High School Credit on Extention Pkgs - Rev to Rev & Up?

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High School Credit on Extention Pkgs - Rev to Rev & Up?

Post by Joselle173 » Wed Jan 19, 2011 5:20 pm

Will the extension package (or any portion of the curriculum) from Revival to Revolution and the two following guides (Modern Times and Geography) count for high school credit?
Cheryl & Kids

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Re: High School Credit on Extention Pkgs - Rev to Rev & Up?

Post by doubleportion » Thu Jan 20, 2011 2:49 pm

I have no answer for you, but bumping this up in the hopes that Carrie or Julie might see it.

dd 13 -Rev2Rev (enjoyed PHFHG, CTC, RTR)
ds 8 -Beyond
ds 6 LHFHG & ds 2 & ds 6 months
4 waiting for us with Jesus

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Re: High School Credit on Extention Pkgs - Rev to Rev & Up?

Post by Carrie » Thu Jan 20, 2011 6:26 pm


Once you get to the Geography guide, it will all count toward high school credit, however if you are using our guides prior to high school and desiring to use the guides from CTC on up for credit then there are ways of doing that too. :D

Here's a link to ways to use CTC for credit: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=5400

Here's a link to ways to use RTR for credit: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=7240

Here's a link to a current thread from water2wine whose using RTR for her child in 9th grade right now: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=8143

Eventually, we'll add a post on ways to make RevtoRev creditworthy too. :D I will share that for Rev to Rev the history portion will be credit worthy when used with the Extension Pack; the Science will be credit worthy if you choose the Advanced Version and do the Inventor's Study (and desire a physical science credit with lab); the combination of the Worldview Study and the Hebrews Study (along with an additional 20-30 min. daily of Bible reading and follow-up with something such as Balancing the Sword would make the Bible Study credit worthy in Bible); and the creative writing combined with dictation, grammar such as Rod and Staff English 6 or more preferably half of Rod and Staff English 7 (needed as Rod and Staff also includes writing instruction along with grammar instruction), and DITHR (using higher level literature selections appropriate for high school) would be credit worthy for English. The composer study could fairly easily be expanded to give you a semester fine arts credit if desired by adding additional reading material like the Spiritual Lives of the Great Composers and The Gift of Music, along with some additional in-depth listening to some composers of your choosing likely through the inexpensive Vox CD's, and possibly a short paper or two on a composer(s). :D

Here's a link to some possible ideas of books that would be high school level to use with DITHR. Link: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=7765


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Re: High School Credit on Extention Pkgs - Rev to Rev & Up?

Post by Joselle173 » Thu Jan 20, 2011 8:30 pm

Thank you for your response. I'm "future planning", and it suddenly struck me that the last three guides my ds will be in high school and will he still be able to continue with the program. I'm going to save this information!! :D
Cheryl & Kids

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Re: High School Credit on Extention Pkgs - Rev to Rev & Up?

Post by Tiffini » Fri Jan 21, 2011 8:49 pm

Oh, wow, am I thrilled to read your post on this, Carrie! It makes using Rev to Rev for high school seem like a piece of cake! What an answer to my prayers. I have spent so much time searching for high school options recently and nothing was satisfying me compared to HOD. I was just so afraid of beefing it up appropriately and making sure that my dd gets the right high school education. This is truly new ground for me to be thinking of the high school years and I feel so underqualified. I just need you to hold my hand! :wink: Thank you for laying this out and making it so easy to see how to use this guide for high school credit. I'm so excited to be able to stick with HOD for high school.

Your hard work has made school such a joy for us and so very easy for me to teach and use. And I have learned so much this year with CtC! CtC has brought us through the most challenging year of school we've had to date with the addition of two new sons from Ethiopia. It has brought stability and sanity to my days. I can't thank you enough! I'm looking forward to thanking you in person at the Cincy convention!
DD (21 ) Graduated! Used HOD from 5th Grade through 12th Grade!
B/G Twins (18) Graduated! Used HOD from 3rd through 12th Grade!
DS (12) and DS (10)- Preparing Hearts
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