump in wherever you think is best next year, and don't worry about what you missed. It won't matter in 10 years if you did history in any certain order.

If you really want to study knights, just do a unit study this summer.
MJ, mom to 8
2015-2016 plan
*17yo is dual-enrolled after using HOD for 7 years
*11yo, 10yo, 9yo, and 7yo - CTC with modifications
*5yo, 4yo - LHTH
*3yo - playschool

Accomplished: LHTH, LHFHG, BHFHG, Beyond, PHFHG, RTR, Rev to Rev, MTMM, WG, WH

Christy in Texas
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Post by Christy in Texas » Thu May 22, 2008 7:14 am

I think doing a unit study is a great idea!
Christy, wife to Danny of 14 years, mom to
Brycen 5/7/99
Emily 10/10/02
Hannah 10/10/02

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Post by MommyMc » Thu May 22, 2008 7:33 am

Motherjoy wrote:Sometimes, I think the history cycle really freaks parents out a bit, I know it did for me. We aren't done with Amer HIstory, and I'm not going to try to finish it before "Preparing".

Basically, we can't be perfect. Jump in wherever you think is best next year, and don't worry about what you missed. It won't matter in 10 years if you did history in any certain order.

If you really want to study knights, just do a unit study this summer.
I mostly agree MotherJoy. The big thing is that the kids and I all WANT to study knights AND we want to study the Reformation. But, we have a VERY PACKED summer (mostly due to LOTS of weddings that are out of state) and will not really have much time to do the thing I'd like to do as far as school this summer. If it would work AT ALL, I have thought about jumping into Preparing "in the middle". We are already ahead in LA and math of what the assignments will be. But, we would miss A LOT of Bible and that I would NOT like. I just don't have a good idea of how it is set up and builds on each other after seeing only one sample lesson from a book. KWIM?
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Post by water2wine » Thu May 22, 2008 10:23 am


Can I first tell you that I am laughing out loud about how much of what you post I can relate to myself. I can tell you really care about what your children learn and have concerns about leaving holes while at the same time you know you might be overdoing it as well. I think first thing is to decide you are going to jump off the train and then decide which program it will be. Honestly all the stuff in your head is too much. And I am writing this to myself as much as I am you. :lol: So since I don't know you well enough to talk about you let me just talk about me and see if any of it helps you.

I am an over achieving scatter brain and what I realized is unless I am actually going to pick writing unit studies for a living I need to go ahead and hand over the reins. I finally realized for myself I needed to pick a solid base that reflected my values and gave me the organization I lacked. I also had to admit that I will still pursue things on the side that I feel God calling me to teach my children so what I pick needs to be flexible in that. And I had to admit this one thing that helped a lot, when I stand before God He will not judge me on history cycles and if I missed anything. But He will hold me accountable for how and what of Him I teach. So making that my first priority made HOD easy to choose and where we landed within that became less of an issue. In my mind we are making Bible our unit study every year and the history that we learn along the way is more just to support that if that makes sense.

For us we were weak I felt in American and in my mind I do see God's hand in the forming of the US and in the current times I thought a deep understanding of our history becomes more important before seeing the history of others. We are like you and have studied Ancients and the Bible more and have used DW. My oldest is 10 1/2 and I have a range of 8-10 using Bigger. We started it at about 3/4 of the way through last year and will continue it 4 days a week this year. We'll use the fifth day for other things we want to do. Then from there we will go into Preparing. My thought on Preparing is that it is an important year of bringing the things you know in context of each other and the things you might have missed. So even though our kids are older we are going to do it and beef it up, covering more of the times we know less about. Also having used HOD I know that even if we have covered something it was not done the HOD and doing that will give us more and deeper understanding of the hand of God in it. So if I had not felt weak in the overall understanding of American I would have started with Preparing even though I feel Ancients has been our focus for a long time it has mostly been the Biblical account of that.

So for me HOD allows me to dump my brain and not juggle all that info anymore so that I can focus more on teaching and being with my kids. In fact the more I use it the more relaxed I feel and confident I feel in teaching them. 8) I hope this helps and if not at least you get a look into how wacky my head is. :lol:

Have fun deciding! HOD is a great program and I think you would love it!
All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13
~Six lovies from God~4 by blessing of adoption
-MTMM (HS), Rev to Rev, CTC, DITHR
We LOVED LHFHG/Beyond/Bigger/Preparing/CTC/RTR/Rev to Rev (HS)

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Post by inHistiming » Thu May 22, 2008 10:39 am

I don't know how helpful I can be...as we will just be starting Bgger...for our new school year. But, I'll try anyway. :?

Without getting into too many boring details, we did not start this year with HOD. I used AWOA, trying to adjust for my dd 8. It was too much for us...though we loved the information, we didn't have time to pursue other things, and I was doing too much to adjust it for my dd.

So, around March, I switched dd back to Beyond...we did it for first grade, but stopped at Unit 15 because she really needed to get reading...before SAT's. My dilemma, when we started back up, was do I start back at the beginning, or start where we left off? Carrie(HOD author) helped me realize it would be okay to start at Unit 15...it wouldn't matter that dd might not remember what we covered previously...and she was right. We have so enjoyed reading the storytime books, the History portion, as well as the Bible readings, poetry, etc. We will be able to move into Bigger...when we finish, and I feel she will be ready. I also ordered the extension pack that is available for Bigger...so my ds 10 can learn with us. I am also using LHTH with ds 4. My son will be 10.5, which is above the recommended age level, but with the extension pack I believe he will do well. I have Igniting Your Writing, which is available on the site, in case I feel he needs more in that area. I believe Preparing...also has an extension pack available if you wanted to add that for your dd. I am so excited about starting...it's been torture, even though what we've been learning is very interesting, to keep on with AWOA when Bigger...has been sitting here waiting on us to get started!

