still confused on extension packs

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still confused on extension packs

Post by kmommy » Sat Apr 28, 2012 8:53 am

I asked a question a while ago but didn't really get a difinitve answer. We are doing Rev2Rev for my dd is September who will be 14 and in 8th grade. She is a very, very good reader. When the books talks about "with extensions", does this mean I do NOT order the Basic Package, but instead order the books in the extension package? Or do I do BOTH?
This is our first time trying HOD.
Thank you :D

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Re: still confused on extension packs

Post by Maadrose » Sat Apr 28, 2012 8:57 am

I have been wondering the same thing. Perhaps you Do the extensions INSTEAD of the basic reader package? I sure hope someone can clarify!
"Big Mack"--Finishing up high school :)
"Cherry Berry Chiller"--geography
"Small fry"--Rev2Rev
"Happy Meal"--fun-school

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Re: still confused on extension packs

Post by kmommy » Sat Apr 28, 2012 9:41 am

Maadrose wrote:I have been wondering the same thing. Perhaps you Do the extensions INSTEAD of the basic reader package? I sure hope someone can clarify!

That is what I am trying to figure out. I hope someone can help us out here! :D

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Re: still confused on extension packs

Post by my3sons » Sat Apr 28, 2012 10:33 am

RevtoRev's target age range is 11-13 yo, and extensions are for 14-15 yo. However, reading ability makes a huge difference in whether 14 yo's can do the extensions or not - so this is a personal preference in that regard. :D The extensions are a higher reading level than the Basic Package. They have their own schedule in the Appendix, as well as suggested follow-up assignments to be done on a rotating basis.

RevtoRev's Introduction has this to say about the Extensions...
This Extension Package is best suited for eighth and ninth graders who are independent readers. For older students who are not yet strong readers, the Basic Package could be used instead of the Extension Package. However, all students in grades eight on up should watch The American Testimony DVD’s as noted in the Extension Package Schedule in the Appendix.

The Basic Package titles have a lower reading level, and can be read aloud by the parent, read alone by the student, or some of both. If a student is dong the Extension package, the Basic Package is optional. The follow-ups for the Basic Package are in the daily plans of RevtoRev...
The “Storytime” box of plans includes oral narration practice and higher level
thinking questions specific to each day’s reading. Analysis, synthesis, and
evaluation questions are meant to encourage reflection about the readings and
promote higher-level thinking.

So in summation, parents choose the Extension Package for their 14 yo and up dc in RevtoRev as long as they are strong readers. They decide whether to do the Basic Package along with the Extensions based on whether this would be a welcome addition to their day, or whether it would be too much reading within a day - also based on whether the parent wants to read all or some of the Basic Package aloud or not. For the student who loves reading, loves history, and loves a challenge, doing both would be great fun! For the student who is overwhelmed easily, choosing 1 of the packages -based on their reading ability - would be better. HTH! :D

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie

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Re: still confused on extension packs

Post by kmommy » Sat Apr 28, 2012 1:50 pm

YES!! That answers my question. My daughter already read the books in the basic package a few years ago.(She was an early reader, age 3). She has also read many high school level books as well. I am happy to see she has not read any of the books in the extension package.

One other question. (Since I am new to HOD), I do not see a vocabulary program listed. Are those words pulled from the readings? My daughter is planning on taking the PSAT's,(Grade 10) we we would like a strong vocabulary study. And it is never to early to start :D

Thank you SO much Julie, and Blessings to you!

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Re: still confused on extension packs

Post by my3sons » Tue May 01, 2012 1:24 pm

"Drawn into the Heart of Reading" includes vocabulary study. We have enjoyed that for many years, and it is an outstanding reading curriculum that teaches so many skills so soundly. There is not a stand alone formal vocabulary program in RevtoRev. However, we just completed RevtoRev, and my ds's vocabulary has shot through the roof. The Primary Source Documents in the Worthy Words assignments, history related Classical Poetry Study, and anyalysis and synthesis levels of questions accompanying the Storytime living book selections, all worked together to develop a strong vocabulary, as well as the physical science study within Exploration Education. There may not be worksheets to prove what has been learned, but hearing my ds's oral narrations and reading his written narrations proves that he has learned oodles of vocabulary words and better yet - can accurately use them as they have become a part of his repertoire. :D HTH!

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie

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Re: still confused on extension packs

Post by Heather4Him » Tue May 01, 2012 9:50 pm

my3sons wrote:
So in summation, parents choose the Extension Package for their 14 yo and up dc in RevtoRev as long as they are strong readers. They decide whether to do the Basic Package along with the Extensions based on whether this would be a welcome addition to their day, or whether it would be too much reading within a day - also based on whether the parent wants to read all or some of the Basic Package aloud or not. For the student who loves reading, loves history, and loves a challenge, doing both would be great fun! For the student who is overwhelmed easily, choosing 1 of the packages -based on their reading ability - would be better. HTH! :D

In Christ,
I'm SO glad you wrote this, Julie, because we've always just done the extension packages, since we are on the high end of the extension age range, but I've heard others say you're supposed to do both and was worried we were doing it wrong. Our dd definitely falls into the category of wanting less school or she would be overwhelmed, even though she is a smart girl and good reader. I'm relieved that we're doing fine with the extension books! :)
Love in Christ,
Heather (WI)
16yog girl

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