We've been using another Christian curriculum for the last couple of years in Kinder and 1st Grade, and also thus far for 2nd grade. I am looking for something a little richer, more detailed, and Charlotte Mason-inspired all while being soundly Biblical and HOD appears to fit our needs right now.

Here's my question. I have poured over the placement chart and I'm thinking that Beyond is the best for us right now. The two kids I will be teaching with HOD are ages 5 1/2 and 7 1/2. My Kindergartner is quite advanced in everything except fine motor skills. She reads fluently and comprehends on a 5th-grade or higher level and she excels at math. She is very artistic and has a knack for memory work and all things school. She needs a lot of work with fine motor skills but she is always eager to try copywork of scripture and poems and she just all around loves school. She is naturally gifted in academics but I don't want to push her beyond her emotional age either.
My older daughter also loves school and she is quite advanced in math and she has special abilities in science, nature, and mapping/geography. She needs a lot of practice reading and so I am keen on the emerging reader set in Beyond. We are using another grammar program that is working quite well with her and I'm not sure that she is ready for R&S2, even though she's in 2nd grade. I love the spelling in Beyond as well as this is something we've never focused on in true lessons (we have taken a more CM approach to spelling thus far).
I could also choose Bigger which might be more on par for my older daughter, and my younger daughter would do her own K materials (la, math, reading) and tagalong with as much as she desires with Bigger.
I am not in a position right now to teach two guides separately as we just came home 5 weeks ago with a 5-y-o from Ethiopia who is working at the level of a 2-y-o, physically, mentally, emotionally, etc., so I would like for my girls to stick together this year since I can only spread so thin (I also have a 2-y-o son who keeps me busy).

I am not opposed to separating them in the future, but for now, they love to work and learn together and I want to keep up that sweet momentum especially since I have to give myself the grace to accept my limitations while still providing an amazing year (with HOD).
Thank you for your thoughts!