We're in Bigger, but the "Boyhood & Beyond" isn't till RTR

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We're in Bigger, but the "Boyhood & Beyond" isn't till RTR

Post by Joselle173 » Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:24 pm

My son is really ready for that this coming year (he's 10 going on 11 this coming school year.) We'll be using Bigger with extensions, and as I look ahead the books for sharing with your children about the changes and responsibilities that will be coming their way as they get older won't hit our household for three more years (about right on target for dd7, but a little late for ds10!) I'm guessing this has been addressed before, but if not, how does a family handle this? Does the RTR manual have questions or a reading schedule to go with these books? Not sure how to handle this situation. The Boyhood and Beyond book looks wonderful, btw!
Cheryl & Kids

DS10 & DD7
2011-2012 - Bigger (w/Extensions for DS10)

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Re: We're in Bigger, but the "Boyhood & Beyond" isn't till RTR

Post by arstephia » Mon Jun 13, 2011 7:09 pm

My husband and son read Boyhood and Beyond together and discussed it when he was 9-10yo, so we didn't do it in RTR. If you are wanting to do it now, do it! There are other great books that you can use when you get to RTR for that category/box.
I've done all the guides now with at least one child and still feeling the HOD LOVE. LOL!
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Re: We're in Bigger, but the "Boyhood & Beyond" isn't till RTR

Post by my3sons » Tue Jun 14, 2011 11:57 am

We did "Boyhood and Beyond" last year with RTR and loved it. :D It helped me discuss so many boy-related topics that I would never have even thought to bring up. I was feeling unsure about this stage my oldest ds is entering into, as I grew up in a family of girls. :D RTR's plans schedule out "Boyhood and Beyond", and have plans for copying quotes in a common place book, copying Scriptures in a common place book, and my favorite part - we looked up a passage in our Bibles to read and discuss together in light of the "Boyhood and Beyond" reading. This also usually had a follow-up application for my ds to ponder or do, which helped him make a further connection to his life. We enjoyed the RTR plans for "Boyhood and Beyond" very much, but you will know what will be best for your situation. "Boyhood and Beyond" is an outstanding book done in any capacity, but the RTR plans made it even better IMO. HTH!

In Christ,
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Re: We're in Bigger, but the "Boyhood & Beyond" isn't till RTR

Post by Joselle173 » Tue Jun 14, 2011 3:53 pm

Thank you. I may just get the book and work it in on my own. Or have DH work with DS just the two of them. That could be their thing .
Cheryl & Kids

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Re: We're in Bigger, but the "Boyhood & Beyond" isn't till RTR

Post by mamas4bugs » Tue Jun 14, 2011 4:12 pm

There are other books in the series, if you wanted to go that route. Practical Happiness (which we own, but haven't done) and Created for Work. They are both for ages 12 and up. You could either see if one of them is appropriate now and save Boyhood and Beyond for RTR, or go ahead and read Boyhood and Beyond now, and then see if you could sub in one of the older ones in RTR. Just an idea. :)
Living the adventure, blessed to be schooling 3:
Cub 15 MTMM with extentions
Crawdad 11 Preparing
Taz 6 her own interesting mix

Have used and loved: LHTH, LHFHG, Beyond, Bigger, Preparing, CTC, RTR

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