Combine? Uncombine? Help me please!!!

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Combine? Uncombine? Help me please!!!

Post by amysconfections » Fri Apr 01, 2011 12:35 pm

First off I have 2 sons now 8y and 6y, both have summer birthdays coming up. We have been doing Beyond this year. Last year I had alot going on and decided for my sanity they had to combine. My older did Rod and staff English 2 and Singapore 3a/3b and cheerful cursive. So, this year I was all set to do Bigger with both of them and my older would have the extension pack. THen I got my catalog and took a look at CTC. That would be so hard to have two using that because of the independence and sharing materials. My younger places in Bigger and my older places in Preparing. Last year my older did about 17 weeks of Bigger and then we stopped and this year backed up just so they could combine. That is because I have a now 2year old and a 8month old. Now you know why I had to combine. I am concerned that my younger son will need to go through Bigger a little slower than my older.

So, my question? Would you skip Bigger and move the older into preparing and then my younger would take Bigger at his pace? Or, keep them combined for simplicity. I'm not sure it's even so simple to combine anymore. Many times my younger is not given a chance to grow and answer questions first.

Is it possible to skip Bigger and do fine? I have printed the first week of Preparing and I don't see much writing difference. I also looked at the topic thread on difference in writing. I could modify the writing if needed and slowly increase it.

Please help me! I'm so torn.

Also, one other quick question. I was thinking of going to Teaching Textbooks 5 for math for my oldest. We have used Singapore all the way and I like the way it presents mental math. I do feel like something has to give but I'm torn. There is just not enough of me to go around many times. What are your thoughts on Teaching textbooks and the way it teaches? I've heard lots of positives. Does Singapore take alot of teaching time at the level of 4a/4b?

My younger two make life interesting and busy around here.
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Re: Combine? Uncombine? Help me please!!!

Post by Larissa » Fri Apr 01, 2011 1:18 pm

I also have 4 children. I am schooling the older two right now. My older two are also 6 and 8. I had my 8 yo in Bigger and my 6 yo in Little Hearts. My 6 yo is very advanced - so little hearts wasn't exactly a perfect fit, however he needed to be introduced to the narrating and some other skills. Each guide builds one upon the other. I cannot imagine skipping any of the guides. I have also not found a way to combine my children in any of the guides for the reasons that you stated. I do always admire those who can combine and do it successfully. I am not able to think outside the box enough to combine well. I love each of the guides so very much ... and how they seem specifically geared toward a certain developmental stage. So, my plan is to take each of my children through each guide at the appropriate time. So, yes ... that means that once my youngest begins schooling, I will be teaching from 4 guides. Hopefully by then, my oldest two will be working a lot more independently and I'll be able to manage it all.

Back to you ... If I knew that my oldest was ready for the Preparing guide - (narration skills, dictation skills, ready to move toward independent work, etc.) then I would put him in Preparing, and keep the younger one in Bigger. I would go so far as to say that you might want to move the 6 year old through Bigger at half pace. Spend 2 years on that manual instead of 1. 6 Years old seems young to be doing the Bigger guide. I have a 6 year old that could handle every bit of the material in Bigger (all of the History, and reading would totally be at his level ... but the writing would send him over the edge!)

It can be hard to do 2 guides at one time. This fall I will be doing 3 guides! I do enjoy the individual time that affords me with each of my children and I love that the particular guide meets each of my children right where they are and I don't have to spend anytime modifying it. From my perspective, trying to modify the guide is more overwhelming to me than using more than 1 guide. We are certainly all wired differently, though. I really mean it when I say I admire those who have figured out how to combine!
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Re: Combine? Uncombine? Help me please!!!

Post by amysconfections » Fri Apr 01, 2011 2:14 pm

They will be 7 and 9 this fall. I could see moving the 7 yr old through Bigger in 1 1/2 years. That is only if I uncombine.
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Re: Combine? Uncombine? Help me please!!!

Post by frankesense » Fri Apr 01, 2011 2:28 pm

amysconfections wrote:First off I have 2 sons now 8y and 6y, both have summer birthdays coming up. We have been doing Beyond this year. Last year I had alot going on and decided for my sanity they had to combine. My older did Rod and staff English 2 and Singapore 3a/3b and cheerful cursive. So, this year I was all set to do Bigger with both of them and my older would have the extension pack. My younger places in Bigger and my older places in Preparing. Last year my older did about 17 weeks of Bigger and then we stopped and this year backed up just so they could combine. That is because I have a now 2year old and a 8month old. Now you know why I had to combine. I am concerned that my younger son will need to go through Bigger a little slower than my older.

