The Difference between two numbers is 2184. If the bigger number is 3 times the smaller number, find the sum of the two numbers.
He could not do it by himself. Honestly I think this type of problem is very hard for a 4th grader. I want to challenge him , but not to bring him to tears. Is he supposed to try to doit by himself , or With help? This problem is from The textbook practice exercises .He is usually Good at math , this is the second year since we are using Singapore in combination with cle math . He had the highest math standardized test score from our school district this year. So he is an above average student, yet he struggles with some word problem in Singapore.
Is this common with Singapore math and if it's not, how should I remediate it? Go back one grade ? He is not struggling with the computation,only with some word problems from the textbook.
* I was able to help him with this problem, so I rather need advice on how to help him in the future ( and if its common to struggle a little bit with the word problems from the textbook ) and also if I should go back one grade or not rather than the answer to this problem which I figured it out