by my3sons » Tue May 29, 2012 6:30 pm
InHistiming - I know how this can weigh heavily on a mama's heart and mind! Wyatt, my oldest ds, was born about 8 weeks early, and we needed to help him learn to roll over, crawl, etc. Everything that came naturally to others seemed to need to be taught to him. I tried not to compare, but my niece was born on exactly the same day, within 2 hours of Wyatt, and every time we got together, it seemed she was miles ahead of him. Wyatt was nearly 2 yo and still hadn't spoken a clear word other than "mama". I remember longing to hear him say "daddy", as he was our first ds and I ached for my dh to hear that sweet word. He qualified for in home speech therapy, and this really helped him so much. I believe the Lord blessed me with Wyatt so I knew for certain I wanted to homeschool. My Wyatt began his life at just 4 pounds 5 ounces with so many health concerns and developmental issues. Today he is 12 yo and 5 foot 5 inches tall, wearing a size 9 men's shoes, and doing so well in homeschooling. Don't believe all you hear - with a lot of prayer, love, and attention, dc can soar far above projected outcomes. Just take it one day at a time - the Lord chose you for this - ordained you for it, and this little sweetie is going to knock your socks off - just wait and see! Pray, pray, pray, and the Lord will walk you through it step by step one day at a time - He still is for me.
Love in Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie