Could you use Bigger like this?

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Could you use Bigger like this?

Post by 1shortmomof4 » Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:22 am

I borrowed a copy of the Bigger manual from a friend to look at the total scope and sadly, we've covered most of the topics last year in a different program, so my plans for Bigger this year are squashed. I could do Preparing but he is not ready skill-wise for what is involved in Preparing - his writing skills are not strong enough just yet as he struggles with signs of dysgraphia and he still struggles with his reading skills. I was hoping to get a good year of skill development with Bigger as I really like the Bible portion, the LA stuff, poetry and read-aloud assignments. We use AAS spelling so that is something I need to stick with for him as it has helped a lot in his reading skills. So my question is, could I use the poetry, bible, R&S (I was going to use Book 3) and read-aloud skills and not do the rest? I might even consider adding in the science just for some extra writing practice. My goal is getting him on target for Preparing next year (wish we could have done this year). The only drawbacks I see in doing this is the read-alouds are geared more towards American history and we'll be working on some middle ages stuff but not a big deal; at least I don't think so.

Any thoughts? Feedback? Ideas? I know I could do Preparing half-speed this year but that option holds me back because of his writing abilities.

Heidi - LEO wife for over 21 years
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Re: Could you use Bigger like this?

Post by inHistiming » Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:37 am

The guides are written so that you can easily substitute where necessary and in the subjects that work for you. Even if you're not using the entire program as is, your son will still benefit from the copy work, science, language arts, etc. I say go for it, and substitute books as needed. It will help prepare him for Preparing....;)

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Re: Could you use Bigger like this?

Post by gotpeace91 » Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:44 am

Have you used the history books from Beyond? Maybe if your friend has the Beyond TM she could let you look over it and get an idea for scheduling and then you could use the ideas from Bigger with regard to narrations and history projects. I have only done Preparing though so not sure how Beyond and Bigger works. Just kicking around ideas...
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Re: Could you use Bigger like this?

Post by blessedmomof4 » Thu Jul 29, 2010 11:11 am

Have you used the same books as in Bigger for history? If not, you may have covered the same topics, but the way it's done in Bigger would be a fresh treatment, using a biographical approach. The history lessons also help develop skills for Preparing, such as oral narration in preparation for written narration, notebooking, creating a timeline, and listening to progressively more complex read-alouds for history in addition to the storytime section. For placement, the most important considerations begin on the first page of the placement chart, , then the rest in descending order. If your child fits best in Bigger, that would be the best placement. Eventually you will of course get to other periods in history, beginning with an "overview" of world history in Preparing. Hope that helps :)
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Re: Could you use Bigger like this?

Post by 1shortmomof4 » Thu Jul 29, 2010 4:19 pm

His writing ability places him within the Bigger range - I can't really tweak, stretch or mold him into Preparing. If I do, I fear we'll lose the ground we made this year. I have Beyond on my shelf as we did it 2 years ago and I so wanted to use it with my 2nd grader this year. I think he'd love it but struggling with my 5th grader. It really is hard to know what to do when you have kids that all over the place skill-wise. There are families that kids are close in age or close in skills, but not mine. We stretch from 2nd to 11th grade! My youngest can probably outspell my 5th grader so I'm careful to keep them separate - peer pressure at church is enough without having your younger brother adding to it. I'm just not sure what I'm going to do. Since my dd is using RTR for her 9th grade year I thought it might work best if I kept us in the same time frame at least so have considered using SOTW 2 and for history - the price is right since I've got it on my shelf, but I just still feel so unsettled about the whole decision. I have found myself rethinking the Beyond/Bigger all over again....agggghhhhhhhh!!!!

Heidi - LEO wife for over 21 years
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Re: Could you use Bigger like this?

Post by acts29stl » Fri Jul 30, 2010 8:22 pm

I think spending another year on American history wouldn't be bad at all. Like a previous poster said, it's a biographical approach to American History and gives fresh perspectives. Your son would have plenty of time to "catch up" in his trouble areas to get ready for Preparing and still have time to go through the whole history cycle. It might be nice for him as well not having to concentrate on a new history time period while really fine tuning his spelling, reading and writing. Bigger is a great program for allowing a child to "grow" into a heavier work load. You can do as much of it orally as you need and slowly keep adding in more and more writing. You might give the dictation some thought as far as his spelling troubles go as well.

Keep praying about it until you have peace. God will lead you in the way that is best for your ds, family and you!! Grace and PEACE to you!!! :D
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Re: Could you use Bigger like this?

Post by mrsrandolph » Sat Jul 31, 2010 12:22 pm

I agree with those who have said that even though you my have covered these topics, covering them with different SOURCES could actually be solidify knowledge...

I would stick with manual as is :D
Shannon Randolph LOVING HOD & Running 4 Guides & DITHOR
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