New here, what to buy for 8th grader rev to rev?

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New here, what to buy for 8th grader rev to rev?

Post by kmommy » Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:54 pm

I didn't realize there was a board here. I am on the HOD yahoo support group and asked this question there. Someone said that if I have never done HOD, I shouldnt purchase the extension pack, as it was intense enough. My daughter is quite gifted in the LA area. It is math she struggles with. This was my question, with some things edited out as I already found the answer to it. Can you help?

Hi everyone:

I have a daughter who will be going into 8th grade in September(she will be 14 by then). I have never done HOD but
always wanted to. I shied away from it because HOD did not have a high school
program out. I see here that Carrie is coming out with a high school program, and will continue. (Very excited about this)
if so, will the new guide be available for my dd entering grade 9 for the 2013-2014
school year?

Also, I would like to buy HOD's Rev to Rev.right now for my incoming 8th grader in the fall. But I am confused as to WHAT to
order. I see there is the economy package with state study and the signers. So I
would need that,correct?

For Science, I would order option 2? What comes with that? Just the kit, or is
there books with it?

And since my daughter is an advanced reader, do I JUST order the extension pack?
Or do I order the read alouds AND the extension pack? Because she could read the
read-alouds on her own, so do I skip that?

Now, with the DITHOR. It is expensive with the TM. Since my daughter is doing
8th grade work, the guide states it is for 6/7/8. What is the plan for
literature for Grade 9?(will there be suggestion given for the extension for 15-16yo for literature study?)

And the book packs, or books in the HOD only gives examples of books up to a 6.8
reading level. My 13 yo has already tackled a lot of high school level reading. So those
books would not benefit her. So is there a list somewhere for higher level
readers to fit each genre, that starts out at a minimum of an 8th grade level

We have done R+S in the past, I think we can jump into Grade 6 for that.

Creative writing is fine. But I would prefer to see more essays and research
papers in future high school programs. Is this something that will be planned ? My oldest daughter is in college, and all the papers she needs to
write are either essays or research papers. And she is struggling since she went
to public high school and they did not emphasize enough essay and research paper
writing. I want to make sure this does not happen to my youngest.

What about vocabulary? Do I need to supplement with this? She is planning on taking the PSAT'S in 10th grade, and vocabulary is very important. Especially root study.

We already have our own Math. We do not care for singapore, so we will stay with
what we have used for the past 5 years.

If I start with Rev to Rev for Grade 8. Are there 4 more guides planned or 5? If there are 5, this would mean I would need to skip one somewhere, correct? In my state, we have to have American History, World History, half a year of Government and half year of Civics. With the latter being done in either your Junior or Senior year.

As I said, one person on the yahoo boards said Rev to Rev was intense the way it stands. My daughter(13 will be 14 in September), has already read the Grapes of Wrath, so she knows those read alouds would be to easy for her to even read on her own. She is sooooo tired of textbooks and she has asked to do this program for a while. But I shied away, like I said, because I didn't want to stop once 8th grade came. I want to be able to follow through. And HOD has always been the way I wanted to teach my daughter.

If someone could help me along I would appreciate it! I want to order, but have no clue WHAT to order.

Thank you!

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Re: New here, what to buy for 8th grader rev to rev?

Post by 8arrows » Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:19 pm

Welcome! You will be fine for high school. You can beef up MTM for 9th grade. There will be extensions. Then there will be a geography guide for you to use for 10th, a world history guide that you could use in 11th, and the first half of American history for 12th. You would not get to the modern times high school guide. That is OK. You will have covered it in 9th. My 9th grader will be doing REV2REV. For your 8th grader, I would definately order the package with the state study and signers and option 2 for science (It comes with the books.) I ordered the storytime books, but I have two younger boys doing the program also. I think with your daughter's reading ability, that is your call. Definately get them if you don't get the extension package. Again, with your daughter's reading ability, I think she would enjoy the extension package. Each year's writing emphasis is different in HOD. I think WWTB volume 2 is scheduled for MTM (the next guide after REV2REV). I do think you would do well with Rod and Staff 6. Concerning DITHOR, you can use it for 8th and 9th grade both. There is a list for harder books for DITHOR on the board. Look at the top of the main board under the beefing up HOD for high school post (sticky at the top). There is a link in there. I hope I covered at least most of your questions. Keep asking. The ladies here are so much help.
Melissa, wife to Jim for 28 years
3 graduated, 2 using US 2, 8th grade dd using Missions to Marvels
Isaiah 40:11 ...He gently leads those that have young.

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Re: New here, what to buy for 8th grader rev to rev?

Post by kmommy » Fri Apr 13, 2012 8:30 am

Thank you for the help.

So, for Rev2Rev, I would order the read alouds AND the extension pack?

Also for the next guide Missions to Marvels, is that where my daughter would get her Amercian Government(half year) and Civics(half year) credit? She needs to have those to graduate. And we will not get to the second half of American History as she would already be in Grade 12. Unless Carrie writes two guides at once, and I can skip one. Like Geography.

