Hi Lisa! We had the stomach flu here, so I missed out on a lot of this discussion! I just wanted to say that I wholeheartedly think you made the right decision here. We are doing Bigger Hearts... now, and we're just loving it! I have 3 very wiggly boys, so I understand what you are saying. You will find that Carrie has written many "wiggly" activities in the plans (she has 4 boys herself)! Give yourself some time though - and your ds too. Just be careful about being too hard on yourself - it is a WONDERFUL curriculum, but you will probably still have a bit of an adjustment period. I don't think I'd pull out the borrowed school book - they may bring back negative feelings. Just starting with Bigger... will be a fresh start for your son, and I think that would be great!
Also, plan to have extra time in the day. Bigger... takes about 3 to 3 1/2 hours to do - it is very complete, but so well planned out that there are no time wasters there. I think it would be great to use the extra time for things you already know your son enjoys - preferably wiggly things! We finished at 1:30 PM today, and the boys are all outside playing football, riding their 3 wheelers, and just enjoying the sunshine! When they come in, we'll have hot cocoa together, play some games of UNO, and then have some great indoor playtime too. All of this is a benefit of homeschooling with HOD - so just enjoy the extra time rather than begin filling it up with other "schoolish" things. I used to fill extra time with school-type things when we first began homeschooling, and it was a real mistake for us, which is the only reason I wanted to point out that possible pitfall.
I am confident you can combine your children successfully in several HOD programs and thoroughly enjoy homeschooling them all next year. But - for now, bask in the "sunny" time you'll have with your son now, and keep on posting here - we like having you here!
In Christ,
P.S. Very few males enjoy careers where they have to sit in a desk next to 20 other people in close proximity (like public school) - your son is completely normal, in my opinion. Once boys/men have the choice what they can do with their time, few choose careers with that type of setting. One of my sons falls off the couch at least 10 times a day when we're doing school, and he has yet to sit on his bottom without being told - he's always crouched up on his haunches, ready to take off! He's thriving with reading, math, etc. - probably mainly due to the fact that he can "move" all day while he learns! Your son will probably be a "mover and a shaker" like that during homeschool too - maybe he'll be like one of my sons and do his very best thinking while he's moving though!
Excited to hear about your first week!