We've been using HOD since Fall of 2010, and are LOVING it! My 10 year old son (4th grade) and my 7 year old daughter (2nd grade) are now using Bigger (we're on unit 11 right now). My 10 year old son is reading the extensions and doing the recommended oral narrations, written narrations, and notebooking that are recommended in the guide.
My son was/is "behind" in some areas which have been greatly helped by vision therapy and the great emphasis on skills in the HOD guides. We did Beyond with both of them last year, and my son has made HUGE improvements! Bigger would have been totally above him last school year. I'm thinking of bumping him ahead to Preparing now for the following reasons:
1. He is able to do the work in Bigger fairly easily, and I think more of a challenge would be good for him.
2. I would like to be able to be working individually with them. My son is more extroverted and tends to answer many of the oral questions. And I feel like I'm not getting as much time with my daughter as I'd like. I think they could benefit from each having their own guide/projects/time with me.
3. My son would be in a guide that may be more appropriate for his age/grade level.
If I did this, I think I would do Bigger half-speed with my daughter, and would do Preparing full-speed with my son. I don't think I want my daughter to always be at the very youngest ages for each guide, and I also don't want my son to always be at the very oldest ages for each guide.
So ... my children are waking up and I've got to run, but here are my questions:
1. Does this sound like a good plan?
2. Do you have any other ideas?
3. If he doesn't finish Bigger, will he encounter the geography skills and other skills again in later guides? (I'm not worried about the history content, because he could easily read Bigger's history books on his own during his free time to at least have exposure to it.)
I really like the ease and time efficiency of teaching them together, but I think that in my situation, it may not be best for my children. I am a little concerned about fitting the extra time in the day to do it, but I want to do what is best for them, even if it means that I have to give up my 60 minutes planning/down time that I currently have in the afternoon.
Thanks for listening!