Hi Mom25!

LynnH answered the first part of your question so well, and I agree she is right on track with her thoughts there. The chemistry in MTMM will be an introduction, not a full-blown high school credit worthy chemistry course. Carrie's suggestions for beefing it up to count it as a credit would work well if that is the direction you are wanting to go, otherwise, for an 8th grader, I think it looks perfect as is! I can't wait to do it with my oldest ds Wyatt. He has been eyeing the chem set described for months and picturing himself in a lab coat and goggles mixing this and that and (he hopes) seeing this or that explode, foam, or bubble over.

This brings me to this part of your question...
Mom25 wrote:...Also, my 11yo 4th grader is very jealous that his older siblings will get to do chemistry, as he's been begging to do chemistry for a while now. Could he join them in MtMM chemistry, or is he too young? Would it be good to get a second chem. kit for three kids to participate together?...
There are actually quite a few warning signs on the chem kit. They are clear, and I don't think they will be difficult for older students to adhere to, but I do wonder if younger students could be careful enough to complete the chem experiments without doing some harm? Not sure. My 9 yo had the same reaction - wanting to do the chem set now, but he has his CTC science he will get to do this year, and that will be great fun for him. I let him know he'll get to do the chem kit a few years down the road, but for now, it's too mature for him and it's something special to do when you get to the MTMM guide.

I think I'd get one kit first if I were you, and see what you thought about that. He will get to do it in a few years anyway, so possibly waiting might be safer all around. However, you will know here!

The kit does look GREAT BTW, can't wait to have our oldest do it!
In Christ,