Question about The Reading Lesson

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Question about The Reading Lesson

Post by Momto1 » Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:15 am

Hello again! I haven't posted in quite a while but, I read the board a lot. I have used LHTH with my DS and he will be starting kindergarten in the fall and we may be using LHFHG then. However, he has shown an interest in reading and has ask me to teach him so I purchased The Reading Lesson for him to start now. We completed the first few pages without any problems and he loves the CD. Then I started to notice in the last few days that he doesn't want to do the pages in the book but, only wants to do the lessons and games on the CD. Should put the book away and just let him practice with the CD and then bring the book back out later? Or try to insist that he do at least one page in the book before he gets to use the CD? He is still very young at only 4yrs. and 8 mos. so I know that he may not be mature enough yet to really grasp the concepts. Do you think just using the CD is a bad idea ?

DH - married 19 years to my best friend


Re: Question about The Reading Lesson

Post by Mom4Him » Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:45 pm

Hi Karen!! We loved using The Reading Lesson here... our girls particularly enjoyed the CD, but they did love the stories as well! :D One thing that worked well for us- was to use the CD as a bit of a reward... If they finished a page or two in the book, they would usually get to do the CD. Another thing we did was to have them sign their name at the bottom of the page when they first read it, & then we would "master" the page the next day (going over the same page) they would get to put a sticker next to their name... this helped motivate them a bit (we would then read 1 or 2 new pages). Also, at first, I think it helped to model reading the page for them first & then they would do it. I can't remember, but I think the introduction suggests doing something like that at least for the first units (I have to pull ours back out as our 4-year-old is ready to start as well, & I need to read through the helpful hints in the introduction once again. :wink: ), but that helped a lot! I do think the CD could be somewhat beneficial without the book, but it would be MUCH MORE beneficial to use it along with the book. :wink: But if he's not quite ready- it's fine to wait a little bit longer.
Hope this helps a little!
Have a great day!

Posts: 13
Joined: Wed Sep 24, 2008 11:56 am
Location: North Carolina

Re: Question about The Reading Lesson

Post by Momto1 » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:58 am

Thanks Jessica! I will try to use the CD more as a reward and see how that goes. I will review the suggestions at the front of the book again too.

Thanks again,
DH - married 19 years to my best friend

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