I am going to plug for adoption. The process is long, challenging, expensive etc, but there are so many kids who need families.
I was pregnant twice, both were hard, the second one all bed rest. Shudder. Due to severity of bad pregnancies, hubby went to see 'the Dr' when 2nd son was 3 months old, to make sure I didn't get pregnant again. Then, sadly, our second son passed away 3 months later. Sigh.
We knew we wanted more kids and weighed all our options - hubby getting a 'reversal,' vs. adoption vs. using my sister to carry our child etc. Ultimately decided to adopt. It was definitely a long, expensive process, but we were able to bring Iann home from Korea in 10 shorts months, start to finish! Almost unheard of these days.
He is now 3, and turns out he has a genetic syndrome which will challenge him for life. He is starting school district preschool this fall, 4 days a wk, so to keep receiving the therapy he needs, which we can't afford. So 6 yr old staying home this yr while 3 yr old goes to school.
AND, I keep telling hubby that my family isn't finished yet. I want to adopt again, and am just waiting for God to convince hubby of that too. He's open to it but we don't have any spare money, and he won't go into debt (again) for another adoption. So, for now, I wait upon the Lord, look forward to a great year with 6 yr old and HOD, and celebrate every step forward Iann makes.