I know we need one credit of American Hsitory, one credit of World History, and half for Government and half for Civics. The latter is usually done in grades 11 or 12.

Will read Carries sticky note. Thank you! :D

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Re: New here, what to buy for 8th grader rev to rev?

Post by deltagal » Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:20 pm

Hi there and welcome. I just want to check and make sure you used the placement chart to decide which guide to use for your dd. You may have said this and I missed it in my quick reading.

Here's the placement chart
With Joy!

My blog:

Began HOD 1/2009
Currently using: Bigger, RTR, Rev to Rev and MTMM

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Re: New here, what to buy for 8th grader rev to rev?

Post by 8arrows » Fri Apr 13, 2012 3:07 pm

I am not the best one to ask about purchasing both the storytime readers and the extensions. I originally thought that if you bought the extensions, then the storytime books were optional (especially with a good reader). Plus you will doing higher level readers. However, I will quickly admit, I am not sure of the rule of thumb here. Hopefully, Carrie or Julie will be on the boards soon and can help you with that question. You can always e-mail HOD too. They return e-mails quickly!
You would want to add economics next year to MTM (Is that civics, or is civics another course you need?). Government will be planned for you in the next to last guide, which you will be using in 12th. Carrie has suggestions for economics. Although most people do take it their senior year, it is not a hard class. I think public school just tries to get all the hard classes in before the ACT (Jr. year), and that leaves economics for the senior year.
Melissa, wife to Jim for 28 years
3 graduated, 2 using US 2, 8th grade dd using Missions to Marvels
Isaiah 40:11 ...He gently leads those that have young.

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Re: New here, what to buy for 8th grader rev to rev?

Post by kmommy » Fri Apr 13, 2012 4:37 pm


We need a 1/2 year of Goverment and a 1/2 year of Economics. Here it is usually done in Grade 11 or 12. So, where would this fall in HOD?(Sorry if you answered this). I went back and looked at your response. I don't know. From what I am getting, I would award a 1/2 year of Economics in Grade 9, and the other 1/2 credit in Government in Grade 12? Usually, they go hand in hand and awarded credit in the same grade.??? Hmmm, I am not to sure I like the idea of that. I would think it would look funny on a transcript. What do you think?

It looks like we are going to have to use the extensions pack for every guide that gets released. I wish I knew what the plans were for Language arts and Science in the future guides to award High School credit. Will it be offered to purchase with the new guides as an extension? Or just trying to figure it out on your own to beef it up?

Writing and Literature are the two most important things. Colleges require ALOT of essay writing. Of course, math is important as well, but we use a different Math program so that will not be an issue.

I wondered if Carrie would include as an option like Apologia Science, or BJU or something like that. Or, she would have her own thing and be enough to award credit for high school.

Right now, since we are going into 8th it isn't really a concern. But 9th is around the corner, and I do not want ot start HOD, and find out that I have to do a ton of tweaking in the Mission to Marvels guide for high school credit. KWIM?

Oh, and yes. My daughter took the placement test, and Rev2Rev is pefect for her.

Thanks for ALL of your help! :D

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Re: New here, what to buy for 8th grader rev to rev?

Post by blessedmomof4 » Fri Apr 13, 2012 4:53 pm

I can't answer all your questions, but if you look at the scope and sequence (scroll down to "future programs" you will see the target age range and the range the extensions will bring each guide up to
You will note that even Rev to Rev can be used for up to 9th grade if the extensions are added. MTMM can be for 9th to 10th with extensions, and Carrie has offered suggestions on this board for beefing up the science as well. There are also threads on this board about how to assign credit (I am figuring that out to for a 9th grader), but I am not good at looking those up :oops: Hopefully someone can point you in the right direction.
If you look at the scope and sequence, all areas of language arts are planned for the upcoming guides, and electives may be offered. Carrie is planning to have one new guide out each year, with MTMM ready this year, so the Geography through History guide would be due out in 2013, and so on.
Wife to Danforth
2 grads 9/19/92,7/8/95
2 in charter school 1/31/98, 9/19/99
3 in Heaven 8/11/06, 8/18/10, 9/13/13
Future HODie is here! 9/14/12

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Re: New here, what to buy for 8th grader rev to rev?

Post by 8arrows » Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:08 pm

I am awarding government and economics credits in different years. I did it that way for both of my older boys too. The oldest has been accepted into college. No one blinked an eye about anything on the transcript. The second son is still in high school.
Melissa, wife to Jim for 28 years
3 graduated, 2 using US 2, 8th grade dd using Missions to Marvels
Isaiah 40:11 ...He gently leads those that have young.

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Re: New here, what to buy for 8th grader rev to rev?

Post by kmommy » Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:11 am

Thank you Melissa. I always though it had to be done in the same year.

I wish I could purchase HOD right NOW! But, I have a few more months to save up the money before I can do so. :D

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