LHFHG questions.

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LHFHG questions.

Post by Molly » Thu Feb 02, 2012 12:55 pm

I do apologise, I know I should probably do a search to find this out.

We received our LHFHG yesterday, and while looking through I just had a couple of questions.

With History for Little Pilgrims and Devotions for the Children's hour, do you just read the passage or do you ask the questions as well? Also do you do the prayer and hymn at the end of the devotions?

The other thing is, we are doing Our Father's World for science, so do we do the science for the day and then the pages in the book? Do we do the activities on the pages in the book?

Thanks for any help, will be very appreciated.
Michelle, Mum homeschooling four beauties in NZ
DD1 (13): Rev2Rev, DITHR
DD2 (11): CTC, DITHR
DS1 (8): BHFHG
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Re: LHFHG questions.

Post by andreamichele13 » Thu Feb 02, 2012 1:51 pm

I just started LHFHG this week, so I am not a seasoned veteran, but I can tell you what we have been doing. For the Devotions for the Children's Hour, we do the questions (we may pick and choose, depending on the level of understanding), but we do not do the hymn or the prayer. We pray, of course, but we let our children pray, then either myself or my husband will also pray.

As far as the science. I don't do any experiments that are out of the Science book; however, I do all the experiments that are in the Teacher's Manual. I saw a post about this for math, too. There are hands-on math suggestions in the math book, and I read where someone posted that you should do the hands-on things that Carrie has placed in the TM, not the ones always suggested in the workbooks.

So, I guess to answer your question, we just do whatever Carrie lists in the TM. I have noticed she does a very good job of including questions that need to be asked after the reading, so I don't feel the need to do the questions in the Science book. And, as I feel like my child is learning, I sometimes come up with questions on my own. I love this curriculum, as it is SO flexible!!!!

Hope that helps! :) I think we will be close to doing the same things, Molly, since we have both started near the same time!!!! It will be fun to keep in touch!

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Re: LHFHG questions.

Post by MelInKansas » Thu Feb 02, 2012 2:59 pm

I read the prayers at the end of each devotion, and we did the hymn if it was one I knew. We love singing hymns anyway!

For science, I usually just did the activities in the TM, not the ones in the science book. If it was an easy activity I would add in the science book one, if we had some spare time.
"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases
His mercies never come to an end"

DD12 - Rev to Rev + DITHOR 6/7/8
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DD7 - Bigger + ERs
DD2 - ABC123
2 babies in heaven


Re: LHFHG questions.

Post by KristinBeth » Sat Feb 04, 2012 5:08 pm

I sometimes ask the Devotional questions or make up a couple of my own, just to see if she understands the point of the reading. If she doesn't seem to get the point, we'll talk about it a little. I don't really make it quiz like (though I do have a tendency to be quiz-like with the storytime reading for some reason :oops: ). I will read the prayer (as an "example" prayer) but I don't do the hymns because I don't know the music to any of them.
We do the science experiments in the text if they are easy, because my daughter likes science. I don't think you have to do them though, as Carrie has provided that exploration. :)

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Re: LHFHG questions.

Post by tkeller » Sat Feb 04, 2012 8:46 pm

We go over whatever questions there are at the end of the chapters. Most times he doesn't get the questions right at the end of the "History for Little Pilgrims" book though since you don't read it straight through, and it usually takes awhile go through each chapter.
Mommy to one 6 year old blessing, and another on the way!
2012-2013 Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory
2011-2012 Little Hearts for His Glory
2010-2011 Little Hands to Heaven (2nd time)
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