Beefing up the new guide for a 16 year old

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Beefing up the new guide for a 16 year old

Post by homeschoolmumNZ » Thu Nov 03, 2011 8:21 pm

Hello ladies
Does anyone have any suggestions of what books should be added to "beef up" the latest guide for a 16 year old.My daughter really wants to try this for next year but she is a bit older than the recommended age. She is dyslexic however so writing takes awhile but she is an adult level reader( just a little slow due to eye tracking issues).
We are totally new to HOD and I was only planning on ordering a programmme for my youngest daughter which I have is on its way to New Zealand!But, now my older two girls have seen the website they are also interested.As we have just finished middleages/renaissance the latest guide is what we would be interested in doing.
We are only praying about whether we can afford to order this at the moment but here is hoping....

I doubt I would use the science as she plans on doing apologia biology next year(our school year begins in February).Any suggestions greatly appreciated. Thanks and God Bless from New Zealand

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Re: Beefing up the new guide for a 16 year old

Post by mamas4bugs » Thu Nov 03, 2011 9:38 pm

You are wanting to know about Revival to Revolution, correct?

There are a few threads that talk about beefing it up for high school. This thread is a collection of them:


There's some great info in there. :) HTH!

I had to smile at your older girls. My oldest son is using HOD for high school because I was ordering for his brother and he saw the website, too. :D He had used HOD when he was younger, but since he's in the extension range, I was going to do something else for high school. We took a year off, and then when I went to order his younger brother the next guide in his sequence, my oldest son said, "Mom, can I use them again, too? I love those books!" :)
Living the adventure, blessed to be schooling 3:
Cub 15 MTMM with extentions
Crawdad 11 Preparing
Taz 6 her own interesting mix

Have used and loved: LHTH, LHFHG, Beyond, Bigger, Preparing, CTC, RTR

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Joined: Mon Nov 02, 2009 10:44 am

Re: Beefing up the new guide for a 16 year old

Post by homeschoolmumNZ » Fri Nov 04, 2011 5:20 am

Thanks,yes I did mean revival to revolution.Maybe she will not need much extra as she is only a year older than the age recomendation for the extensions.We may add to the Bible as it seems a bit young...maybe do a worldview book as well as the book that is recommended . I do not know what older books would go with this time period .I wonder how much is American history and how much world? It seemd that most of the extra books are about Americans.I would like a few more form Europe I think .Just thinking at the moment.Thank for your reply.God Bless

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Re: Beefing up the new guide for a 16 year old

Post by my3sons » Sat Nov 05, 2011 10:12 am

Hi there! :D Mamas4bugs did such a good job of helping already. I'll just link this specific one for RevtoRev for high school, since you mentioned this is the one you are using...

I think this thread will be helpful with counting credits as well...

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie

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