Igniting Your Writing and IEW

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Igniting Your Writing and IEW

Post by Callia » Tue Mar 18, 2008 3:34 pm

I am considering using Igniting Your Writing for my 6th grader.

We currently use the IEW program and have found it to be an excellent program! My children have grown so much in their writing. However, I would like to expose my children, particularly my 12yo at this point, to other writing styles. IEW definitely has its place and my vote for a great writing program. But I want a little more room for personal style. I want a balance to the strengths in IEW.

Does anyone have experience with Igniting Your Writing? IEW? Would Igniting be a good compliment to the IEW skills my 12yo has learned?

Thank you! March is "look into next year" month for me. Can you tell? :)


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Post by Tiffini » Tue Mar 18, 2008 8:04 pm

Hi, Callia! I am very new to HOD - not actually using it yet, but hope to next year. I just wanted to give my two cents on your question. I am not using IEW, but I am using a program that is very similar to IEW. We are enjoying the writing skills that it is teaching us - my 4th and 2nd graders. However, it is very technical minded and not a whole lot of fun usually. I also have Igniting Your Writing. My 4th grader really loves that program. I pulled it out again today for a break from the IEW style writing and she said, "Oh yeah, that was FUN!" It definitely inspires more creative type writing and is very low-stress. It can be done fairly independently as well - which I like. :D

So, I would definitely recommend the program. It is inexpensive and will last you for a long time. HTH.
DD (21 ) Graduated! Used HOD from 5th Grade through 12th Grade!
B/G Twins (18) Graduated! Used HOD from 3rd through 12th Grade!
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