Kinda OT - paper piles?

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Heidi in AK
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Kinda OT - paper piles?

Post by Heidi in AK » Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:36 pm

Hi friends,

Ok, this post is partially generated by the fact that we are currently at a brick-and-mortar school, but when we come home, the issue will remain...because...

Girlie gets ATTACHED to her projects, especially art-related. It's great, but I am so opposite a pack rat I've had to fetch projects out of the trash can for a whimpering, teary-eyed mess hurt that I would throw away her masterpieces! It's hard, because I LOVE her work, but cannot stand the piles that build up even over two days!

What do you all do to memorialize your kids' work?

(I'm predicting one answer is to put pictures on a blog...)
loving teaching my rewards!!!
Girlie (dd7) - Beyond, 4 days/week
Boy-o (ds4), LHTH, along for the ride!!! (all boy, whatever he can get his hands on, FULL OF ENERGY!)
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Re: Kinda OT - paper piles?

Post by raceNzanesmom » Wed Apr 27, 2011 12:18 am

For the flat things they/I want to keep I made a folder out of two pieces of poster board, laced it together on three sides. Most all paper fits in there and it slides behind the dresser nice and tidy. :D I go through it about once a year and throw out some stuff (when they're not around).

I take pics of some of the best stuff, or things they've built, and use those pics for scrapbooking. My oldest is an artist and now that he's older he keeps his stuff on a flashdrive (so it's portable).

I'm not a blogger, but that would work too.
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Re: Kinda OT - paper piles?

Post by holyhart » Wed Apr 27, 2011 4:53 am

I can fridge gets plastered with pictures (even after I gave each child a magnet clip per Julie's suggestion)...they have grabbed the letter/number magnets to use as well. Not to mention they will surprise me by wall papering my bedroom with their lovely artwork (using even LOVELY-ER blue painters tape so as to not ruin the walls...quite a site! :lol: ).

One of my absolute favorite ladies writers/speakers is Lorrie Flem. She has such a wonderful ministry (Eternal Encouragement if you're interested). I have purchased many of her mp3 downloads and have been so blessed by them! Anyway, in one of her messages, she talks about this "paper problem" and children's artwork/masterpieces. She has given each child a basket. This basket must be large enough for the artwork/papers to fit into, but depth is your own judgement. The child is to put their work in the basket that they wish to keep. The "trick" to this is, the paper pile can NEVER be higher than the top of the basket. The child is to go through their papers and make a decision on what must go and what to keep. :D After a few months (or however often you are comfortable with) you can decide to put these treasures into a plastic storage bin to view later. Perhaps she could go through the bin once a year and do the same as the bin will only hold so much. This might also help train her not being a pack rat.

Another thing to consider is what is her heart issue on this? I know she is young so this very likely isn't the case, but maybe you could talk to her about how we can make idols of anything, including our own "creations". And how we should guard ourselves against this tendency. Or possibly the fear that can come by letting "stuff" go. Also, about how orderliness is a character quality and having piles of stuff (even priceless artwork :D ) is not in keeping with orderliness. Just some thoughts.

Hope there is something in here of value !
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Re: Kinda OT - paper piles?

Post by 8arrows » Wed Apr 27, 2011 6:20 am

We use the basket idea and then use a bing three-ring binder with page protectors to fill. It keeps the pages neat and makes a great way to view the work. We take pictures of those projects that are not flat and dispose of them in a reasonable amount of time.
Melissa, wife to Jim for 28 years
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Heidi in AK
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Re: Kinda OT - paper piles?

Post by Heidi in AK » Wed Apr 27, 2011 6:53 am

Kelly and 8arrows, thank you for your ideas. I had heard of the binder with page protectors, but getting down to that point was the hard part. And I like the idea of training her now to be accountable for her stuff, even her art. Perhaps, with the dusting off of my blog (go check it out! It doesn't have any recent posts, but it will...) and a place for me to put pictures of her art she will be less inclined to hold onto her stuff, seeing that it's been memorialized another way.

