Beyond and spelling list question

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Beyond and spelling list question

Post by mae357 » Thu Aug 12, 2010 12:31 pm

We're on day 4 of unit 1 and using spelling list 1. My dd missed ab out 4 words today as we practiced spelling. It looks like in day 5 we don't use the list and then starting with Unit 2 we start a new list so my question is should I continue the list from unit 1 until she gets all 10 right or just continue to move on with the suggested lists for the right unit?

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Re: Beyond and spelling list question

Post by frankesense » Mon Aug 16, 2010 1:59 pm

I would think that if she missed 4 words on the last day of spelling in that unit - I would use those same words the following unit. That's what I think I would do. But maybe some others will respond too. HTH!
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Re: Beyond and spelling list question

Post by my3sons » Sat Aug 21, 2010 10:05 am

I just wanted to take a minute to explain the thinking behind the way HOD has planned spelling, as it is a stepping stone for dictation. :D I know we probably all grew up doing spelling lists, by studying them and taking a test, but the way the plans are written in the HOD guide is totally different. It applies the idea of the mind being like a camera taking a "picture" of the word each time it sees it.

Here's a rundown of the week's plans of spelling (I'm sharing this with the intent to explain the "why" behind these steps because I know you already do the steps :D ):
Day 1 always has the child look at one word written in black on an index card. Study it, and when child says he is ready, take the card away and child writes just that one word on his marker board. If he misses it, right away, erase it and show him the card again (to erase that incorrect "picture" in his mind immediately), and when he says he is ready, take the card away until he writes it correctly. Then, Day 2's spelling has you just saying the word, using it in a sentence. The child tries to write the word from memory, but if he misses it, erase it immediately to erase the incorrect "picture" and show him the index card, allowing him to study it as he did on Day 1 and then write it. On Day 3, you only pick 3 words the child needs to practice the most. One word at a time, the child should use the word in a sentence orally, as you write the sentence on markerboard for him. Then, the child looks at the markerboard to copy the sentence on paper. You help the child correct any mistakes then. Finally, on Day 4, you say the word, use it in a sentence, and child tries to write it correctly. This time, if it is missed, erase it, and show the child the index card again. Have him fix it on his paper, and while looking at the index card, do the activity to review missed words (it rotates each week).

So, with this method, even if your dd is missing words, she should immediately be erasing them, and correcting them then and there on the spot having studied the card model again before she does so. :D This process is part of the learning as well, and once dc get it down, the skills begin to be strengthened. This method of spelling provides an important foundation for dictation the following year. You can see that using the word in a sentence, copywork of sentences, studying a word and having it taken away then, fixing errors, etc. all prepare dc to do dictation the following year.

According to the placement chart for Beyond, this is what it says in regard to writing:
Knows how to form uppercase/lowercase letters; able to copy sentences; can study and copy spelling words

Would you say this describes your dd's skills in writing? If so, I'd move on to the next list and continue to teach all of the lessons using the methods in the LA box of plans in Beyond. If the above skills are beyond dd at this time, I'd wait half a year to start spelling instruction, and then try it again at that point. Repeating lists shouldn't be necessary with this method, but if a child is doing the plans and continuing to miss words even after looking at the index card as a model for a second time, the child probably needs to wait to start it. My ds had speech therapy for several years as a young child having been quite premature, and yet has managed to thrive with HOD's spelling/dictation plans using CM style methods. I just want to encourage you that this method does work! You will know if your dd is ready for it now or not. HTH as you consider what to do! :D

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
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Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
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