So, my question? Would you skip Bigger and move the older into preparing and then my younger would take Bigger at his pace? Or, keep them combined for simplicity. I'm not sure it's even so simple to combine anymore. Many times my younger is not given a chance to grow and answer questions first.

Please help me! I'm so torn.

My younger two make life interesting and busy around here.
I think you could easily go with the initial plan to combine. Both boys would still be within the suggested age range for Bigger, even without extensions. If you think the older one needs more than is already scheduled, you can always add in the extension pack for him. I have 3 children combined now into Bigger - my own two children, ages 7 (she was 6 when we started) and soon to be 9, as well as my nephew. They are each at their own levels of math, R&S grammar, and spelling and dictation. When it comes to narration and answering questions and discussion I am sure to give each child an opportunity so that each one is given the chance to grow in all of these areas. If your youngest is doing fine with Beyond, as written, he may adjust just fine going into Bigger. Especially with younger ones to care for - this would be a way to streamline your school time.
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Re: Combine? Uncombine? Help me please!!!

Post by mskogen » Fri Apr 01, 2011 4:28 pm

Based on what you are saying I would put your older in Preparing and the younger in Bigger (at a little slower pace). I am speaking from experience. I thought I needed to combine my two oldest, they are only 18 months apart. However I found the same thing you are experiencing. My oldest could handle more than my second. I felt like I was holding my oldest back and dragging my second along. Also the second was more than happy to let the older answer all questions. Since I have spilt them up my older is growing at his pace. He loves to be independent so this allows for his style. My second born has benefited the most I feel. I have seen great gains in his academics. He is more relaxed about school (not as many tears during the day/week) My husband commented how much smoother school seems. (he works at home) I am also enjoying the conversations I am having with both of my boys during school, the depth of the conversation has increased. :D
If you feel they would be better split up then I say place them where they fit best. Proper placement is key. As you can see from my signature I am running three programs. I get more done now then I did when my boys where combined. I am getting ready to add LHTH for my 4 year old and I am not even worried. I know as long as I schedule my day we will have success.
I know this was sort of rambling but I hope it helps! I pray the Lord will give you peace about placement for your dc!

Wife to dh since 2000
ds 15 years old, World History
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Re: Combine? Uncombine? Help me please!!!

Post by amysconfections » Fri Apr 01, 2011 4:44 pm

After reading another thread where Carrie doesn't recommend doing Bigger and Preparing at the same time I was wondering but mskogen I think you are right. My gut instinct tells me they need to separate. We have run into problems with combining. Also I lose that chance to have them take playtime turns with the toddler so we can do reading . Naptime is not nearly long enough around here. :lol: Only if I do Bigger at a slow pace would this work. My younger one would need it a little slower and I don't want them doing back to back guides from here on out. I really need to think on this more, because I am still not sure if he jumps past Bigger if that will be too much of a jump.
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Re: Combine? Uncombine? Help me please!!!

Post by 8arrows » Fri Apr 01, 2011 9:25 pm

I just wanted to let you know that I will have three sharing the materials in RTR. It is not a big deal to share the material in the older cores. I just lay them out on the counter with a sticky note and they just watch for when the next one is available. My high schoolers have always shared their books. Now my middle ones are. I like combining. Sometimes I am tempted to separate just because the next core looks so good, but I know I do not enjoy juggling multiple cores if the children are within the age ranges. You might want to keep them together until it becomes an issue (that MAY never happen, but if it does you already have plan B).
Melissa, wife to Jim for 28 years
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Re: Combine? Uncombine? Help me please!!!

Post by blessedmomof4 » Sat Apr 02, 2011 9:49 am

I am using CTC with my two girls soon-they will be sharing books-I have a good schedule worked out-if you would like to see it, I can email it to you if you pm me your email address :D just so you can see how it is quite workable to share books in the more independent guides in the future, so you don't need to worry about "needing" to split up your kids. I like the previous poster's idea for sharing too, but I need a schedule to keep ME on track :lol: Because you also have the two little ones keeping you busy, I feel that going on as you are and combining the older kids in Bigger will work fine. You said they will be 7 and 9 by the beginning of the coming school year, and the target range for Bigger is ages 7 to 9. It is quite a step up from Beyond, and is a foundational year. You will still be reading aloud to them for History, Science, and Storytime, so there is no sharing issue there. If they are both now completing Beyond, going into Bigger will be a smooth transition. If your oldest really needs more challenge, you can add the Extensions, for which a schedule and follow-up activities are found in Bigger's appendix. The reading level for the Extensions ranges from 4.5 to 6.7, and are intended to be read independently by the child, so he will have to be a very strong reader.
When they move into Preparing, only the Independent History Study and Science are read independently by the student, so again sharing will be quite easy. I wouldn't let the worry about sharing be the greatest determining factor for where you place your kids. I would take the whole picture into account :)
Lastly, it is hard to see the difference in the sample pages between Bigger and Preparing, but here are the things I can think of that Preparing requires as compared to Bigger:
History: Bigger-Oral Narration; Preparing-Oral and Written Narration
Science: Bigger-Notebooking and Lab Pages with minimal writing; Preparing-Notebooking and Lab Pages with more writing, plus written short answer questions once a week
Copywork: Bigger-Poetry and Bible memory; Preparing-Copywork is in History notebooking as well as Bible memory and Poetry-passages are longer
Spelling/Dictation: Bigger offers choice of Spelling List or Dictation; Preparing offers 3 levels of Dictation
Also: Preparing introduces Independent History Study, and the Science is also done independently.
I hope that helps, but of course the final decision is yours :D
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Re: Combine? Uncombine? Help me please!!!

