Am I crazy? Math again!

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Am I crazy? Math again!

Post by anointedhsmom » Tue Oct 18, 2011 8:24 pm

Ok ladies, I need some honest opinions on this. You might have read my other thread about math for my boys. Right now I'm trying to decide what to do with my older son. Here's what I'm thinking. My son is behind in math. Not struggling but behind. He's working very quickly through BJU 4th right now. Most days we are doing 2 lessons a day and taking over an hour each day to do those lessons. I'm dealing with regret that I didn't start him earlier in Singapore and I know that Singapore is the best option for him. I know if we do Singapore he'll be better served in his math education. Sooo... I am thinking of just placing him in Singapore and start there and do exactly what we are doing with BJU. Work for an hour each day doing as much as he can reasonably handle. I'm guessing he'll place in Singapore 3 somewhere. We just started the placement tests and I started with 1A so I could see if he had any serious weaknesses. I just plan to either keep at BJU until he gets to "grade level" and begin to work at a more normal pace. Why can't I do that with Singapore? Am I making him even more behind by switching to Singapore at this point? My gut says this is the best thing to do and right now is the only time to do it since he's working at a similar level anyway.

Like I said I feel like switching is the right thing to do but I'm scared to make the jump with him.

Thanks for listening ladies. I value all you ladies on this board and your opinions.
Paige in TN
Joshua 14 & Jacob 7

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Re: Am I crazy? Math again!

Post by Carrie » Thu Oct 20, 2011 4:21 pm


Switching math programs late in the game is always a tough call. :wink: I know I did it more than I should have with my own oldest son. :wink: So, with this in mind, if your son is doing well in BJU and understanding what he is doing, then I wouldn't make a switch. If, however, your son is not liking BJU and it is affecting his attitude, or he doesn't seem to be comprehending well, then a switch could be a possible option. BJU is a good solid math program. It just requires much presentation on the part of the teacher and includes many, many problems in its daily lessons. Singapore could be a breath of fresh air, if you began far enough back.

If you do make the switch to Singapore, I would recommend backing up to 45 min. of math a day instead. Singapore lessons can be a bit like mental gymnastics sometimes, and you wouldn't want to wear out your son too quickly causing him to burn out on Singapore. The beauty of Singapore is its "less is more approach" with fewer problems of a higher level. :D If I could redo my oldest son's math education, I would definitely go the Singapore route in the early years through middle school years. I have done so with my next two in line and really reaped the benefits so far. :D


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