I would so appreciate your prayers...

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I would so appreciate your prayers...

Post by Kathleen » Thu Aug 02, 2012 4:47 pm

Hi ladies!

Our family just got some difficult news today, and I would really appreciate your prayers for us in the coming weeks. My husband found out today that he has a tumor in his colon that is most likely cancerous. (The Dr. doing the procedure couldn't tell us on the spot, but was 99% sure...) We're praying that it can be entirely removed surgically (which will be happening this coming week) and that the cancer hasn't spread elsewhere.

At the beginning of the month, he went in to see a Dr because he was noticing that he was feeling winded when he was chasing calves around on the dairy farm...and didn't really think he should be that out of shape. Well, he found out that he was anemic - anemic enough to require a blood transfusion, and that was why he was tired. So, they tested and found that he was losing blood somewhere in the GI tract and scheduled an endoscopy and colonoscopy which happed today to look for the blood loss issue.

For some reason, on Sunday, I just felt like this was the news we were going to get. I guess God wanted to prepare me beforehand. I wasn't trying to be negative, and my husband really wasn't sure that would be the case as he has never had any pain...no visible blood loss...nothing alarming. Anyway, I was a bit of an emotional mess then because my mom died of colon cancer 6 years ago. And while this is most definitely hard for me to think of my husband having cancer...it is also bringing back some painful memories of my mom's struggle as well. I have to say that I am so thankful for my hubby's outlook in all this - he's been such an encouragement to me! He just keeps reminding me that there is nothing bad enough that can enter his life and take it a minute before God's time for him is up. And, that good circumstances won't keep him here a minute longer either.

We're trusting God in this! And, I just wanted to share here with you ladies because I know that you are prayer warriors and it would mean so much to have you bringing our family before the throne. Thank you!
Homeschooling mom to 6:
Grant - 19 Kansas State University
Allison - 15 World Geography
Garret - 13 Res2Ref
Asa - 8 Bigger
Quinn - 7 Bigger

Halle - 4 LHTH

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Re: I would so appreciate your prayers...

Post by lissiejo » Thu Aug 02, 2012 4:56 pm

Just spent some time praying for you and your husband :) May God grant you peace as you walk this road together.
Melissa (Pastor's wife in NC)

Rose (12-years-old) - Revival to Revolution
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Re: I would so appreciate your prayers...

Post by RecumbentHeart » Thu Aug 02, 2012 5:11 pm

Kathleen, I will certainly be praying. I am so sorry for this news but so thankful for your husband's testimony of God's grace in his life. *hugs* I'll be keeping an eye out for updates.
DS10: CTC (beginning Sept.)
DD8: Bigger (beginning Aug.)
DS7: Bigger (beginning Aug.)

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Re: I would so appreciate your prayers...

Post by Heather4Him » Thu Aug 02, 2012 5:15 pm

SO sorry for you and your family, Kathleen! ((((hugs))))

Love in Christ,
Heather (WI)
16yog girl

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Re: I would so appreciate your prayers...

Post by OneFunSon » Thu Aug 02, 2012 6:23 pm

I'll be praying for your husband and you and his doctors. What an encouragement to read about his attitude!
Peace & Joy,

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Re: I would so appreciate your prayers...

Post by LynnH » Thu Aug 02, 2012 6:24 pm

Praying for your family as you go through this. Hugs to you.
Mom to:
dd 22 college graduate and employed as an Intervention Specialist
ds 18 US2, Loved Preparing, CTC , RTR , Rev to Rev, MTMM ,WG, WH and US1

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Re: I would so appreciate your prayers...

Post by beckytrow » Thu Aug 02, 2012 7:45 pm

Praying that the Lord will do great things through this trial! Praying for strength for you and your children! What a difficult road!

Married for 10 years
DD 8 Finishing Beyond
DS 3 yrs.
DS Infant!
5 in heaven

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Re: I would so appreciate your prayers...

Post by farmfamily » Thu Aug 02, 2012 7:54 pm


I'll be praying for you too...
blessed to be married 17 yrs to my hardworking farmer dh, mom to:
daughter 13 MTMM
daughter 11 Rev to Rev
son 10 CTC

Enjoyed Little Hands, LHFHG, Beyond, Bigger, Preparing, CTC, Res to Ref, and Rev to Rev!!

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Re: I would so appreciate your prayers...