Post by blessedmomof4 » Sat Apr 02, 2011 9:56 am

About the math-if your sons are doing fine in Singapore I wouldn't switch. I know I switched one daughter and my son to death, and it only resulted in gaps in their math learning, which I had to fill in later :( I think 4A/4B is ok with just the textbooks and workbooks, using the textbook pages for a teaching tool-your math time shouldn't exceed 30 minutes a day. Higher than 4B, the Home Instructor's guides are helpful.
Wife to Danforth
2 grads 9/19/92,7/8/95
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Re: Combine? Uncombine? Help me please!!!

Post by amysconfections » Sat Apr 02, 2011 10:10 am

blessedmomof4 wrote:I am using CTC with my two girls soon-they will be sharing books-I have a good schedule worked out-if you would like to see it, I can email it to you if you pm me your email address :D just so you can see how it is quite workable to share books in the more independent guides in the future, so you don't need to worry about "needing" to split up your kids. I like the previous poster's idea for sharing too, but I need a schedule to keep ME on track :lol: Because you also have the two little ones keeping you busy, I feel that going on as you are and combining the older kids in Bigger will work fine. You said they will be 7 and 9 by the beginning of the coming school year, and the target range for Bigger is ages 7 to 9. It is quite a step up from Beyond, and is a foundational year. You will still be reading aloud to them for History, Science, and Storytime, so there is no sharing issue there. If they are both now completing Beyond, going into Bigger will be a smooth transition. If your oldest really needs more challenge, you can add the Extensions, for which a schedule and follow-up activities are found in Bigger's appendix. The reading level for the Extensions ranges from 4.5 to 6.7, and are intended to be read independently by the child, so he will have to be a very strong reader.
When they move into Preparing, only the Independent History Study and Science are read independently by the student, so again sharing will be quite easy. I wouldn't let the worry about sharing be the greatest determining factor for where you place your kids. I would take the whole picture into account :)
Lastly, it is hard to see the difference in the sample pages between Bigger and Preparing, but here are the things I can think of that Preparing requires as compared to Bigger:
History: Bigger-Oral Narration; Preparing-Oral and Written Narration
Science: Bigger-Notebooking and Lab Pages with minimal writing; Preparing-Notebooking and Lab Pages with more writing, plus written short answer questions once a week
Copywork: Bigger-Poetry and Bible memory; Preparing-Copywork is in History notebooking as well as Bible memory and Poetry-passages are longer
Spelling/Dictation: Bigger offers choice of Spelling List or Dictation; Preparing offers 3 levels of Dictation
Also: Preparing introduces Independent History Study, and the Science is also done independently.
I hope that helps, but of course the final decision is yours :D
Thanks this is a big help. I'll send my email soon.
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Re: Combine? Uncombine? Help me please!!!

Post by amysconfections » Sat Apr 02, 2011 10:15 am

Thanks everyone. I have continued to pray about this and read the replys. You ladies have helped so much. Now, I am no longer concerned. One of the bonuses of HOD is that you can combine when your kids are only 2 years apart. It is supposed to make life easier. In a perfect world, without lots of other demands I would have them in their own programs. But, reality is that I have two small children that also need lots of attention. I realize that God lead me to combine last year and it lifted a huge burden off of me. This year has went smoothly, even with a very fussy new baby and active toddler in the mix. I will keep them combined and just keep going as I am doing. We will do Bigger and my older son will do the extension pack because he devours books!

I'm still not sure of the math. It would be the only time I would switch. Our homeschool convention is next weekend and TT will be there so I will take a good look at it and compare it to Singapore 4a/b

Thanks alot ladies!
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