I'm verbose. Apologies (for the sake of politeness) in advance.
I have vague memories of briefly looking at the HOD website 2yrs ago. I was starting to work with my oldest and was reading up on all manner of curriculum and philosophies. I recall not taking enough interest to look at samples but I can't recall just what lead me back to the website 1yr ago. Somehow I ended up looking at samples and seeing not only the Biblical centeredness but the fun little activities and crafts that went with them. My creativity is impaired when it comes to that kind of thing but knew the children would love it. I remember emailing DH at work asking him to tell me I didn't need to add such things to our day and he wrote me back saying it would be great for the children. Not the response I was expecting but at least I didn't feel bad about buying LHtH because it was now his idea.
I had just the guide and the little ones did love the activities and although it was a difficult adjustment for me, their joy was worth it but couple of small problems combined with other unrelated things going on for me at the time resulted in me laying it aside. By this time I'd entirely forgotten the primary reason I'd bought LHtH to begin with and wouldn't remember again until this year. I was burned out in general and when I started back doing some school with my oldest I was doing my own thing while pulling together my own plans for the following year (this is why I get burned out - way ahead of myself) and was considering HOD for just history but found something that had not only an attractive history schedule but a schedule for a number of things I was already pulling together. I opted for the schedule and within weeks had ordered the TM and all I needed, having already abandoned what I had been doing and deciding to start over with this new PreK/K program.
It didn't have HODs daily boxes and those had just sung to me when I first saw them but I was beginning to enjoy the greater flexibility. An internal storm was very slowly brewing however with random things converging. I was learning that some educational elements I had seen no purpose in were actually valuable and important experiences. I was noticing that I was just getting things done to say they're done and without direct guidance about what was to be done and how, what I was actually doing was a minimalist interpretation of the scheduled activity and I was starting to question why I was bothering to do it at all. I was feeling grieved over unbiblical content and influences at large (not in what I was using though it was easily secularized) which was driving me to consider the reality that I myself had secularized homeschooling. I wasn't praying about it (as if, God has given me this to do so it's mine to worry about). I got to thinking about God's commands in Deut. 6 and about the most logical place to start in teaching my children God's word - "In the beginning God created ..". Desires were stirring for more purposefully and aggressively teaching my children Biblical truth and desecularizing school time. There was a providential encounter with an author (whose book I read regularly) on a forum where I learned that they were not following their own recommendations in homeschooling their own child. I was questioning who I was listening to, what was forming my educational value system and searching my heart for idols. Coming to this board and witnessing the prayerfulness and compassionate guidance of Carrie and Julie had a profound influence on me during this season.
Meanwhile, I had received the HOD catalog in the mail, been so torn between it and what I already had that I made DH sit down and listen to me pour out my heart over all the perceived pros and cons of both. DH had decided on HOD because of the schedule, direct instruction for me and Bible centeredness. As time passed, I decided I must not have made the relevant points clear enough and decided to overthrow his decision. Not only did I have no peace with this in the midst of all this storm but over the next month it became clear to me - daily self scheduling is not my strength and neither is integrating Bible. The only things I was ever remotely consistent at teaching have been the very tangible, solid subjects of phonics, math and handwriting and I needed something that would lead me just as systematically with other subjects (and whose content was Biblical). For us that was clearly HOD (because, just like a year ago, DH said so

, well, that and it is the only thing I know of that accomplishes our primary goals in a format that works for me as the teacher).
So, there I had been convinced DH just didn't have the full picture because he didn't understand the important details accurately when in fact, I just wasn't seeing the forest for the trees.