Post by glperky » Thu Aug 02, 2012 9:31 pm

Praying and sending hugs. We serve a mighty God!
Married to my best friend since Oct. 1989
DS 25
DS 20
DS 12
DS 10
And one - waiting in Heaven

I am way outnumbered and loving it!

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Re: I would so appreciate your prayers...

Post by John'smom » Fri Aug 03, 2012 7:52 am

Praying for your husband, you, and your whole family. (((HUGS)))
*Married to my best friend for 16 yrs
*Mom to ds (15), dd (13), dd #2(3)
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*Completed and absolutely loved BLHFHG through MTMM

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Re: I would so appreciate your prayers...

Post by Mumkins » Fri Aug 03, 2012 8:18 am

Definitely praying.
7 awesome kids!

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Re: I would so appreciate your prayers...

Post by scampbell2003 » Fri Aug 03, 2012 9:24 am

Praying for you and your family! Praying for perfect peace and strength from our amazing father in heaven. One of my dear friends posted this on her fb this morning as many of our friends our going through some hard times as well. This verse definitely spoke to my heart this morning. <hugs>

Isaiah 26:3
You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.
Samantha wife to Matt 11 years!

Mom to
Madison DD 10 5th grade Bigger Hearts
Colin DS 8 2nd grade Little Hearts
Logan DS 4 Pre PreK Little Hands
Evan DS almost 2


Re: I would so appreciate your prayers...

Post by christyg » Fri Aug 03, 2012 9:55 am

Praying for your husband, and your sweet family!


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Re: I would so appreciate your prayers...

Post by my3sons » Fri Aug 03, 2012 10:25 am

Oh, Kathleen! I was so shocked to read this this morning. Having met your dh, I know how physically active and healthy he is - this is so hard to grasp. I am so, so sorry. :cry: You and your dh's faith is such a testimony - thank you for sharing that. I am praying that you can continue to find strength in the Lord. Each day is a new day, and as the sun comes up, the Lord brings new mercies. Sometimes I look at the sun coming up and try to soak up the light, building strength by borrowing hope, looking at the sun and thinking of the "Son". I know full well that your husband having cancer is far, far different than my dad having cancer. I wouldn't dream of saying I fully understand, but I will say that even in the most trying times, the Lord truly does provide. He walks with us through this every day. He loves us - He loves YOU and DH! You are in His favor, for you are both His. The lyrics to Christian songs have become dear to me. They are the messages continually playing in my mind, and I have depended on those "thoughts" to deal with my Dad's cancer.

The battle's not mine, said Little David. Lord it's thine, I'm in your favor. I'm leaving it all to You. I know not what to do. I'm so glad you made me see, You're really all that I need. Lord the battle's not mine, I give it to You, Lord it's Thine.

Or, There's a promise in the Bible, God's precious Holy Word. That all things work together for good to them that love the Lord. So today, I claim that promise, trusting Him for peace of mind. He's the God that through the ages, has stood the test of time. What a blessed assurance, to know I'm His and He's mine. What a sweet consolation to know He tells me I'm His child. How could I ever doubt Him when mountains get to hard to climb. He's the God of all mountains, He's stood the test of time..."

These songs, many Bible verses, and constant prayer, have become dear to me, and a mighty coping mechanism. I pray the Lord is a sweet comfort to you in the perfect way for you right now, Kathleen.

I wanted to mention something that I am sure you may be facing as you and your family are loved by so many - my mom had many calls and emails, as well as people stopping her in local stores with questions about Dad. She was thankful, but also exhausted (physically and emotionally) to be sharing the same news over and over again. She decided to email bi-weekly updates on our dad to anyone who provided her with their email address. She just picked 2 days each week to send them, and this really helped friends and family know how to pray and feel like they could be of more help. It also cut down on her having to retell the latest news multiple times. I just thought I'd share that, as it really continues to be such a blessing to know how to pray via mom's updates. And I AM praying, praying, praying for you and your dh, Kathleen. I will be faithful.

Love in Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie

Allison TX
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Re: I would so appreciate your prayers...

Post by Allison TX » Fri Aug 03, 2012 11:39 am

I am so sorry you and your husband are going through this, but God is with you and will be with you throughout this trial. He is your refuge, your strength, and your shield. You and your entire family will be in our prayers.


God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.
Psalm 46:1

The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me.
Psalm 28:7

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