Reddy Fox

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Reddy Fox

Post by ForHisGlory » Fri Jul 01, 2011 4:58 pm

Do I have the only child that wants mommy to "keep going" and not stop at one chapter per day? :D I was very skeptical at first that this book would grab and keep his attention, but WOW, it sure has--AND he is comprehending it all so well and narrating back to me!!! :D

I want to also encourage other mommies out there that have wiggly worms...don't worry, let 'em wiggle while you read! They still comprehend the reading even though they are busy wiggling hands and feet! LOL :D One thing I found helpful was Thinking Putty. It's a great thing to have on hand for special times (I save ours for reading time) when you want them to have something to manipulate in their hands while you read. I bought some for my hubby, and he loves it!!! :D
God Bless You,


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Re: Reddy Fox

Post by raceNzanesmom » Fri Jul 01, 2011 5:11 pm

My ds LOVED the Burgess books! He would crack me up at the end of the chapter when he'd yell "Oh, come on!" lol I'd offer to read out of his night time chapter book, but he said that wouldn't tell him what happened in Reddy Fox (or whatever book). :lol:
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Re: Reddy Fox

Post by sharonb » Fri Jul 01, 2011 7:33 pm

Mine love the Burgess books too. :D

Mine won't mind stopping after only one chapter for story time (we are starting Beyond on Monday!) since they know that I usually read to them for quite a while at bedtime (from different books). Just tonight I was reading Little Pilgrim's Progress to them and they kept saying, "Read another chapter!" We generally have 2-3 books going at a time.

Speaking of wiggly children, I love it when mine want to brush my hair while I read. If I let them use the spray detangler, they argue over who gets to go next! Keeps them busy while they listen, AND I get my hair brushed, something I love. :D

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Re: Reddy Fox

Post by moedertje » Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:41 am

The Thornton Burgess books are a favorite at our house with my boys. Story time is missed during summer break. My ds has already asked when we are contiuing with Grandfather Frog. We stopped with unit 17 LHFHG and are picking up in 2 weeks with unit 18-4 days/week.
Usually my ds narrates back to Daddy in the evenings!
Raising Arrows; Psalms 127:4
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Re: Reddy Fox

Post by netpea » Sat Jul 02, 2011 7:28 am

We bought some of the other thornton burgess books that weren't on the schedule to read at bedtime so they could hear more about the animals... The dover ones are really cheap..
Lee Ann
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Re: Reddy Fox

Post by Carrie » Sun Jul 03, 2011 4:39 pm


My boys could hardly wait for the next day, just to hear what happened next. :D Even my middle school and high school sons still won't part with Burgess from their bookshelves in their rooms! Apparently mine love the books for life! :D


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Re: Reddy Fox

Post by 8arrows » Mon Jul 04, 2011 12:32 pm

Even my 4 year old can't wait to see what that boastful, naughty fox is going to try next.
Melissa, wife to Jim for 28 years
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Re: Reddy Fox

Post by my3sons » Fri Jul 08, 2011 10:42 am

My dc loved sly Reddy Fox too, and they could not wait to see what he was up to next! They grew to love each Burgess character as we read through the books, and each character had their own little strengths and weaknesses that made for some great character trait discussions. :wink: I'm so glad your ds is loving Reddy Fox, Shannon! The books keep on entertaining, and the comprehension keeps on building - it's a neat way to spend Storytime together throughout the year. :D

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie

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