I think if you want to finish World History, it would be okay to get Preparing...and begin in the middle with things you haven't covered. However, Bigger...is American History and looks very exciting, so it would be great too. You could do Preparing first, starting mid-way, then move right into Bigger...and finish out your school year next summer if you haven't completed it. Your dd would already be using her own level Math and L.A. anyway, so that shouldn't be a problem.

These are just my thoughts. I'm sure others with more experience will be along very soon to add their .02! And Carrie will be here too, to tell you what she thinks. I believe no matter what guide you choose, you will be pleased with HOD. And I agree with the previous poster who said to just do the guide as is to see how you like it. They are very complete programs all on their own! Let us know what you decide. :)

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Post by MommyMc » Thu May 22, 2008 10:40 am

Thank you! That really DOES help!

For my REALLY WACKY question (which IS in the middle of the big mess I wrote above, but got lost in all of my other thoughts): Is it completely insane to do Preparing first, but then go back and have a year or two of "relaxed" American history and add in some fun resources that we have? As long as we keep going in Math and English, would that work? I have NO problem scheduling those (or even getting out the book and looking to see if it's appropriate to the next lesson, the next two or the next five). KWIM? Or will that keep my daughter from being prepared for high school work? She is going to be in 5th grade next year. So, if we did Preparing next year, we would have 3 more years before high school.

ETA: I was answering w2w while inHistiming answered my question PERFECTLY! Thank you!
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Post by inHistiming » Thu May 22, 2008 10:55 am


I had been looking for The American Adventure series for several months and could never win the Ebay bid! I just got all 48 yesterday at a used curriculum sale for $50.00! God knew what I needed to pay...and it wasn't $300 or more! :wink: We will be adding those here and there with Bigger...and really whenever we want, because we all love the stories, and Mommy is a big U.S. History fan. So, if you add something here and there it's okay...just don't feel you have to, because HOD is so complete, it's not necessary. I have struggled with wanting to keep ANWOA 'just in case' I want to add something from it since it's AH too. But then I think about it and realize that one of the reasons we love HOD and want to go back to it is because it takes much less time...I don't want to undo all that with my need to obsess! :roll: :lol: Maybe I need to put AWOA and ANWOA on Ebay and see if someone else who is cut out to do it will buy it!

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Post by Melanie » Thu May 22, 2008 11:01 am

Things that make you say...hmmmmmm :lol: You need Carrie!

OK, I personally would not go backwards from Preparing. I would do Bigger first, then Preparing. Keep in mind that you will get to American History again after Preparing and then again in whatever you choose for highschool (we all plan to lay on the pressure for Carrie to throw something together for us for highschool :lol: ). And Preparing will get to the medival and reformation periods.....they will just be covered briefly, but you could always "camp out" in that section of Preparing and cover it more in depth.

The guides build on themselves and are designed to be progressively more difficult, so the activities would follow that same progression. I'm afraid you would find Bigger too easy if you did it after Preparing. Hopefully, someone with more insight into these programs will chime in for you! :D
Using LHFHG with
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Post by MommyMc » Thu May 22, 2008 11:20 am

Will Bigger be enough for my daughter that is 10? (She will be in 5th grade next year.) My son has ALWAYS done history with us. At age 4 he was learning about the Rosetta stone and Hatshepsut and all of the Egypt "stuff" (and he STILL remembers it!). He was also 4 when we did Creation and the Flood which sparked the interest he still has in fossils. He reads books from Answers in Genesis that are marked ages 12-adult (after I preview to make sure that it's just difficulty and not "content" that is mature). Anyhow, I'm pretty sure he can keep up with us if I keep Language Arts at his level. (He's going to catch his sister eventually in math-- although by doing so much :roll: , the one advantage is that he is only going to finish Singapore 3A this year instead of 5A or something like that. (But he HAS helped his sister with her 4B.)

As I mentioned previously, my kids actually have an OK grasp of American History and have read lots of biographies,etc. They know most of the Presidents. They know where all of the states are. They know about the American Revolution and a lot of the people from that era (Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, John Adams, Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams). They know about Lewis and Clark. They know about the Civil War and slavery (and that the civil war was not just about slavery). They know about World War II and VERY LITTLE about the Holocaust. They have read a picture biography of Anne Frank. They've read "Twenty and Ten" (or did I switch the name around?). They've read a biography of Corrie ten Boom (or two or three). They know about D-Day. They have read "Exploring American History" by Christian Liberty Press when I was too sick to do school while pregnant with my youngest.

And as I read that, I am wondering WHY I am so worried at all. I just know that I need to do SOMETHING and MOVE ON. :oops:
Wife to a hard-working hubby
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Post by MommyMc » Thu May 22, 2008 11:22 am

inHistiming wrote:
I had been looking for The American Adventure series for several months and could never win the Ebay bid!
Uhoh! A new set. I don't know about it. I don't have it. And I am NOT going to look it up. I do NOT need it! :wink:
Wife to a hard-working hubby
Mom to five great kiddos (4/98, 2/00, 3/05, 11/06 and 3/09)

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