Trying to decide about Bigger

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Trying to decide about Bigger

Post by synchromom » Sat Apr 05, 2008 1:47 pm


This is the first time I have posted on this board, though I have been reading and learning a lot. I am planning to use Little Hearts in the fall for my kindergartener. I love that it includes many of my favorite books plus some new ones. I know it will be a great first school year for my daughter!

I am trying to decide what to do for my 6th grader. We studied Ancient History last year and were planning to continue on to Medieval, Reformation and Renaissance History this coming year. As it turns out my dd will be taking Beautiful Feet's History of Science, a hands on class focusing on Lewis and Clark and a literature course using books that focus on American History at our co-op. So, now I am looking for an American History curriculum to tie together the literature and Lewis and Clark class. I definitely want good books, notebooking, mapping and timeline work. She will already have a lot of work from co-op as well as her other subjects, so I do not feel the history has to be intense, just enjoyable.

Okay, finally to my questions. From the one week samples of Bigger I cannot tell how much mapping would be involved in the program or what other type of geography work there would be. Would someone be willing to give me some examples? Also some examples of the notebooking would be helpful so that I could determine if it would fit her level. I understand that there is a schecule in the appendix for the extension package. Are there any options suggested if my dd has already read a few of the extension pack books?

Lastly, what do you all think? Would Bigger with the extension pack be too far beneath a 6th grader? I like the idea of having the history, reading, poetry and Bible all together. I would not be using Bigger for math, language arts or science.

Sorry for the long post. I felt I should give some background and my thinking. I appreciate any advice you all have for me!
Mom to 2 great girls:)


Post by netpea » Sat Apr 05, 2008 2:15 pm

just wanted to say Welcome to the boards. :D

I don't have advice for you but I'm sure some of the other ladies here will respond. We all love to help.

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Post by water2wine » Sat Apr 05, 2008 2:48 pm

I am doing Bigger with my dd that will be in 6th grade this year. We started towards the end of 5th grade and have added some of the sources Carrie recommends here in this thread
We do have some science we are finishing up but my dd is loving what is there in Bigger just because it is fun and different for her. She is learning a lot though. We do the extension as a read aloud and then I have some of these books Carrie suggested for her to read on her own.

You could do it as it for sixth grade as well and I think you would be fine. But we come from a weak history foundation in ps so I like being able to add to it. We do not use the same math and we are on a different level of LA but do use R&S. It still works great for us. I like that it is still flexible to add to it if you want but you still have the very well thought out theme connecting God and Character to everything. I was worried it would not be enough but I am very glad we did it now. In fact we like it so much I decided to slow down a bit. I was initially thinking well let's see if we can just hurry through this to get the American and then go on to Preparing. Now I see how good it is and how well my dd is doing I feel like a more leisurely path is OK. And just to let you know that is not my nature! :lol:

HTH a bit. It is deceivingly deep. Someone who has gone farther can answer on the mapping and notebooking. It is not an every day thing but every unit 5 so far is notebooking and mapping is coming up as well. My kids have been through Trail guides to the US and most of World but they still enjoy and learn differently with what is in HOD.
All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13
~Six lovies from God~4 by blessing of adoption
-MTMM (HS), Rev to Rev, CTC, DITHR
We LOVED LHFHG/Beyond/Bigger/Preparing/CTC/RTR/Rev to Rev (HS)

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Post by Carrie » Sun Apr 06, 2008 6:54 pm


If you haven't gotten a chance to read the Introduction to "Bigger...", I'll link it here (as this tells how everything is laid out in "Bigger..."): ... -07-11.pdf

Also, if you haven't already looked over the first week of plans, then that is the next step in helping you "see" inside the "Bigger..." guide to tell if it would work for your daughter. Here is that link:

I think that water2wine gave you excellent advice. She also linked you to a thread where I mentioned some additional books that are easy to add to beef up the study for a very good reader. :wink:

I think (for what you mentioned) it would work for your daughter. But, looking over the links above should really help you know best. :D


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Thanks and Some More Questions

Post by synchromom » Mon Apr 07, 2008 6:30 pm

Thank you all for answering :D .

Hello, netpea. Thank you for welcoming me to the board.

Water2Wine, thank you for the link to the previous thread. I had read the thread before, but I have read so many I did not remember it. :P Now I printed it out so I could reference the book ideas later.

Carrie, thank you for your kind response. I had printed and read the intro and first week of Bigger, and then re-read them today when you mentioned it. I guess the first week seemed like an intro to each area, so I was unsure how much the different sections would change or build. From reading the intro it sounds like the notebook pages are all scripted, not narration of what has been studied. Is that correct?

My other question is about the extension package. Are there any options listed in the appendix for other books if my dd has already read some of the books?

Thanks :!:
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Post by inHistiming » Mon Apr 07, 2008 6:39 pm


There is a book list on the web site for $5.00. It lists books according to genre and grade level. You could purchase that and substitute some of the books for those your daughter has already read. I bought it myself, just in case we want to read more in the same genre. We often finish books earlier than scheduled, because the books are so good that dc always want to read more! :) Just a suggestion...

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Post by Candice » Mon Apr 07, 2008 7:12 pm


Welcome, glad to have you here!

Candice :D

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Post by Carrie » Mon Apr 07, 2008 8:42 pm

I'm glad you've gotten a chance to look over the Sample Week and the Introduction already! I always mention that first, as moms sometimes miss that area of our website, and it's very helpful to a take a peek inside the guides! :wink:

As far as additional books your daughter could read, you'd want to look at the link that water2wine included up above. In that post, I give suggestions of several harder/truly excellent books that could be added. :D

Also, the notebooking pages are not narration pages. They are guided to include key information from the readings. So, you could always have your daughter add a written narration page to the notebooking if you desired. We do recommend both oral (twice a week) and written narrations (twice a week) along with the Extension Pack. :D

I hope that helps!


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Thanks Again

Post by synchromom » Tue Apr 08, 2008 1:50 pm

Great! Thanks for all the help. I had missed the reading list and the written narrations. Thank you so much for the kind and helpful responses :!:
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Post by Kathleen » Tue Apr 08, 2008 5:24 pm


I just wanted to say welcome! :D I'm looking forward to starting Bigger with my oldest soon (this summer or fall). I'm glad that you were able to get some help with your questions. Deciding what to use is the most work... :wink:

Homeschooling mom to 6:
Grant - 19 Kansas State University
Allison - 15 World Geography
Garret - 13 Res2Ref
Asa - 8 Bigger
Quinn - 7 Bigger

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Post by my3sons » Wed Apr 09, 2008 8:09 am

Hi Sharon! Welcome to the HOD Boards! You are going to have a wonderful year with LHFHG and Bigger...! That is what I am doing right now, and we are really loving it. It's so nice to meet you, and I'm glad you are here! You'll find this board to be full of wonderful ladies. This is my favorite place to "visit" every time I have a moment!

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie

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