How long for Bigger math each day? Singapore 2A/2B

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How long for Bigger math each day? Singapore 2A/2B

Post by abrightmom » Sun Feb 20, 2011 9:53 pm

How long, including teaching time/hands on/lesson presentation, is the scheduled math in Bigger taking each day? I am looking to figure out an average time spent on math daily & weekly if I were to use Bigger's math plans. :D

I did try to search for an answer and I'll keep at it but I think my wording/phrasing is too common for the search feature.
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Re: How long for Bigger math each day? Singapore 2A/2B

Post by seekhimfirst » Sun Feb 20, 2011 10:19 pm

Sorry, I can't figure out how to link it but I copied and pasted below a quote by Carrie. You can search for it by typing in "bigger time per box". I've found these times, including math, to be pretty close to what it works out to be for us. :D

Bigger takes 2 and 1/2 to 3 hours to do including math, DITHR, dictation, everything! Adding part of the right side of Beyond will add a bit of time, but it shouldn't add much more than 45 min. total.

Here are the time allotments that it took us when we did Bigger:
Cursive = 5-7 minutes

Drawn into the Heart of Reading 20-30 min. total (including reading time - we only read one chapter a session)

Math = 20 minutes

Reading About History Box (8-10 min.), Bible Study Box (5- 10 min.), and Bottom left corner box of "Learning Through History" (15 min.) done in one sitting totaling 35 min. (Note: Art days take a little longer.)

Dictation (5 min.), Poetry (5-10 min.), Rod and Staff English (10-15 min.), and Storytime (15 min.- We read aloud only one chapter a day. Some moms do more!) done in one sitting totaling 35 min.

Hymns at lunch (5-10 min.)

Science (after lunch - 15-35 min.- depending on whether there's an experiment or a notebooking entry or just oral narration)

I need to be up front in saying that I am a no-nonsense, check-it-off type teacher and don't stray far from the planned lessons, so these times can vary widely depending on whether or not you enjoy going off on bunny trails with your lessons.
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Col 3:23-24

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Re: How long for Bigger math each day? Singapore 2A/2B

Post by abrightmom » Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:13 pm

Bumping this up in hopes of hearing from some others using Bigger with Singapore 2. :mrgreen: I see that Carrie estimated 20 minutes for math with Bigger. Is that teaching time and then the student completes the workbook separately? Or is that total time for teaching and book work?? :D That does not seem like long at ALL!!
Katrina 8) Wife to Ben, husband extraordinaire! God is so good!
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Re: How long for Bigger math each day? Singapore 2A/2B

Post by MomtoJGJE » Tue Feb 22, 2011 6:49 am

We are in Bigger with 2A/B... We are only 7 weeks in or so, so I'm not sure how much it might change as the math gets harder. Teaching time is about 5 minutes? Just doing the hands on stuff and assigning the page. Then some days it might take dd 5 minutes to do it, and some it might take her 10. It takes her longer when she continues to use the hands on stuff to do the page just because of having to arrange cards or counters or whatever. We've never taken more than 15 minutes to do math.

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