True about teaching her not to make idols of anything. She's young, but pliable though, so I might start by just talking to her about it and making sure that she abides by the "not over the top" rule (what a good rule for anything, even good things, put like that!)...

The basket idea is fun. And she likes baskets.
loving teaching my rewards!!!
Girlie (dd7) - Beyond, 4 days/week
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Re: Kinda OT - paper piles?

Post by Mercy » Wed Apr 27, 2011 10:55 am

What about buying a frame that matches your decor and showcasing her favorites? Or giving her a bulletin board? Maybe even one for her room and another somewhere else for mom and dad?

Just thought I would throw those ideas out there...

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Re: Kinda OT - paper piles?

Post by tjswaine » Wed Apr 27, 2011 1:27 pm

Here's what we do:

1. Each child has their own portfolio binder (2-3" size) for each HOD program. All artwork we save must be able to fit in the binder. Even my 2 yo has her own binder for toddler/preschool projects.
2. We have a wall in our hallway with a bunch of frames and a few of these frames are used for displaying their recent and/or favorite artwork.
3. Anything too big for the binder, we take a picture of (if they want to) and then we toss it.

I used to pile everyone's artwork in magazine holders thinking that I would get around to filing things in their binders eventually. Eventually didn't happen until halfway through the school year and I had a huge mess to sort! Now we file everything at the end of the school day in the correct binder.
In Him,
Logan ds {10} ~ Preparing, SM 4A, DGP, McGuffey, etc.
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Re: Kinda OT - paper piles?

Post by MomtoJGJE » Wed Apr 27, 2011 2:24 pm

We just take pictures of it.... every once in a while I'll buy a photo book that has some in there.


Re: Kinda OT - paper piles?

Post by KristinBeth » Wed Apr 27, 2011 11:15 pm

I do post some things on the blog, but not all. Some art gets to live a full life on our refrigerator, and when it is old and full of years (or water stained or curled up too much at the edges) then it passes on. Some will be framed and hung on the wall (I've only done this once but plan to do it more - I need to buy some frames to have at the ready so I don't forget). And because my sensitive 4 year old wants to save everything we do (even glued cheerios on the letter M), I am taking a picture of everything (not worksheets, but things she does on her own) and planning to put it all into a preschool "yearbook" photobook when we complete LHTH. I'll do it all over again with LHFHG and as long as I can remember to take my camera out (inspired by Julie's photobooks but wanting to commemmorate each "grade" or stage in life. I'll have an alphabet page with all her letters she's worked on, projects, activities, as well as things we've done with our homeschool group throughout the school year.

It breaks my heart to throw these things away but I still throw them away most of the time, after I've gotten a good picture of it.

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Re: Kinda OT - paper piles?

Post by my3sons » Fri Apr 29, 2011 7:33 pm

We do the 3-ring binder, and their very favorite things adorn their room's dresser, bookshelves, etc. I just read in an organizational book I am reading an idea similar to holyhart's great basket idea :D , that is called the "memory box". Each child receives one large cardboard box and lid (like a special hatbox type thing, or a durable file storage box) to be used as a memory box, and must fit their beloved things within that box with the lid on to be stored. One mom let her dc have just 1 box, and another let each of her dc have several, so how every many you're willing to store I guess. But, all of the moms had their dc go through their memory boxes each year. This trip down memory lane either produced fond memories, or caused the dc to realize they were holding on to silly things they didn't care about anymore and then they willingly pitched those things. I thought this was a great idea I am planning on implementing with our dc this summer! :D

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Re: Kinda OT - paper piles?

Post by Carrie » Sun May 01, 2011 5:03 pm


I can completely understand what you're saying. My boys get attached to their projects too! They NEVER want to throw anything away! :wink: Here is a link to a thread where I talk about what we do for project storage that may be of help to you as you ponder: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=8642

I find that my boys are more willing to part with things after they have stored them awhile and had time away to really think what they want to keep. We do our sorting at the end of the year, and typically boys are much more discerning then! :D


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